The two struck quickly under the rainy night.

Although the ground is full of standing water.

But they stepped on it without the slightest ripple.

"With my current means, stepping on standing water is not enough.

"If I'm not mistaken, the two of them should be the powerhouses of the ninth layer of the Yin Realm, close to the Soul Gathering Realm.

Chen Nan's expression was solemn.


His eyes were full of heat and fighting intent.

Although he only had the cultivation of the fifth layer of the Yin Realm.

But his physical body was far stronger than ordinary cultivators.

And the most important point.

He currently masters the laws of space.

Although the laws of space can only cover the surrounding five hundred meters.

But it was more than enough to deal with the two powerhouses at the peak of the Yin Realm.

Of course.

It's not that the laws of space are frustrating.

It mainly depends on who exposes the laws of space.

Chen Nan's attainment in the use of laws is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

After all, he was the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

The application of rules has reached the pinnacle.

"Just use these two to test my current strength!" Chen Nan got up and opened the door and appeared in the courtyard.

Dense rain fell from the sky, but there was an invisible layer of energy on his body, blocking the rain.

He looked into the darkness, behind one hand, his tone was indifferent, showing a high attitude: "Since you are here, then show up!"

Two figures wearing robes and cloaks appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

They each held a long sword in their hands.

With a murderous look on one's face.

The comers are not good.

A middle-aged man with half of his face covered with a cyan birthmark grinned: "I didn't expect that you could sense our existence with a little

catcher!" Chen Nan: "You should have strayed into this place, right?" Another

middle-aged man asked: "What do you mean?"

Chen Nan: "This is the county Ya heavy land, I am the county Ya Catch Fast, you killed a catcher fast in the county Ya Heavy Land, this is a felony, a felony of the Nine Tribes!"

If you two enter this place by mistake, I can let you go."

"If not, you will regret coming here."

The middle-aged man with a birthmark on his face sneered: "No, no, no, we didn't enter this place by mistake, we came specifically to kill you." Yes, there are people in the rivers and lakes who spend 100,000 taels of silver to reward your Chen Yukuai's head, and we are here for those 100,000 taels of silver.

Chen Nan was furious: "Who has such a deep hatred with me, and actually offered a reward of 100,000 taels of silver?

Another middle-aged man frowned: "Do you have any serious illness, if others have no enmity with you, how can they spend 100,000 taels of silver to reward your life?" The middle-aged man with

a birthmark on his face shouted angrily: "Second brother, Hugh wants to talk to him so much, and cut off his head."

"Presumptuous!" With

a roar, Wu Jiu took a few brothers with long knives on their waists and rushed over murderously: "You have no king's law, you dare to commit murder in the county?"

Wu Jiu's face was expressionless: "Even if we are not your opponents, we will definitely not let you commit murder in the county." With a snort, he pulled out the long knife at his waist.

"Team Wu, you guys stand down first. Chen Nan said, "They are right, you are not their opponent.

"As for them, leave it to me."

"Oh, borrow your knife and use it. "

His saber is in the room.

Wu Jiu hesitated and threw the long knife to Chen Nan.

Although when Chen Nan had just become a catcher, he thought that the other party was a wealthy young master without the power of a chicken.

But it turns out.

This guy is tough.


The strength is tough.

Chen Nan held a long knife and looked at the two middle-aged men: "Which of you two goes first

?" "

Forget it

!" "Let's go together

!" "Shamelessly!" The birthmark man snorted coldly: "Just because you are an ant from the fifth layer of the Yin Realm, you even vainly said that let our brothers go together?"

He was like a phantom, rising into the sky.

The long sword in his hand erupted with powerful sword qi.

The move that slashed Huashan slashed at the top of Chen Nan's head.

It's time for a minute.

Chen Nan raised his knife to resist.

The moment the swords collided.

A crisp crash suddenly sounded.

The terrifying energy quickly spread around.

It blocked the rain from falling in a short time.


the middle-aged man was taken aback.

Ben thought that he could hit Chen Nan hard with one blow.

But he never expected that he would resist his attack.

Not even moving.

"That's it?" a

disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth, and then the Yin Qi in his body was instilled on the long knife, and the moment the knife qi ran rampant, forcing the middle-aged man to withdraw for several meters.

"Boss, this force is weird and very strong. The middle-aged man's eyes were jealous, and Chen Nan did not use Yin Qi when he took his move, which shows that his physical strength is terrifying.

The birthmark man looked disdainful: "How strong can an ant in the fifth layer of the Yin Realm be

?" "Your mother, if you can't beat it, you can scold people, right?"

Chen Nan shouted angrily, holding a long knife and slashing at the other party.

His physical body is indeed very strong.

But in terms of speed, it is inferior to the other party.

So much so that no matter how you attack, you can't hurt the other party in the slightest.

The birthmark man laughed loudly: "Hahaha, an ant is an ant, even if your strength is good, but the speed is too slow!" "The

world's martial arts are only fast and unbroken, and we have an absolute advantage in speed."

"That alone can kill you!"

He held a long sword and instantly appeared behind Chen Nan.

The sharp long sword quietly stabbed towards his back!

"Be careful!" The

faces of Wu Jiu and the others changed instantly.

It's at this moment.

Chen Nan disappeared out of thin air under everyone's stunned eyes.


the scalps of the two powerhouses of the ninth layer of the Yin Realm felt numb.

Teleportation is a unique means for the powerhouses of the Earth Ghost Realm.

They never expected that a small Yin Harvesting Realm cultivator would be able to master this kind of magical power.

"Now, am I faster than you?"

a feminine voice sounded.

Just when the birthmark man turned around.

A sword light came at him.

"Not good!" he

exclaimed, subconsciously raising his sword to block.


accompanied by a dull sound.

Chen Nan's long knife fell on top of his long sword.

The terrifying energy instantly spread from the sword body to his arm, causing the flesh and blood on his arm to explode directly.

"How so?" The

birthmark man immediately raised his left hand, turned his palm into a knife, and cut off his right arm neatly against his shoulder.

He also let out a heart-rending scream: "Second brother, you are right, this force is very strong, run!" The

two were afraid! The two were afraid!

They immediately jumped on the roof, and then fled into the distance.

Chen Nan showed a contemptuous smile: "Come if you want, leave if you want, is it a vegetable market when the county is a vegetable market?"

He used the laws of space!

and instantly disappeared in place...

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