"Why is this guy so fast?" Song Yunfei was dumbfounded, and a huge wave rose in his heart.

Wu Jiu's expression was solemn: "It is indeed fast!" Zhang

Lu: "I would like to call it the strongest fast man!" Wu

Jiu gave him a look of contempt: "This is obviously your title, why give it to Chen Nan?"

Zhang Lu looked embarrassed: "I think, three minutes, it should not be slow."

Song Yunfei smiled and asked, "Add two minutes of foreplay

?" Zhang Lu's scalp was numb: "Oh, how do you know everything?" ------ "

Boss, what the hell is that guy

?" "Why did he master the power of teleportation?"

The two Yin Harvesting Realm powerhouses rushed at a rapid speed and soon left the county.

came to the empty street.

The birthmark man's face was pale, and blood continued to gush out of his broken arm.

He just wanted to talk.

Suddenly discovered.

The world seems to have lost its voice.

On a rainy night when heavy rain poured, this kind of thing happened suddenly.

It made him suddenly feel like he was on his back.

He looked around in horror, and his tone trembled: "Second brother, you listen..." You listen... But the sound of rain dripping?"

the second man suddenly snorted.

A thick layer of goosebumps rises on the body.

He looked around.


Rainwater on the ground collects into rivers.


Heaven and earth were silent.

There seems to be a large umbrella in the sky, shielding from the rain.

Isolated from all.

"Big brother, what is the situation?" the second elder trembled, they had never seen such a strange and absurd picture.

"Chen Nan, it's Chen Nan, this must be his means!" The

birthmark man's face was full of horror.

Right now.

He felt a tingling pain in his chest.

With a pop, a

long sword pierced through his chest.

The birthmark man raised his head incredulously, his eyes were full of horror: "Second brother, what are you doing, why are you killing me?" The

second man's face was full of pain, and he held the hilt of the sword with both hands: "Big brother, I don't know what's going on, my hands are not controlled at all, as if a mysterious force has controlled my body!"


The birthmark man saw Chen Nan appear in front of him, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you, why do you have this means?"

Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers crisply.

The second man felt a sharp pain in his right arm.

Immediately, his pupils trembled, and he watched his arm leave his body: "Damn, what's going on?"

The picture in front of him subverted his three views.

Don't say you haven't seen such absurd and bizarre things.

Haven't even heard of it.

Because he didn't even understand what was happening, his arm detached from his shoulder.

But then.

Another thing happened that made his scalp tingle.

His arm was actually grafted on his eldest brother's shoulder.


The birthmark man was also confused.

He watched his second brother's arm appear on his shoulder, and he was able to move freely.

It shocked them deeply.

"Sure enough, there are still many uses for space rules, and here, I am an omnipotent god!" Chen

Nan was very satisfied with the power of space laws.

Then he snapped his fingers again.

The two powerhouses of the ninth layer of the Yin Realm instantly fell apart, as if they had been neatly cut open with a sharp weapon.


But there was no blood on them.

"Combined!" Chen

Nan's eyes lit up, controlling the bodies of the two to piece together.

Their abdomen is spliced together.

Four legs grew on their shoulders.

Heads swapped appeared on each other's necks.

"Chen Nan, please, kill us, okay?" The birthmark man was extremely desperate, the matter had come to this, he just wanted to die.

The second eldest passed out in fright.

Chen Nan: "Say, who sent you?" "

I don't know, we just received your bounty order, that's all!" The birthmark man wanted to cry without tears, he knew this earlier, not to mention that the other party offered 100,000 taels of silver.

Even if it was a hundred thousand taels of gold, they didn't dare to come to Chen Nan's trouble.

"In that case, then do as you wish!"

Chen Nan snapped his fingers.

The bodies of the two directly turned into meat mud and disappeared into heaven and earth with the washing of rain.

After killing two people.

Chen Nan obviously felt a sense of weakness.

After all, controlling the power of the law is a very soul-draining thing.

"Although I only have the strength of the fifth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm, with the laws of space, I am an absolutely invincible existence under the Yin Harvesting Realm. "

Even if you face a Soul Gathering Realm powerhouse, you won't lose too badly.

"It's even possible to swap one for one." "

Weak though.

But Chen Nan's mood is still very good.

The power of controlling the laws of space is a powerful hole card for him to stand in the underworld.

Chen Nan: "If you can get other law fragments..." That's really good!"


the next day.

Leng family.

A carriage came slowly in the rain curtain and finally stopped at the door of the Leng family.

The curtain is lifted.

A stunning beauty wearing a long white dress and delicate facial features bent out with an umbrella in her hand, her eyes were bright, and her hands and feet released an aura that did not eat the world's fireworks.

She looked at the plaque of the Leng family, and a shallow smile appeared on her beautiful face: "I have been away from home for so long, and I don't know if my father and sister are doing well!" "

Are you the second young miss?" A family member recognized Leng Yinyin, and his eyes showed an incredible gaze.

Leng Yinyin smiled and gracefully stepped off the carriage, even though the rain on the ground gathered into a river, but did not wet her embroidered shoes: "A Fei, long time no see!"

A family member named A Fei cried with joy: "Second Miss, you have finally returned! The Leng family is over.

Leng Yinyin's face turned pale: "What's wrong?" "

Sir..." The old man passed away some time ago!" Ah Fei burst into tears.

A powerful anger rose up into the sky.

Leng Yinyin's whole body released a violent energy.

Her eyes were scarlet, and she couldn't accept the news of her father's tragic death.

Immediately, she quickly rushed into the Leng family and came to her sister's courtyard.

I saw my sister who was sitting cross-kneeled and practicing.

With tears in her eyes, she asked painfully: "Sister, my father is in good health, how could he die?"

After all, she followed a master to the Hidden World Sect to cultivate.

The last time I came back was five years ago.

Of course.

If she hadn't taught herself a technique, she wouldn't have become a cultivator.

After returning to her senses, she sighed lightly and said helplessly: "Some time ago, a fox demon came to our family, and that fox demon transformed into an adult and married his father.

"And then... My father's soul was swallowed by the fox demon!" Leng

Yinyin's tears couldn't stop flowing.

The sadness is palpable.

Immediately, she stared at Leng Qingmei, and asked angrily in her eyes: "Sister, you obviously have the peak cultivation of the Yin Realm, why are the meridians imprisoned?"

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