Lu Qingqing looked distressed: "Yes, my sister is the White Spirit Snake."

"And it's the only white spirit snake in the world."

"Otherwise, why do you think we didn't give you the White Spirit Snake?"

"Don't look at my sister, I just cut off a piece of flesh on my arm."

"But this piece of meat will affect her cultivation for a hundred years."

Chen Nan never expected that Lu Bailing turned out to be the White Spirit Snake.

He put down his rod and took a step back.

Bowed deeply to Lu Bailing: "The senior's great grace and the younger generation are unforgettable, please accept the younger generation!" "

He couldn't get anything back.

You can only be grateful to the other person with this behavior.

Lu Bailing quietly looked at the choppy Nai River in front of him: "Since I can't meet a good person, I naturally don't want Young Master Chen to be separated from my beloved Yin and Yang."

"Young Master Chen, this piece of flesh and blood of mine can only last in water for two hours."

"You... As soon as possible!

Chen Nan nodded solemnly.

Spoke offended.

Then he hung Lu Bailing's piece of meat on the fish hook.

Lift your rod and throw it forward.


The wheel was spinning wildly.

The hook also flew out tens of meters and landed in the rushing river ahead.

Chen Nan held his breath and concentrated.

Quietly looked at the rod for a while.

This rod does not float.

But the rod is slightly softer.

You can tell if a fish bites a hook by the degree of bending of the rod slightly.

This is the stuffy rod fishing method on earth.

"There were still some fish in the river, but why are they all gone at this time?" Guo Yu couldn't help but ask.

Lu Qingqing explained: "My sister is a great demon of the fifth layer of the Body Capture Realm, and her flesh and blood contain terrifying demon qi, and ordinary fish will run away after feeling this breath.

"Only the Nai River fish that are more than a thousand years old dare to approach."

Speaking of this, she paused, and then looked at Chen Nan: "Young Master Chen, we know that you want to catch the Wannian Nai River fish.

"But you have to prepare for the worst."

"The fish are extremely rare."

"We don't necessarily get across."

She also didn't want her sister to give it for nothing.

But they know how rare the fish are in the Wannian Nai.

Chen Nan did not make a sound.

He also knew that the fish were very rare.

That's it.

The only thing he can do is to know his destiny!

Time passes slowly.

Almost half an hour later.

The rod moved suddenly.

Then the movements became more and more violent.

It is clear that there are big fish bites.

Seeing this, Chen Nan suddenly raised his pole.

In a flash.

The rod is curved, like a large curved bow.

A terrifying pull suddenly hit, making the fishing rod hum.

The runner is even more crazy to turn out of the line.

"It's a big fish!"

Chen Nan was extremely excited, and he struggled to control the fishing rod, trying not to let the fishing rod straighten as much as possible.

If that's the case.

It has to be broken, or the rod must be broken.


A specially made large bow about two meters high also appeared in Guo Yu's hand.

The bow has a dark sheen.

A black arrow bound to chains is gaining momentum.

Because they all know it.

The Nai River fish are powerful.

Although celestial silk is exceptionally tough.

However, it is not always possible to successfully catch Nai River fish.

Even if Chen Nan could be reinforced with the laws of space.

But it is also limited to the sky silk on the water.

Because his laws of space are useless after they are submerged.

Just when Chen Nan was struggling to control the fish.

More than 300 meters ahead, a black Nai River fish about 10 meters long jumped out of the water.

It is swinging wildly, trying to get rid of the hook in its mouth.

Guo Yu immediately pulled out the bow.

Chen Nan suddenly said, "Can't shoot!"

"According to legend, the Nai River fish has a lifespan of 10,000 years and will turn golden."

"This one is obviously less than 10,000 years."

He went to great lengths to come here just for a 10,000-year-old Nai River fish.

Even if the Nai River fish contains a strong yin qi.

It is a great supplement.

But he won't pocket either.

It's a lot of effort.

Chen Nan abruptly turned over the ten-meter-long Nai River fish.

Then pull it to the shore.

The so-called Nai River fish is similar to the Yangma carp.

He has two golden beards.

The difference is.

The carp in the sun has two nostrils.

But the Nai River fish has four nostrils.

The biggest difference is that the whole body is covered with black scales.

"This Nai fish should have lived for about five thousand years." Lu Qingqing sighed.

No fish were caught.

This indicates that my sister will also cut the meat as bait.

Although she would love to cut her own flesh.

But she is not a white spirit snake.

Even if you cut it, it is in vain.

After removing the fist-sized fish hook.

Chen Nan pushed the Nai River fish towards the Nai River and said softly: "Go back, go, your ancestor please come!" He

didn't know if it worked.

But when he was watching the video in the sun.

Some people say this when they catch small fish and release them.

Generally speaking, you will get a lot of fish.


The Nai fish wagged its tail violently, splashing a large swath of river water.

Instantly disappeared into the vast Nai River.


Lu Bailing's face was as pale as wax, and he cut off another piece of meat and handed it to Chen Nan.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Qingqing suddenly said, "Young Master Chen, can you change the fish hook to a smaller one?" Wouldn't my sister be able to cut less meat in this way?

"What do we say, your hook is so big, if you can't catch a big fish all the time, doesn't that mean that my sister has to cut meat as bait every time?"

"Look at her weak body, how many times can she cut it?"

She felt sorry for her sister.

Only then did he propose to let Chen Nan change to a smaller hook.

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "Qingqing girl, fish hook..." Can't be changed.

"Because the remaining ones are bigger than the one used today."

"It's okay, Young Master Chen continue fishing!" Lu Bailing sat cross-kneeled on the ground, his complexion extremely weak.

She had been cultivating for thousands of years before she had the cultivation she is today.

And before cutting two pieces of meat.

It has already caused her to lose more than a hundred years of cultivation.

Looking at the bloody flesh in his hand, Chen Nan couldn't bear it in his heart.

If you catch the 10,000-year-old Nai River fish, it is on the premise of sacrificing Lu Bailing.

Then this is destined to be a sinful thing.

This made him fall into deep thought.

Is it to save people?

Or killing?

If it is premised on sacrificing Lu Bailing.

Even if you catch the Nai River fish.

Refining the Biochemical Creation Pill.

Saved the coff.

He will never forgive himself either.

Because his original intention was to save people.

Take a deep breath.

Chen Nan hung Lu Bailing's meat on the fish hook.

The hook was then thrown at the Nai River, more than two hundred meters away.

His eyes calmly watched the fish hook gradually sink under the water, and said, "Girl Lu, thank you for your kindness, success or failure..." Right at this last shot!

"Even if you can't catch the Wannian Nai River fish, I can't put you in danger."

Lu Bailing opened his weak eyes: "But if you can't catch the Wannian Nai River fish, your beloved will leave you."

Chen Nan: "My luck shouldn't be that bad, right?" "

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