Chen Nan didn't know if his luck was good or not.

But he would definitely not put Lu Bailing's life in danger for Du Kite.

The life of the clump is extremely important to him.

Don't forget one thing.

Lu Bailing cultivated for a thousand years before he could transform into an adult.

"Mankind has always regarded itself as the head of all souls."

"Even if we demon cultivate for thousands of years, we have gone through thousands of difficulties and dangers to transform into adults."

"It has also been rejected and suppressed by humans."

"I didn't expect that Young Master Chen would value the life of a little woman so much."

"Even give up your beloved life." Lu Bailing murmured.

An inexplicable feeling rose in my heart.

In Chen Nan's heart, his life and death were more important than his beloved.

Doesn't rounding mean that he is also in love with himself?

Chen Nan looked at the rod quietly, and the whole person exuded an indifferent temperament: "In my eyes, all beings are equal. "

This moment.

Chen Nan seemed to have changed back to the Immortal Realm Master.

The pattern is wide open.

"Although the law of the world is the law of the jungle."

"But in my opinion, whatever you do has to be measured."

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents will eventually be punished."

The voice just fell.

The rod of the fishing rod is bent slightly sharply.

A terrifying force suddenly struck.

Almost let the fishing rod fly out of Chen Nan's hand.

"Here it comes!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

He could feel that the fish was big.

He unwinds the wire quickly.

Most of the impact force was removed with the toughness of the fishing rod.


Guo Yu also pulled out the bow.

The mental power was highly concentrated, staring at the rushing river ahead.

As long as the big fish are out of the water.

He'll shoot the first time.


The fishing rod creaks, giving the impression of being about to shatter.

Chen Nan blushed.

The power of the Nai River fish is too terrifying.

Even if he instilled the power of the laws of space into the fishing rod.

It is still difficult to counteract this terrible force.

"This fish has such great power, it is very likely to be the Almighty Nai River fish!" Lu Qingqing's face was full of excitement, and he held his breath on the side.

Lu Bailing's eyes also bloomed with dazzling light.

If this fish is a universal river fish.

Then everyone is really happy.

The atmosphere became tense and solemn at this moment.

Everyone held their breath.

Wait for the big fish to come out of the water.

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and fought with the big fish underwater.

Because the fishing line is only five hundred meters.

As a last resort.

He had to follow the fish downstream.


Without warning.

A fish more than ten meters long jumped out of the Nai River.

The time it stays in the air also gives a clear view of the shore.

Spit out words, and made a childlike voice: "Come and see, come and see, the ancestors are slipping away ~~~"

In an instant.

Countless fish surfaced on the surface of the river.

Looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of contempt.

As if to say that I didn't expect to be slipped away, right?


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Obviously I'm a fish.

How did it become that you guys are sneaking around?

Can you stop looking at me with contempt?

Do you know that you are rude like this?

"Big brother, this fish seems to be the one you let go before!" Guo Yu recognized the fish, which was the one that Chen Nan had released before.

Lu Qingqing said angrily: "This fish is too deceitful, and you shouldn't have let it go before you knew it."

Chen Nan was not angry, and grinned: "I didn't expect this fish to be so obedient and really called its ancestor."

"If nothing else, this should be the 10,000-year-old Nai River fish."

Seeing that the terrain near the river is rugged and there is a lot of silt, it is not convenient to stand.

Chen Nan exerted the laws of space.

Took off into the air.

So you can concentrate on fishing.


The fish that was released surfaced, looked at Chen Nan suspended in the air, and made an exaggerated cry: "Wow, the ancestor is flying a kite ~~~"

Chen Nan felt humiliated by tons.

Too much deception!

It's just a lie.

Obviously I'm a fish.

How did it become your ancestors flying kites?

Almost an hour passed.

I saw a burst of yellow light suddenly glow in the dark red river.

Immediately, a 20-meter-long Nai River fish burst out of the water.

The yellow scales stand out at night.

The Nai River fish are out of the water though.

But Chen Nan's face instantly turned pale as wax.

All the sense of anticipation.

All fantasies.

All turned into dreams with the appearance of this fish.

The perpetual Nai river fish is golden.

And the one in front of me obviously does not meet the criteria for medicine!

Guo Yu looked at Chen Nan nervously: "Big brother, although this fish is less than 10,000 years old, I feel that the difference will not be too much."

"It should work, right?"

Chen Nan's face was full of helplessness: "No!" "

The three medicinal materials needed to refine the Biochemical Creation Pill require a year of 10,000 years."

"Even 9,990 years are not up to standard."

As soon as the words came out.

A wave of despair rose in everyone's hearts.

Lu Bailing didn't think about it.

Pick up a short knife and cut the flesh as bait.

But Chen Nan refused: "Miss Lu don't want this, I don't want to catch Nai River fish, and let you lose your life!"

Lu Bailing: "But..."

"No, but." Chen Nan cast the spatial realm and removed the hook in the mouth of the Nai River fish.

The moment the fish in the river speak.

Chen Nan knew.

He was not destined to be able to obtain Nai River fish.

Because they possess spirituality.

It won't bite the hook at all.

Without warning.

The originally choppy river suddenly became calm.

Immediately afterwards, golden light flashed at the bottom of the river.

A flock of shrimp soldiers and crabs will fill the entire river.

It's dense.

The smallest shrimp are more than a meter long.

The shrimp shell is dark and looks like it is made of iron.

Some even reach ten meters.

Crabs are even bigger.

Comparable to a basketball court.

Suspended in the water like a moving landmass.

Although this is all river fresh that Chen Nan likes to eat.

But I felt a strong sense of oppression.

On a giant crab.

Standing was a fifteen or sixteen year old.

A young woman in a long fiery red dress.

The facial features are delicate, like porcelain dolls.

A pair of bright eyes full of spirit.

A pleasant voice came out of the woman's mouth: "Gongzi wants the 10,000-year-old Nai River fish?"

Chen Nan came back to his senses in shock, and quickly said: "Back to the senior, the younger generation needs a 10,000-year-old Nai River fish to save people, and beg the senior to become perfect." "

He didn't know where this woman came from.

But one thing is obvious.

The fact that this person can survive in the Nai River must be amazing.

Extraordinary strength.

The woman smiled slightly: "Yes, but I have one condition."

Chen Nan was overjoyed: "Senior, please say." "

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