Seeing this, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Du Huang's eyes.

Although she could feel her sister's excitement at this time.

But she is the Valley Master of Hundred Flowers Valley after all.

Moreover, in front of so many disciples and Chen Nan hugging in the air.

What kind of system is this?

How will you stand in front of all the disciples in the future?

Although the clump kite lost his mind.

But Chen Nan did not mess around.

Just point to point.

Kissed appropriately.

Then he landed on the ground with her.

At this time, Du Yuan also came back to her senses in excitement, and she arched her hand towards Yu Bo: "Thank you Lord Yu for your righteous action, if it weren't for you, our Hundred Flowers Valley would have been leveled by the Three Sects!"

Yu Bo said, "Lord Du Gu is too polite, although I helped Hundred Flowers Valley, I also helped us Tianluo Lou!" "

He knows that under the nest, there is a reason to finish the egg.

Once the Valley of Flowers is breached.

Tianluo Tower will definitely be annexed by the Three Sects.

That's why he came to the rescue.

Du Yuan said again, "Before, Lord Yu said that the disciples of Tianluo Lou went to the Three Sects? Is this true or false?

Yu Bo: "Naturally, I want to intimidate the three people and want to scare them off."

Du Yuan nodded slightly, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

If it's true, that's fine.

"Since Hundred Flowers Valley is safe and sound this time, then Yu Mou will leave first!" Yu Bo arched his hand towards Chen Nan, and then took off into the air and disappeared into the night.

Although he had previously intimidated the leaders of the three sects and sent disciples to attack the three sects.

But now the head of the three sects is dead.

What was previously bragged about can become a reality.

After Yu Bo left, Du Yuan kindly held Chen Nan's hand: "Chen Nan, let me introduce you, this is my Great Elder of Hundred Flowers Valley and my sister Du Huang!"

Chen Nan bowed and said, "I've seen the Great Elder!"

Du Huang smiled slightly: "Call the elder Tai Shengfen, you can also call me sister!" Chen

Nan felt that fate could really play.

When I came to Hades, I had so many sisters.

And all of them are beautiful women.

Is this Hades?

Heaven is just that, right?


But he still called his sister.

Du Yuan said again, "This is my Second Elder Red Lotus of the Hundred Flowers Valley.

Chen Nan said hello obediently: "Sister Honglian is good." "

Red Lotus hates men.

But seeing Chen Nan handsome, Ji Yu Xuanang.

Plus it's still so capable.

Still slightly bowed his head to recognize this younger brother.

"Let's go, into the valley!" Du Yuan was in a good mood.

Not just because I survived.

The most important thing is that Chen Nan came.

She had already figured out what she was going to do later...

Looking forward to it!

So nervous!

So scared!

It's also good to be ashamed o(*

////▽/////*) q "Big brother, wait for us ~~~"

Under the night.

Guo Yu galloped over with a white dog in his hands.

With a humiliated look on his face.

He can hold the truth and listen.

It is also possible to carry it on your back.

But he was rejected by the truth.

I heard that although they are all of the same sex, they should also avoid suspicion...

When Di heard this, Guo Yu knew.

He has been targeted by him.

If only he didn't have a messy idea.

How could you think of avoiding suspicion?

I'm so panicked!

What should I do if it comes hard?

What if he recovers his body when he comes hard, I can't die?


the disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley were poisoned.

However, there is a poison elixir in Xiangtianshe's storage magic weapon.

After taking it, the poison in all the disciples' bodies was relieved.


The Hundred Flowers Valley, which had been suppressed for a long time, became lively.


A large crowd gathers in the back kitchen to get busy.

A sumptuous dinner was prepared, as well as drinks.

Chen Nan also enjoyed an imperial treatment.

One by one, beauties toasted him.

Unabashedly concealed admiration and affection for him.

This is a world where the law of the jungle preys on the strong and the winner is honored.

Not to mention that Chen Nan still has such a handsome face.

"Come sister, I toast you!" Guo Yu in the corner felt that his sense of existence was very low, and found a girl to toast her.

The girl smiled and instantly straightened her face: "You don't deserve it!" "


Guo Yu looked confused.

He glanced at Chen Nan, who was like a moon of stars.

A bitterness rose in my heart.


This year.

Is it so unwelcome to be ugly?

And I'm not ugly!

It's just that he is a little inferior in front of the eldest brother!


three rounds of wine.

Du Yuan helped Chen Nan towards his room.

Chen Nan was not drunk.

But also drunk!

Because he didn't know how to deal with his relationship with Du Kite.

Love is definitely love.

It is also because of love.

He will desperately try to find a way to save the clump.


Love is a complicated thing.

He couldn't give Du Yuan the love he wanted.

After all, he is from the Yang world.

It won't be long before you're gone.

At that time, there will definitely be one more sad person in Hades...

He was helped back to the bedroom by the clump and put on the bed.

Du Yue's gentle voice sounded: "Little scoundrel, don't pretend."

"I know you're not drunk."

It's just embarrassing!

Chen Nan smiled bitterly and opened his eyes: "I thought you would take advantage of my drunkenness to do something wrong to me!"

Du Yu's face rose a crimson: "Since it is the first time between us, then both of us should greet it in the fullest state."

"I don't want any side to be unprepared." Speaking of this, there was a hint of loneliness in her voice.

Because at the moment when Chen Nan pretended to be drunk.

She had a very ominous feeling.

Listen to her say so.

Chen Nan sighed: "Yes, I don't deny that we are attracted to each other.


"We can also cut it off."

"It's still time to stop the loss in time."

After saying this, he was not surprised to see crystal tears appear in Du Yue's eyes.

He said, "I have a secret!

"A secret that you can't even believe when you tell it!"

Du Yuan listened quietly.

Chen Nan cast his field and shrouded the room, he walked to the window and looked up at the bright moon: "I was not born in the netherworld.

"Yes, in layman's terms, I'm from the Yang Realm."

"I'm just a passer-by in Hades."

"It won't be long before you'll return to the sun."

"That's why I've been in control of my emotions."

"I don't want to leave an emotional debt."

"Because then, we'll be separated by yin and yang."

Du Yuan asked nervously, "Just because of this, are you resistant to being with me?"

Chen Nan quickly shook his head: "No, no, no, this is not a conflict."

"I want to be with you too."

"But I'm afraid after I leave."

"The rest of your life is only loneliness and longing."

"That's what I don't want to see."

"Do you understand that?"

"True love isn't just about getting."

"Love is about thinking about each other."

"There's a love called letting go."

Du Yue said, "If that's the case, you don't have to worry about it."

"Because you may not notice that your mind has reached a dead end."

Chen Nan's face was full of doubts: "My mind has drilled into a dead end? What dead end? "

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