Du Yuan smiled: "Although I don't know the purpose of your coming to the netherworld.

"But I know that you came from the sun to the underworld."

Chen Nan gave her a resentful roll.

Quite a smart person.

How can such a thing be said?

I told you all that I came from the sun.

If you don't know, you have a big problem in your head.

Du Yuan continued, "You came from the Yang to the Hades, right? Chen

Nan: "...

Du Yuan's smile became even brighter.

She got up and walked to the door, pushed the door open and walked out, standing in front of the door and saying, "If I am in the Yang Realm now, then if I step into the room, is it equivalent to coming to the Hades?" Chen

Nan felt very smart.

But at the moment, I was a little confused.

Du Yuan then withdrew again: "I can enter the netherworld, then I can also withdraw."

"And I can quit."

"But I can come in again."

"It's okay to go in and out."

"Don't you feel comfortable like this?"

"Let's say you go back later."

"Can't you come back and visit me too?"

"Has anyone stipulated that you can only come to Hades once?"

"Assuming you never return, even without me, don't you have many brothers and relatives?"

"You can't just cut off all relationships with them now, can you?"

A simple word.

Immediately made Chen Nan's eyes shine.

It gave him a feeling of empowerment.

There is also a feeling of clearing the fog and seeing the blue sky.

Oh, yes!

I can come to Hades this time.

You can come here in the future!

Anyway, the way to Hades is already known.

You can come and travel when you have nothing to do.

Take a vacation.

You can even go fishing on the River Nye!

Come to Hades for a vacation.

Go fishing on the Nai River.

Is this wave okay?

Think of this.

Chen Nan's thoughts immediately became clear!

As Du Iris just said.

She has more than one lover in Hades.

And mothers.

As well as brothers.


Something was already predestined from the moment he took the host.

It is destined to be unbreakable.

Seeing the light in Chen Nan's eyes, Du Yue was overjoyed, quickly closed the door, and then walked to Chen Nan and looked at him with affection: "Are there any obstacles between us now?"

Chen Nan leaned over and whispered in her ear, "One layer M!" "


night was beautiful and painful for the kite.

Let her remember it for the rest of her life.

It also made Chen Nan's soul truly sublimated once.

After all, with someone you love.

Really blissful.


Knowing that Chen Nan was leaving, Du Yue's face was full of panic: "What? Are you leaving today?

"Can you not go!"

"I want to stay with you a few more days."

Just tasted the sweetness of love.

It's still time to savor it.

But he learned that Chen Nan was going to return to Tongcheng.

She instantly experienced the pain of separation.

I also know how terrible the poison of love is.

Chen Nandao: "I also want to stay here for a few more days, after all, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, people and spirits, and you grinding little goblin."


"I am the governor of the Tongcheng Water Transport Yamen."

"Now that the pier has been built, it will be open to ships in the near future."

"On the day of the ship's opening, I, the governor, must not be present in person?"

"It's time to go back and get ready."

He had to find a way to take down the Ma family.

Beat the Ma family into a place of irreparable disaster.

If you can bring down the Ma family, it will be a great achievement.

It is expected to be transferred to the side of Quang Ling Province.

Not only can I see Song Ziwei.

It is one step closer to the ultimate goal of the capital city.

Although Du Yuan is reluctant.

But I also know that I can't be too clingy.


Can't be too clingy here refers to personality.

Sometimes it's still clingy and more comfortable.

"Then you go back to Tongcheng first, and I'll see you when you're done with this time." Du Yu looked at Chen Nan reluctantly: "If I'm not by your side and you feel uncomfortable, go to your ex-wife."

"That woman also looks good, but she can accompany you to pass some emptiness and loneliness."

"It's okay, I don't care about these things."

"I just know that it's enough for you to have me in your heart!"

The words came from her heart.

She didn't know the difficulty of refining the Biochemical Pill.

But she knew a little bit.

Just getting the 10,000-year-old Nai River fish is a very difficult thing.

Chen Nan's love for her is obvious.

Don't talk about finding a woman behind her back.

Even if she found a hundred, it would be impossible to affect her status in Chen Nan's mind.


She is still very confident.

After breakfast.

Chen Nan controlled the flying magic weapon of the Moon Moon Sect.

Carrying Guo Yu and Di Ting, he left the Valley of Hundred Flowers and flew in the direction of Tongcheng.

Hundred Flowers Valley is almost 4,000 miles away from Tongcheng.

If you ride a horse, you have to take at least ten days.

Even longer.

Maneuverable spells are different.

Three more days to return to Tongcheng.

"Big brother, I feel that you have changed!" On the magic weapon, Guo Yu looked at Chen Nan seriously: "I feel that you are very relaxed now, as if there is something happy."

Chen Nan asked cheerfully, "Is there any?"

Guo Yu nodded solemnly.

Although Chen Nan was also giggling before.

But it was nowhere near as natural as it is now.

"This guy has a good idea!" Di listened to the end of cultivation, got up and walked over: "I want to be a scumbag, unscrupulous scum!"

"Not only scumbags!"

"I even want to play with rare species."

"If you don't talk, no one will treat you as a dumb!" Chen Nan snorted angrily.


Di heard what was going on in his heart.

After yesterday Du Iris told him that he could enter the netherworld at any time.

His mind was clear!


Why control your feelings?

Not to mention that I haven't met anyone I like yet.

Even if you meet.

There is also no need to control emotions.

Of course.

Chen Nan didn't think about playing with rare species.

This is pure truth, listening to people with blood.

The snake was cold.

What's so much fun???


three days later.

Chen Nan arrived in Tongcheng.

He fell in the moat east of the city.

By this time the pier had been completed.

Not only that.

Not far from the pier, there is also an additional water transport pier.

Wu Jiu and others also recruited some unrecruited catchers.

Plus the six of them, for a total of twenty.

Each of those people was burly and frowned.

They are wearing fast hunting suits and carrying machetes around their waist, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

See Chen Nan come back.

Wu Jiu summoned everyone to meet Chen Nan.

Then said: "Sir, the dock will officially open tomorrow, and the first batch of materials will arrive at the dock tomorrow evening, which is said to be some specialties of Dongning Mansion."

"This is the Ma family's filing list." Saying that, he presented Chen Nan with a list of hundreds of materials, worth 500,000 taels of silver.

Chen Nan glanced at it cursoryly, those things were normal items.

But with his knowledge of the prices of Hades.

If these items are shipped to Tongcheng.

The price has to be at least tripled.

It can be seen that the shipping industry can really make a lot of money.

He looked at the busy workers on the dock, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "The dock has been built." "

If the Ma family wants to make a lot of money."

"Some contraband will definitely be escorted."

"Otherwise, they wouldn't have gone to great lengths to please me, and even looked for 10,000-year-old coiled dragon ginseng for me."

"Tomorrow is the first day of shipbuilding."

"They probably wouldn't think that I would take extra care of them if they were escorting contraband."

"Turn a blind eye, huh?"

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