Looking at Guo Yu's angry appearance.

Chen Nan suddenly felt a little sorry for this guy.

Scolding is hearty, right?

Only hopefully.

After you awaken the memories of your past life, you can still be as dashing as you are now...

But there is one thing to say.

Houyi's life was full of suffering and betrayal.

The story of Houyi Shooting Day is well known.

Chang'e stole the elixir, and everyone knows about running to the moon after taking it.

But very few people know.

The reason why Houyi died.

Mainly because of the disciple's secret calculations.

What a miserable life!

"Big brother, is that rope you gave me the bowstring of the Sun Shooting God's bow?" Guo Yu diverged the topic.

He read a lot of memories about Houyi.

He recognized the rope that Chen Nan gave him, like the bowstring of the Sun God bow.

"Although I have a bowstring, I don't have a bow!"

"If only I could get a bow..."

"It's a bit of an exaggeration to say that shooting the sun."

"But shoot the old lady... Blah blah.

"It's not difficult to shoot a body snatching realm powerhouse."

He was confident.

But it underestimated the horror of the Sun-shooting God Bow.

This is a supreme being that even the sun can shoot down.

In the next few days, Chen Nan, Guo Yu, and Di Ting all followed the caravan.

Because he killed Wu Tian before.

The two of them were treated much better in the ranks.

Wang Lan specially asked people to prepare cotton clothes for the two to protect against the cold.

The food is the same as theirs.

After all, if not for Chen Nan, he killed Wu Tian with a punch.

These people simply would not live today.

Half a month later in the morning.

Chen Nan saw a huge city appear in the north.

It was as if an ancient ferocious beast was entrenched there.

Wang Lan smiled and said, "We are still forty miles away from Guangling Mansion, and at today's speed, we can reach Guangling Mansion at night!" "

Although detouring to Luoyan Mountain.

However, it did not delay the delivery of the royal family.

It may be because of the proximity to Guangling Province.

There is also a little more foot traffic on the official road than before.

"There is a willow tree five miles ahead."

"There's a master on the willow tree."

"The existence of the Ghost Realm."

"With your current means, you simply cannot defeat the other party."

"Even I can't beat it."

The voice of listening suddenly entered Chen Nan's ears, which made him snort.

His current strength can only kill the powerhouse who has seized the peak of the body realm.

As long as it is more than the body grabbing realm.

Not an opponent at all.

"Now I can only hope that the other party will not perceive your true cultivation."

"Otherwise, even if Guangling Mansion is in front of you."

"We don't want to arrive too!"

A wry smile appeared on Chen Nan's face.

Sooner or later, it will come.

You can't hide!

That's it.

They can only move on!

The caravan moved forward slowly.

Soon I came across the willow tree that Di heard about about 30 meters tall.

Above the branches.

A middle-aged man in a cyan robe sat cross-kneeled.

It attracted the attention of many passers-by.

But no one dared to say anything more.

Because the momentum released by this person is very powerful.

No one dared to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing the other.

Maybe something was felt.

An Xuanmo slowly opened his eyes.

Look at the pedestrians on the road.

There are many pedestrians on the road.

But without exception.

But everyone who met his gaze subconsciously lowered their heads.

His eyes were full of unease.

An Xuanmo frowned.

He had clearly felt a sharp gaze before.

But nothing was found.

His soul power enveloped everyone, wanting to sense their breath.

This moment.

Chen Nan's heart beat faster.

An Xuanmo couldn't feel his breath, but he could keenly feel that there was an invisible force covering this piece of heaven and earth.


Di Ting clamped his tail and let out a low dog bark at An Xuanmo.

It's like approaching an enemy.

"Could it be an illusion?"

An Xuanmo withdrew his soul power and did not find anything abnormal.

"Calculate the time, that guy named Chen Nan should also be coming to Guangling Mansion soon!"

"I'll wait three more days!"

"If you don't meet him in three days, you can only return to the capital city to regain your life!"


caravan smoothly headed towards Guangling Mansion.

After leaving the big tree for almost ten miles.

Chen Nanru breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it is still more than ten kilometers away from Guangling Province.

Even if the other party really senses his breath.

He is also confident before the other party kills him.

Arrive at Quang Lingfu as quickly as possible.

And if he can reach Guangling Mansion.

Even if the other party chases after him, what can be done?

You must know that he is a righteous sixth-level Yin Difference.

The official position is above the county order.

Even if you come to this Guangling City, which has a population of tens of millions.

How many people can be above him?

Successfully escaped the interception of a powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse.

Chen Nan's mood was beautiful.

I don't know.

Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters also rushed over behind them.

The difference is.

They don't know that there are powerful humans ahead.

When he felt An Xuanmo's breath.

The sisters' faces changed suddenly.

A sense of foreboding welled up in my heart.

Shemales have different paths.

Shemales are not mutually exclusive.

Demons dare not kill mortals easily.


Powerful humans will not tolerate the existence of demons at all.

Whether it is good or evil.

As long as it is a demon, they will strike and kill it.

"Sister, this person's strength is very strong, far above the body capture realm, we are not opponents at all, or leave as soon as possible!" Lu Bailing's soul transmitted Lu Qingqing, and immediately quickened his pace.

Lu Qingqing's face turned pale, and she quickly followed her sister's footsteps.

He didn't even dare to look at An Xuanmo on the tree.

Right at this moment.

An indifferent voice came from the tree: "Shouldn't you think I'm blind and don't feel your presence?" The

words came out.

The two sisters suddenly turned sallow.

The next moment.

An Xuanmo's figure slowly floated down from the willow tree, and his eyes looked at the two sisters playfully: "I didn't expect to meet a two-headed snake demon."

"And it's so beautiful."

"It just so happens that I am still missing two maids."

"If your sisters are willing to recognize me as Lord, I can give you both a way to live!"

"Otherwise, I don't mind killing you."

"In this weather, nothing can ward off the cold better than eating a bowl of snake soup!"

Lu Bailing's eyes released anger: "Even if our sisters die, they will definitely not recognize you as the Lord!" As soon as the words fell, a long sword appeared in her hand and killed directly towards the other party.

Lu Qingqing did not hesitate and shot out his sword to kill the other party.

They didn't expect Guangling Mansion to be in front of them.

But he met a powerful human cultivator.

That's it.

Only a battle to the death can have a glimmer of life.


just when Chen Nan was getting closer and closer to Guangling Mansion.

He heard a fierce fight behind him.

Even if they are more than ten miles apart.

It also reached his ears clearly.

He looked at Di Lian, and the soul transmitted: "What happened in the rear?" Di

Ting's eyes were solemn: "The sisters of the Lu family of Snake Mountain encountered the strong man who intercepted you, and they are fighting at this time!"

Chen Nan's face sank: "The Lu family sisters are kind to me, I can't watch them suffer accidents!"

"But go back this time, you will die!"

Chen Nan's eyes bloomed with an astonishing cold light: "If I don't go back, I'm sorry for my conscience!" With that, he cast the laws of space and rushed towards the willow tree...

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