The Lu sisters are kind to Chen Nan.

Especially when fishing for Nai River fish.

Lu Bailing cut meat as bait.

At that time.

Chen Nan kept this kindness in his heart.

He will be rewarded with grace.

Especially when it was learned that the sister was in distress.

Categorically will not turn a blind eye.

Even if there is a lot of risk in this move.

He doesn't frown either.

Guo Yu looked at the direction Chen Nan left.

It seems that he did not understand that he would fly back just after escaping.

If it appears at this point.

He will definitely be killed by that powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse.

Without much thought, he said to Wang Lan in front of the caravan: "Miss Wang, there is no banquet in the world, let's not spend it here!" Saying

that, he raised his legs and rode on the back of Di Lian.

Raised his slap and pumped his ass: "Hurry up, hurry up and drive me back." "

Hearing anger.

I didn't expect that this product would use itself as a mount.

Ye endured!

I'll settle the score for you afterwards.

"Are they really not ordinary people?"

"How can that thin dog carry a person at speed?"

"How did that tiny dog do it so fast?"

Those people in the Wang family were all stunned.

His eyes were full of horror.

"You are the dogs, your whole family is the dogs!"

"Ancestors have been fine dogs for generations!"

They listened to the angry voices echoing in their minds.

Wang Lan looked at the figure that disappeared from sight with complicated eyes.

I thought.

After arriving at Guangling Province, we can have a meal together and get to know each other.

But I didn't expect that it would be time to part ways so soon.

She withdrew her gaze and said in a low voice: "Everyone remember, forget the two of them and a dog, don't tell their things!" "


the Lu family sisters after bathing in the thunder spirit liquid.

The strength has grown by leaps and bounds, reaching the seventh layer of the Body Capture Realm.

But even so.

The sisters teamed up and failed to hurt An Xuanmo.

After all, in the face of absolute strength.

It's also hard for them to hurt each other.

On the contrary, the sisters who casually slapped two palms on the other side vomited blood.

In desperation.

The two sisters manifested their ontologies.

A white spirit snake more than ten meters long.

and a green snake more than ten meters long.

Say it's a snake.

It's rather a python.

The sudden scene frightened the people on the road to flee in all directions.

"Mo said that you have cultivated to the seventh layer of the Body Capture Realm."

"Even if you cultivate to the peak of the Body Capture Realm, you are not my opponent."

A trace of disdain flashed in An Xuanmo's eyes.

He pointed at the air.

A devastating sword qi burst out.

In an instant, it pierced the neck of the green snake and splashed a burst of blood.

He then turned his fingers into swords.

A sword slashed at Lu Qingqing's neck.

He wants to cut off the head of the green snake.

It's far more direct than hitting seven inches.

And just in the nick of time.

Chen Nan's figure appeared strangely in midair.

"Get out!"

With a roar.

He punched out.

Instantly resisted that terrifying sword qi.

But the fist was also stained with blood.

Even if there are laws of space wrapped.

But the other party is a strong person in the Ghost Realm after all.

"Young Master Chen?"

Looking at Chen Nan who appeared out of thin air.

The Lu family sisters' eyes showed incredulity.

They were looking for Chen Nan all the way.

I thought I had missed it.

But I didn't expect it.

He actually stood up when he was in danger.

He is really handsome!

I understand the fantasy of the opposite sex in girls' hearts!

Although An Xuanmo's strength is very strong.

I don't know why.

At the moment when he saw Chen Nan appear.

The two sisters had an inexplicable sense of security.

It seems that even if the sky falls, there is no fear.

"You are Chen Nan?"

An Xuanmo looked at Chen Nan incredulously.

He has an amazing memory.

Not long after knowing that Chen Nan had just passed here.

It's just that.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to go and return.

"Yes, I am Chen Nan!"

"I'm the sixth-level Yin Difference you want to intercept!" Chen Nan raised his hand and raised the eight formation flags of the Five Poisons Sect, directly blocking this small world.

An Xuanmo was stunned, and then the corners of his mouth rose, and he said disdainfully: "With these gadgets, you can't kill me at all."

"There's something I'm wondering about."

"You have obviously escaped, but why did you go and return?"

"You should know."

"If you go to Guangling Mansion, even I can't do anything to you."

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "The sisters of the Lu family are kind to me, I can't watch their sisters suffer persecution from you!" "

Hear that.

The two Lu sisters suddenly burst into crystalline tears.

They didn't expect that this powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse stayed here to intercept and kill Chen Nan.

I didn't expect it even more.

Chen Nanming had fled under his nose.

Now they are in danger alone to rescue their sisters.

Really moved

~~~ I really want to make a double cultivation with him~~~

"You came back because this snake demon is kind to you?" An Xuanmo's eyes were full of shock: "Since you have become a sixth-level yin, how could you risk yourself for the sake of two snake demons?"

"How could you make such a stupid choice?"

"Could it be that you think you can kill me?"

Chen Nan could escape under his nose was something he didn't expect.

After all, he is a powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse.

But he did.

escaped his own perception.

In his opinion, Chen Nan should spare his life if he can escape.

But I never expected it.

He will go it alone to rescue the two snake demons.

"Young Master Chen, your kindness to our sisters is well remembered by our sisters." Lu Bailing's eyes were full of emotion: "However, we can't let you encounter any accidents because of us.

"Our sisters are pestering this person, you should leave quickly!"

Lu Qingqing also said, "Young Master Chen, our sisters are already very satisfied to meet someone with feelings and righteousness like you in this life.

"If there is an afterlife, I hope we can meet again."

"When the time comes, we will definitely repay your kindness."

Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Since you are still alive, then don't talk about the next life!" "


"You should live in the moment!"

Saying that, he took the lead in rushing towards An Xuanmo.

The sisters Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing also launched a fierce attack at the same time.

Perhaps An Xuanmo's strength is very strong.

But the three of them join forces and can also fight!

"Is this human snake love?" An Xuanmo's eyes levitated in the air with disdain: "I haven't heard of the shemale getting together for many years."

"I didn't expect that the sixth-level Yin Difference actually got together with the snake demon."

"It's really the biggest scandal in the court, in 10,000 years."

The words fell.

His pupils trembled violently.

He felt it clearly.

An invisible force directly imprisoned him in the void.

That force is invisible.

But it is.

Right now.

Chen Nan.

Lu Bailing.

Lu Qingqing.

The three appeared around him at almost the same time.

The two were armed with long swords.

A long sword condensed by the laws of space also appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

The sword has no shadow!

But it made An Xuanmo feel an inexplicable panic!

It seems that this sword can shatter the heavens and the earth!

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