Song Family Banquet Hall.

The huge round table is decorated with many delicacies of the mountains and the sea.

There are also some good wines.

Chen Nan is a guest.

They were assigned to the guest of honor.

Song Ziwei sat on his right side.

To his left is Song Linhui.

The patriarchs of the Wei family and the Xu family sat on the side.

And several of Song Linhui's sons sat at random.

After taking a seat, Song Linhui introduced: "Xian nephew, introduce you, this is the Wei family patriarch of Guangling Mansion, Wei Shengjin, and Wei patriarch."

Chen Nan was stunned for a moment.

Wei Shengjin?

Great name!

Really good name!


But he still got up and arched his hand towards Wei Shengjin.

Even if he is a sixth-level yin.

It is the director of the Demon Division.

But since today is the Song family's family banquet, the other party has come to accompany him.

Naturally, you can't be too pretentious.

You can't help but give the right side.

Song Linhui smiled and said, "You are not familiar with the Wei family when you first entered Guangling Mansion.

"But the industries that the Wei family is engaged in are all over Guangling Prefecture."

"Let's just say that the salt you ate before is all from the Wei family."

Chen Nan suddenly realized.

Feelings are a salt merchant!

This is definitely one of the most lucrative professions in Hades.


Of those salt merchants in the history of Yangma, few of them were good at stubble.

The means are not clean.

Song Linhui pointed to the head of the Xu family and said, "This is called Xu Binglong, and the Xu family is engaged in the spice industry."

"Including the spices on our table today, they all come from the Xu family."


Another money-making industry!

Chen Nan saluted: "I have seen Patriarch Xu!"

Xu Binglong laughed: "Master Chen can become a sixth-level Yin Difference at a young age, he is really young!" Old Immortal dares to assert that it won't be long before there will be a place for you in the capital city.

"I also hope that Lord Chen will not forget the old age in the future!"

Ignoring Chen Nan's becoming the head of the Demon Suppression Department.

Everyone was in awe of his sixth-level Yin.

After all, from ancient times to the present.

No one has yet become a level six yin at this age.

To put it bluntly.

He is a rising star in the sky.

As long as it doesn't die.

The future will definitely be in a high position.

"Chen Nan, these four are my sons." Song Linhui introduced his four sons again, then looked at the sons, and said with a straight face: "In the future, you will also learn from Chen Nan." "

Look at him."

"Look at the few of you again, nothing but eating, drinking, and having fun."

This is not a deliberate compliment to Chen Nan.

It's from the heart.

Although he had four sons, all of them were unlearned and unskilled.

It made him extremely distressed.


If his four sons can have one-tenth of Chen Nan's ability, Chengfu.

He is not afraid of no successor.

Seeing her father being so friendly to Chen Nan, Song Ziwei's hanging heart also fell to the ground.

She was afraid that her father and Chen Nan would become enemies.

"Come on, let's raise a glass together and welcome Chen Nan to Guangling Mansion!" Song Linhui picked up the wine glass.

After everyone drinks together.

Song Linhui suddenly said, "Chen Nan, I thought, there should be some kind of misunderstanding between the two of us.

"Just take advantage of this opportunity."

"Let's have a frank chat."

"The province is a mustard in the heart, which affects the relationship between us."

"I heard that you were assassinated when you came to Guangling Mansion?"

Chen Nan didn't expect Song Linhui to mention this stubble, but he still nodded.

I intend to cooperate with the other party in the performance.

Look at what medicine he sells in his gourd.

Song Linhui sighed: "I don't know who assassinated you.

"But you are a benefactor in the hearts of our Song family."

"If it weren't for your mother and son raising Ziwei."

"I lost this daughter."

"For you, our Song family is grateful."

The voice turned.

He smiled bitterly and said, "In other words, you guy's temper is really smelly."

"You bumped into me like that in public court before."

"Don't show me mercy."

"Not to mention, it has the demeanor of my youth."

"It's exactly the same as when I was young, and I am not afraid of heaven and earth."

"That's not right!"

"That's not right!"

"That's not right!"

He frowned and said, "I know that you hold a grudge against me because Ji Taimei forcibly took Ziwei away in the first place, but it won't rise to the point where you made me embarrassed in public!"

"I want to think, don't make a noise, let me brush it."

"The reason why you have such a deep grudge against me."

"Is it related to your assassination on the road?"

"Did Ji Tai Mei assassinate you?" Speaking of this, his face was full of incredulity.

Chen Nan silently took a glass of wine and drank it.

In his heart, he was impressed by this Song Daotai.

Don't say it yet.

This old thing dares to say this, it is really a little bold.

I just don't know how he should make this happen.

"Father, I just said that I shouldn't let Ji Taimei go!" Song Feiyang was filled with indignation: "When Ji Taimei and Mu Yifeng violated our Song family's family rules, you shouldn't have thought about the past relationship, and you should have executed them directly."

"Otherwise, how could Ji Tai Mei assassinate Brother Chen Nan?"

"She is clearly blaming our Song family."

"You want to drive a wedge between us and the Chen Nan brothers!"

"This person is really heinous and hateful!"

Song Linhui's face was full of frost, and he directly crushed the wine glass in his hand, his face full of anger: "This matter is indeed blamed on the father, and it is for the father's wife's kindness!"

Song Feiyang looked at Chen Nan and said, "Brother Chen Nan, there is something you don't know, Ji Taimei and her Daoist Mu Yifeng were once the worshippers of my Song family.

"Our Song family treats them very well."

"But they are bullying the market outside because it is the reason for my Song family's worship."

"For this reason, my father was angry and threw the two out of the Song family."

"A lot of people know about it."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Patriarch Wei and Patriarch Xu..."


"It's too unconvincing to ask them."

"After all, they are friendly with my Song family."

"You can feel free to go to the city and inquire."

"They have long been swept out by my Song family."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"The reason why Ji Taimei killed you."

"I just want to blame our Song family."

"If I can kill you, the imperial court will definitely not let my Song family go."

"On the contrary."

"If not, it will also divide our relationship."

"You're a god catcher."

"You should be able to see her evil intentions, right?"

Chen Nan almost applauded their father and son.

Don't say it yet.

Their rhetoric successfully cleared them of sending Ji Taimei to intercept and kill themselves.

If it weren't for the fact that your mind is not so simple.

Maybe he believed his grandfather's nonsense.

He took a sip of wine, his tone was calm, but he asked an extremely sharp question: "Since the Song family has no evil intentions towards me, why did Uncle Song arrange me to the position of the head of the Demon Division?" "

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