Song Linhui seemed to have expected Chen Nan to ask like this.

He smiled slightly: "Is it evil to you to put you in the position of the head of the Demon Division?"

Chen Nan: "For ten thousand years, the director of the Demon Division has not lived for more than half a year, this has already become a curse, is this good for me?" "

Hear that.

Song Ziwei's eyes showed incredulity.

She didn't expect the director of the Demon Suppression Division to be so dangerous.

I didn't expect that my father would arrange Chen Nan to be the director of the Zhen Demon Division.

Song Linhui shook his head disapprovingly: "Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, the position of the head of the Demon Division is extremely dangerous, but you are a god of Tongcheng."

"I believe that with your ability, you will definitely be able to investigate the truth about the bizarre and violent death of the previous director of the Demon Division."

"It's definitely a great accomplishment."

"At that time, your kid will most likely be promoted to the next level."

"Uncle Song is thinking about you!"

As soon as his voice changed, he continued: "Actually, over the years, I have also investigated the bizarre and violent death of the director of the Demon Town, although there is not the slightest clue.

"But all the clues point to the lost five-page book of life and death."

"Don't worry."

"Uncle Song will definitely use all his connections to help you find the whereabouts of the five-page book of life and death."

Song Feipeng also said, "Brother Chen, you are the benefactor of our Song family.

"Plus, you've become a sixth-level yin now."

"There is no limit to future achievements, and we will definitely consider you our own."

Chen Nan almost believed Song Linhui's words.

Compared with Song Linhui's 'heartfelt words' today, he believed Ji Taimei's words even more.

If it weren't for Song Linhui's wishes.

She is a powerhouse at the peak of the Body Grabbing Realm, how can she assassinate her junior?

What does she picture?

"Stop talking about these unhappy things!" Song Linhui said: "I, Song someone, do things brightly and unashamedly, and time will verify my words today."

Wei Shengjin hurriedly raised his glass: "Come on, don't talk about those things, drink the bar!"

"Yes, yes, drink!" Xu Binglong also took the wine glass.

After everyone drinks together.

Song Linhui suddenly said, "Chen Nan, I heard that you invented that miracle medicine called penicillin?"

Wei Shengjin and Xu Binglong both showed incredible looks.

It's clear.

They have also heard of penicillin.

Chen Nandao: "That thing can only play an anti-inflammatory effect, not a miracle medicine."

Song Linhui said: "A few months ago, the flooding in Dongning Prefecture threatened Guangling Prefecture and Tongcheng, and I once led people to the construction site downstream. "

I've heard about the magic of penicillin."

"I have also seen some seriously injured people who were injected with penicillin and quickly recovered their fitness and participated in the digging of river channels."

"That thing is amazing!"

Chen Nan did not extract much penicillin during the flooding of Tongcheng.

Also let people send some to the construction site.

So when Song Linhui said about penicillin, Chen Nan was not surprised.

Song Linhui asked: "Have you ever considered letting penicillin enter Guangling Mansion?"

"After all, Guangling Prefecture has a large population."

"There are tens of millions of people in this city alone."

"If penicillin can be settled in Guangling Province, it will definitely save many lives."

"This is an immeasurable act of kindness!"

He didn't say money.

Because his position said that money is too vulgar.

How many meanings?

Really treat me like your own?

Chen Nan couldn't understand Song Linhui's thoughts.

If you ignore him, send Ji Tai Mei to intercept himself.

He would even think that Song Linhui, like Yuan Zun, was thinking about himself.

But with Ji Taimei assassinating himself in front.

Song Linhui's words were just listened to.

The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out.

What the?

Shouldn't an elder be so suspicious?

Is this too narrow-minded?

If he really thinks about himself.

What does it mean that he poisoned the wine?

Although his poison is colorless and tasteless.

But it can imprison the dantian.

And once the dantian is imprisoned.

Anyone's cultivation will be greatly reduced.

Of course.

Chen Nan had already exerted the power of the laws of space to drive out the poison in his body.

No matter how much wine he drinks, it won't have any effect.

Although it is still unknown what kind of medicine is sold in Song Linhui's gourd.

But Chen Nan still held the principle of accompanying him to the end.

Isn't it just acting?

He's a professional.

"Back to Uncle Song, the junior really thought about letting penicillin enter Guangling Mansion to help more people relieve the torment of illness!"


"Limited capacity."

"Even if my people have built several large cultivation bases in Tongcheng."

"But the extracted penicillin is also enough to maintain the consumption of Tongcheng."

Song Linhui nodded slightly, and then said, "Then have you ever thought of building some cultivation bases in Guangling Mansion?"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "I also thought about it, but the land price here in Guangling Mansion is very expensive, and with my current financial resources, I can't afford to buy the land here."

Song Linhui smiled and shook his head: "I thought that how big it was, it wasn't a matter of land, it wasn't a big deal." Speaking of this, he looked at Wei Shengjin: "Old Wei, if I'm not mistaken, your Wei family seems to have more than a million acres of good land, right?"

Wei Shengjin: "Yes, my Wei family has 1.3 million mu of good land, which is located in the east of the city. "

The number of 1.3 million mu of good land seems terrifying.

But for a large salt merchant in a provincial capital.

That's it.

Song Linhui continued, "Have you ever leased those good fields to the outside world?

Wei Shengjin was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "If Lord Chen needs those lands, the old man will give it to him, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of someone Wei if he leased it?" "

For a salt merchant.

Some land is dispensable to him.

Song Linhui said, "Old Wei, I have received your wishes, but Chen Nan is a poor official in the imperial court after all, how can he ask you for so much good land for no reason?"

"If this were to be known, wouldn't it have harmed Chen Nan?"

"Let him be charged with taking bribes?"

Wei Shengjin's face was full of nervousness: "It's the old age who didn't think it through, and I ask Lord Song for forgiveness."

Song Linhui hesitated and said, "So be it!"

"I am good at making a claim, so I will let Chen Nan lease your 1.3 million mu of good land."

"One or two silver per acre of land."

"If you have no opinion, we can sign the contract now."

One or two silver per acre of land, which is definitely not cheap.

After all, it's normal.

Ordinary people plant an acre of land.

The income is also far from one or two silver.

"As for the rent..."

"He definitely doesn't have that much money right now."

"Wait for penicillin to spread in Guangling Province."

"When he makes money, it will not be too late to return it to you with interest."

Wei Shengjin hurriedly said, "The matter of rent is not urgent.

Song Linhui nodded with satisfaction, and he instructed the butler to prepare pens, ink, paper, and ink.

After all, leasing also requires a contract.

Wei Shengjin immediately wrote down the lease contract and signed his name.

Then it was handed over to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan was put in order.

He could be sure that Song Linhui wanted to harm him.

That's it.

Why do you have to help yourself fight for 1.3 million acres of fertile land?

And there is no mention of rent.

Are you punting me?

Or help me?

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