"In this world, there is nothing left to do!"

"It's time for me to leave too!"

Xuanwu spoke, his voice a little weak.

He looked at the firmament, his eyes solemn: "Remember, don't fly to the Divine Realm!"

"Unless the gods return to their places!"

"They can afford to wait!"

"Even if it's a hundred years!"


"Ten thousand years!"

Chen Nan is the last hope of the Three Realms.

He is like a beacon in the dark.

Guiding the gods forward.

Finding the gods also has the power of a battle.

He alone is not enough to fight against the alien demons of the God Realm.

and the Buddhas of the West.

"I'm waiting for you in the Divine Realm!" Xuanwu soared into the air and disappeared into the depths of the night sky in an instant.

Watch Xuanwu disappear into the depths of the firmament.

Only then did Chen Nan come to his senses.

He glanced at the Yin Messenger Order in his hand.

I can't help but get my blood boiling.

It's been a year since I came to Hades.

This time.

All his efforts were aimed at becoming a ninth-level yin.

Now it's a dream.

Soon, you will be able to go to the eighteenth floor of hell and meet Houtu Niangniang.

Perhaps ten years have passed in the Yang Realm.

Perhaps Hades has also experienced many hardships and dangers.

But it's all worth it for him.

Because once the animal road is returned, the human road is returned to the Houtu Niangniang.

It can prevent the annihilation of the Three Realms from returning to the state of the Chaos Period.

It can avoid the tragic death of hundreds of millions of living beings in the three realms.

This is definitely the most fulfilling thing he has ever done in his life.

"Let's go, first go and release the big demon imprisoned here."

Chen Nan and Di listened, and Guo Yu came to the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

After lifting the floor, I walked down the stone steps to the dungeon below the Great Hall of Treasures!

The rune on the stone door still exuded a terrifying aura.

However, Chen Nan went to the Buddha-figure this time.

It can still withstand the breath of the rune.

"Young Master Chen, but you are here?"

As soon as Chen Nan arrived at the door, Su Daji's enchanting voice came from behind the stone gate: "Please also remove this talisman, if I can leave this place later, I will definitely remember your kindness!" "

They're all eager to get out of here.

"I try!"

Chen Nan's expression was very solemn.

Although his physical body can withstand the power of the runes.

But also feel a powerful force.


He also doesn't have a lot of confidence.

He squeezed it with both hands.

Cast the laws of space to uncover the runes.

But at the moment when the law of space just touched the rune.

A terrifying energy instantly erupted on the rune.

It's like a flash flood.

He didn't expect it.

The next moment.

His body was knocked out.

There was also a sound of broken bones in the body.

"Big brother, you are actually injured?"

Watching Chen Nan spill a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Guo Yu suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

He knew Chen Nan's strength.

Has the peak of the Ghost King Realm.

And it also has the power of several laws.

He never expected it.

Chen Nan's strength was so terrifying, he was even injured by the rune.

"Not a big problem!"

An emerald green light bloomed in Chen Nan's body.

The Wood Law healed his injuries in an instant.

Then he pinched the trick again, wanting to remove the rune on the stone door.

But still in vain.

Whatever he wants.

The runes were all attached to it without moving.

And it also burst out dazzling Buddha light.

It's like a blazing sun hanging in the air.

People can't open their eyes.

Di Lian spoke: "The six-character mantra of the Buddha Gate can remove this talisman!"

Chen Nan: "I am at odds with the Buddha Gate, how can I use the Buddha Mantra?"

Di Tingting gave him a roll of his eyes: "Do you think that the six-character mantra has only six notes?" Don't take it for granted, the six-character mantra of Buddhism has different mysteries!

"Just as the so-called sincerity is spiritual, don't talk about you."

"Even if I am a dog, I can't cast the six-character mantra, cause resonance, and remove this talisman."

Chen Nan: "Then what do you say so much?"

Di listened to the resentment in her eyes, like a wronged little daughter-in-law: "I have given you too many hints!"

"It doesn't have to be like this!" Chen Nandao: "With the relationship between us, you can say it clearly, no need to hint!" "

True Listening:" This symbol is called the five-line symbol.

"Like the mountain that suppressed that monkey."

"It looks like a mountain."

"But it is the power of the five elements."

"It's just that there are runes on it that Lao Er drew with his own hands."

"To remove it, except to recite the six-character mantra."

"There is also the power to control the five elements."

"Only in this way can this five-element talisman be removed."

Hear this.

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown.

He now controls space, fire, water, wood, and the law of the earth system.

It is still far from mastering the law of the five elements.

It's still a little difficult to remove this five-element symbol!

And he did not know the remaining soil laws, as well as the whereabouts of the gold laws.

"Forget it, go to the Imperial Palace and ask the whereabouts of the other two laws of the Great Emperor!" Chen Nan secretly sighed, and then said to the big demon behind the stone gate: "With my current strength, it is not enough to uncover this divine rune.


"Since I promised you to let you leave, naturally I will not lose my words."

"Let's wait patiently for a while!"

The big demons behind the door didn't say much.

They were suppressed here for 10,000 years.

Waiting a little longer is nothing.

"Let's go, go to the imperial palace."

Chen Nan turned around, and with Di Listening, Guo Yu left the Jokhang Temple.

And at this time.

It was already dawn outside.

A fiery sun appeared in the east.

Falling on the body, it makes people feel a little warm.

Countless former followers of Buddhism have come here to insult the former Buddha in their hearts.

The reason is none of it.

They all knew that Emperor Master Zheng Yu was an internal traitor against the Heavenly Sect.

And the reason why Zheng Yu can have such a high status in the hearts of the people.

In the final analysis, it has to do with his popularization and promotion of Buddhism.


After Zheng Yu's crime is made public.

He became the target of public attention in an instant.

So much so that even the Buddha in the hearts of the common people has been affected.

In the hearts of the common people, the emperor master is not a good bird.

Will the Buddha he promotes be a good thing?

Chen Nan could see it.

Whether it is Hades or Yang.

It's all the walls that fall and everyone pushes.

But that's fine.

At least it can break the foundation of Buddhism in the netherworld.


"The Imperial Palace is important, no passage!"

When Chen Nan came to the gate of the imperial palace, he was stopped outside by the guards.

Chen Nan took out the Yin Cha Order.

When the other party saw that he hurriedly saluted, he respectfully asked, "Are you Chen Nan, Lord Chen?"

Chen Nan snorted quietly.

The guard said respectfully: "Lord Chen, please, the Great Emperor is waiting for you in the palace!"

Chen Nan strode into it.

Finally, we came to an imposing palace.

"You are Lord Chen, right?" An old eunuch hurriedly stepped forward with a flattering smile: "I have long heard that the emperor said that Chen Gongzi is among the dragons and phoenixes, and today he is really a talent.

"What, the Great Emperor is waiting for you."

"Hurry up and get in!"

Chen Nan took a deep breath and strode into the hall.

Although he is now very strong.

But thinking of meeting the Emperor of the capital soon, I couldn't help but feel nervous in my heart.

After all, this is a divine existence in the divine genealogy!

When he entered the main hall.

When he saw the familiar figure on the imperial throne, he couldn't help but exclaim: "Why are you?" "

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