Chen Nan felt that his head was a little inadequate.

He had fantasized about what the Emperor of the Imperial Capital would look like.


He never dreamed of it.

The Emperor of Yudu turned out to be the sixth oldest.


The man sitting on the imperial throne in front of him.

It was the Six Halls of the Anti-Heaven Sect that dominated Cang.

As he said.

He is also the owner of Qingyunlou.

Now it seems.

Or is he too simple.

Let's just say Qingyunlou.

Its influence and status in Hades is unsurpassed.

One thing is obvious.

If there is no big backer behind Qingyunlou.

It will definitely not be on the scale it is today.

After all, I was careless!

"Isn't it a surprise?" Emperor Yudu showed an intriguing smile: "I was not surprised by your reaction as I expected.

Chen Nan swallowed his saliva nervously and asked, "Who are you?" "

Zai Cang?"

"Or the Emperor of the Capital?"

Emperor Yudu: "Zai Cang is a very bold fellow, you may not believe it, he once wanted to take me, but I took it away."

Chen Nan secretly swallowed: "So, you have been fooling around in the Anti-Heaven Sect as a slaughtering cang all along?" Emperor

Yudu laughed: "Don't you feel, is this very interesting?"

Chen Nan shrugged undeniably, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "It's really interesting, I'm afraid the anti-Heavenly Sect people never dreamed of it." "There

is not only one traitor!"

Thanks to the anti-Heavenly Sect, they did not know about this.

If not.

They have to collapse.

Emperor Yudu smiled and said, "Aren't you also an internal traitor?

Chen Nan shook his head: "I should not be considered an internal traitor."

The voice changed: "If I'm not mistaken, many things about me are arranged by you, right?" "

Yes!" Emperor Yudu did not deny it: "Including the matter of the Fire God Sect, I also revealed it to Han Zongyuan, so that he could guide you to the Fire God Sect to seize the opportunity."

Chen Nan continued, "That is, you knew of my existence the moment I first entered the netherworld?" Emperor

Yudu smiled bitterly: "With such a powerful Yang Soul entering the netherworld, how can I not know about it?"

Chen Nan: "Then you should know the purpose of my coming to Hades, right?" The

Emperor of the Imperial Capital's expression became solemn: "Six Dao return to their places!"

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Even so, why didn't you directly take me to the capital city and let the six paths return to their places, but instead guide me step by step to make me stronger?"

"You don't have to worry about it during my formative years."

"Three Realms annihilation, return to chaos?"

Emperor Yudu shrugged with a smile: "Even if the Three Realms are annihilated and return to chaos, there is an omen.

"As long as you are in the netherworld, this emperor can avoid the annihilation of the three realms and return to chaos."

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Then why do you go to great lengths to guide me to various opportunities?"

He boldly guessed: "It should be more than just borrowing my hand to smooth other obstacles for you."

"Actually, there is also a factor in this." Emperor Yudu: "After all, you have also seen that the Buddha Gate has penetrated into the netherworld.

"It's like a cancer."

"If you don't uproot it, it will definitely become a great disaster in the future."

"Not just a threat to the future of Hades."

"It will even affect you in the future to lead the gods of the sky to kill the Western Elysium."

Chen Nan did not deny it.

Because Buddhism relies on the power of faith.

If he fails to neutralize the Buddhist forces in the netherworld, it is tantamount to raising tigers.

"As for why it leads you to the opportunity to make you stronger..."

Emperor Yudu's expression became solemn: "Because only you can save the underworld."

Chen Nan: "I don't understand. "

Let's go, take you somewhere you want to go." Emperor Yudu didn't explain much, and the soul power wrapped Chen Nan and disappeared into the hall.

The next moment.

Chen Nan appeared in a dark place.

There were mournful cries behind him.

It's creepy.

And before his eyes.

It has six space-time vortices of different colors.

The difference is.

There are two space-time vortexes with faint light.

There are signs of stopping turning.

And that void also showed signs of distortion.

As if it would be annihilated at any moment.

"Is this the six reincarnations?" Chen Nan felt a divine reincarnation power, and the Dao of the Human World and the Dao of Beasts he mastered had this kind of breath.

The difference is.

Far less powerful than the breath of this place.

The Emperor of the capital asked, "Do you know why there is still a human Dao and an animal Dao here?"

Chen Nan shook his head.

Even he couldn't think of that.

Emperor Yudu continued, "The disintegration of the six realms of reincarnation, especially the disappearance of the human path, directly affects the future of the three realms.

"Because there is no human path, there will be no future in the three realms."

"In order to avoid this tragedy ...

"Houtu Niangniang incarnated into the Dao of the World and the Dao of the Beast."

"Otherwise, the Three Realms would have been over long ago!"

Chen Nan gasped: "That is to say, Houtu Niangniang is no longer there?" The

Emperor of the capital asked rhetorically: "Aren't hundreds of millions of people all her incarnation?"

Chen Nan was speechless.

Although what the Emperor of the Imperial Capital said is very reasonable.

But he still had difficulty digesting the fact that Houtu Niang Niang had incarnated the rules for a while.

Just before he could come back to his senses.

The Emperor of the Imperial Capital held the law with his hands.

Chen Nan knew that the human road and the animal road in the sea flew out.

It replaced the human road and animal road condensed by the rules of the incarnation of the Houtu Niangniang.

Six paths of homing.

Suddenly, an exceptionally powerful reincarnation force erupted.


The distorted void calmed down.

Chen Nan knew.

From this moment onwards.

The risk of annihilation of the Three Realms was completely lifted.

"Is it that from now on, those who were previously reincarnated with memories will have their memories of their past lives erased?" Chen Nan suddenly asked.

Emperor Yudu nodded: "Yes, their memories related to their previous lives will be erased, and they will continue to survive in their current identities."

Chen Nan asked again, "You said before that only I can save the netherworld, what does this mean?" Emperor

Yudu asked, "Do you know why Houtu Niangniang wants to live under the eighteenth layer of hell?"

Chen Nan was puzzled.

Emperor Yudu said, "The eighteen-level hell holds the most vicious prisoners of the three realms, and the murderous aura they carry will affect those who reincarnate and plant evil causes in their hearts. "

Thus affecting the operation of the Three Realms."

"Only a big man can suppress that murderous aura."

"And now, Houtu Niangniang has left."

"So, there has to be someone to guard this place."

Chen Nan subconsciously swallowed his saliva and asked nervously: "You mean, shouldn't you want me to live in this dark place all the time?"

"Of course not!" Emperor Yudu smiled: "After all, you are still shouldering the heavy task of rebuilding the Heavenly Court, how can this emperor let you live here all the time!"

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Then what do you mean?" "

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