Cheng Dongpeng smoked with a gloomy face: "The matter has come to this, let's not get entangled in what happened last night." "

Although the events of last night made him angry.

But in general, it is not a loss.

And no one suffers.

There is no need to continue to struggle.

"Chen Nan, it's Chen Nan!" Cheng Yan snorted, his eyes full of anger: "When he left yesterday, he said that he hoped that we would never encounter something unclean here." "

He clearly meant something."

Sun Caiying nodded desperately: "Yes, yes, it's that turtle grandson named Chen Nan, we have lived here for so many years without incident, and this kind of thing happened to us inexplicably after he came yesterday."

"This is so unreasonable, there must be a ghost!"

Liu Jianchun asked in a low voice, "Who is Chen Nan?" "

That's the end of the matter.

Cheng Dongpeng no longer hid anything: "Brother Liu, don't hide from you, this set of courtyards is not our Cheng family's.

"The owner of this house is called Yan Wushuang, and for some reason it seems to have disappeared."

"So we moved here and stayed for five years."

"Just yesterday, a man who called himself Yan Wushuang's husband came here and said that he wanted us to move out."

"Who can believe that kind of unfounded words?"

"So my son threw him out."

One listen to this.

The four members of the Liu family were immediately angry.

Liu Xia had tears in her eyes and screamed: "Cheng Yan, you are a liar, scum, didn't you say that this house belongs to your home?" Why is it like this?

Liu Jianchun and the others were also full of anger.

Tell the truth.

If there is no such set of courtyards.

Their Liu family couldn't look at the Cheng family at all.

Who would have thought that this family would be brazen to such an extent.

It is clear that it has occupied someone else's house.

He even said that it belonged to his own family.

Cheng Yan's face was full of nervousness: "Who would have thought that guy named Chen Nan would suddenly appear?" If he doesn't come, this house will still belong to our Cheng family.

Liu Xia gritted her teeth and said, "You just have a hard mouth, and other shit is not."

Cheng Yan was embarrassed: "It's almost okay, isn't it time for you to call me dad?"

Liu Xia was full of anger, but she didn't expect Cheng Yan to be shameless enough to say what she said in the boudoir between the two, she was very unconvinced, and then opened a strong counterattack: "You are not as good as your father!" "


Cheng Yanqi almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

He couldn't accept his girlfriend himself and went to his father's room for the night.


He didn't expect Liu Xia to say such humiliating words.

He said angrily: "Slut, according to my relationship with your mother, you have to call me a stepfather!"

"You you you... You don't want a face! Liu Xia burst into tears.

"What's the noise? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Liu Jianchun snorted coldly: "Everyone has not suffered losses, so don't get entangled in that broken thing."

"Who says no one suffers? I'm at a loss! Liu Qiang scolded: "Look at this fat woman, I feel sick when I see her, let alone last night..." Woo hoo, I'm dirty! Saying Tao Tao cried, it looked like he was aggrieved.

Cheng Xin, who was closed in the room, also let out a high-pitched cry: "I'm still a yellow girl, I'm also dirty..."

The atmosphere at the scene was chaotic.

Zhao Feiyan and Lu Hen hid under the tiles, looking at the picture in front of them, their eyes showing excitement.

"Isn't that more fun than just scaring them?" The corners of Zhao Feiyan's mouth rose.

Lu He: "You woman is really cruel!"

"Okay, you!" Zhao Feiyan sneered: "Let's both half a pound and eight taels, don't say anyone, if you don't do anything that hurts heaven and reason, we will be locked up in a layer of hell at the same time?"

Lu Xi shook his head: "It's different, I never play with others, I directly order to cut off other people's heads, or five horses to divide the corpse."

Zhao Feiyan gave her own opinion: "Although your practice can take the lives of others in an instant, in my opinion, death is not the end, but just a new starting point."

"So, I'd rather make those people feel hopeless, miserable, and then let them die slowly."

"Mental torture is far more enjoyable than taking someone's life."

Lu Hen looked at the figures in the courtyard: "These people already know our existence, see if they move, if they don't, I don't mind personally showing up to intimidate them."


"This matter started because of your family's lies, your Cheng family must give an explanation to my Liu family!" Liu Jianchun also silently lit a cigarette.

His eyes were deep and contained strong anger.

"Brother Liu, how do you want to handle this matter?" Cheng Dongpeng inexplicably felt a pang of nervousness and unease.

After all, in terms of strength, the Cheng family is not comparable to the Liu family at all.

If the Liu family wanted to destroy the Cheng family, it would not be difficult.

Liu Jianchun said: "This matter is all because of this set of courtyards, even if this is the case, then it must be solved in the matter of the courtyard." In this way, your Cheng family moves out of this courtyard, and we move in to live. "

I'm a Kyoto native.

And who doesn't want to have an atmospheric courtyard?

Mo said Kyoto natives.

Even some of the biggest names in the world dream of owning a courtyard house.

After all, the courtyard has long been listed as a world intangible cultural heritage.

Outrageously high prices.

Let's just say this set of three entrances.

If you go to auction, you can sell at least tens of billions.

Of course.

And no one would be stupid enough to auction off a set of courtyards.

"Brother Liu is inappropriate!" Cheng Dongpeng's face was full of nervousness: "There are unclean things here, what should I do if there is an accident when you move in?"

He reluctantly gave the house to the Liu family.

After five years of life, he has long developed feelings for here.

Not to mention that he hired a renovation company last year to renovate all of this place.

Although the previous decoration here is also good.

But because of the age, there are also many problems.

So he deliberately paid a high price to find a decoration company, and all of them were decorated in a new Chinese style.

This decorative style and courtyard are simply a match made in heaven.

the simplicity reveals the atmosphere, elegance, and luxury.

Who can't give a thumbs up?

This is his hard work.

Not to mention, this effort is worth more than 30 million.

"If there are ghosts here, Brother Cheng doesn't have to worry!" Liu Jianchun showed a sneer on his face: "Do you know Zhang Tianlong, one of the eight great masters?"

Cheng Dongpeng gasped: "Exorcising ghost Daoists?"

Liu Jianchun's face was full of pride: "Yes, Zhang Tianlong is my cousin, as long as I call him, even if there are ghosts here?"

"Okay, you guys clean up and get out!" Saying that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Tianlong's number: "Cousin, I'm in some trouble here, can you send someone down the mountain to help me solve it?" The

voice just fell.

A sinister laugh suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "Don't send people down the mountain, let the so-called Zhang Tianlong personally go down the mountain."

"After all, the ghosts of our level, ordinary people can't handle it, Jiaoji ~~~"

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