"There are ghosts!"

"Run, this house, I don't dare to stay for a day!" Cheng Dongpeng's face was full of horror and ran outside.

He had also thought about finding a Taoist exorcist to suppress the evil spirits in the courtyard.

But I never dreamed of it.

The female ghost actually threatened to let Zhang Tianlong personally go down the mountain.

She dared to ignore Zhang Tianlong, the ghost exorcist.

Who is her opponent of an ordinary exorcist?

No matter how good this house is, he doesn't dare to live here.

"Cousin, do you hear that? That female ghost actually said that she let you go down the mountain yourself! Liu Jianchun's face was full of anxiety, he wanted to run, but his legs were like poured with lead, and he couldn't run at all.

Zhang Tianlong on the other end of the phone snorted coldly: "It's not a big problem, I will personally take action!" Said and hung up the phone.

Liu Jianchun looked around nervously: "You... Don't be arrogant, my cousin will come soon, if he comes, he will definitely destroy you." Speaking

of this, he used his strength to eat milk and quickly ran outside.

But he didn't leave.

Instead, stay outside the courtyard.

This waited until sunset in the evening.

I saw a high-end van driving up in the distance.

Liu Jianchun's son, Liu Qiang, cheered: "Dad, Uncle Zhang is here!"

Liu Jianchun's eyes lit up.

A moment later.

The van stopped.

A middle-aged man wearing a yellow Daoist robe and holding a peach wood sword walked out.

The gesture gives people a feeling of being superior in the world.

He was Zhang Tianlong, one of the eight great masters in the world.

People send nicknames to exorcise ghosts.

His influence in the rivers and lakes far exceeded that of other grandmasters.

Behind him were two young men in their twenties wearing gray robes.

They also held some exorcism items in their hands.

"Cousin, you can be considered to be here!" The moment he saw Zhang Tianlong, Liu Jianchun breathed a sigh of relief, and then tears of humiliation appeared in his eyes: "That ghost in this courtyard is too deceitful, you must destroy her to avenge us!" Saying

that, he informed Zhang Tianlong of what happened last night.

Zhang Tianlong was surprised when he heard this.

He has eliminated many fierce ghosts who have lost their conscience, did all kinds of evil, and demanded their lives from mortals.


He had never met such a 'vicious' ghost.

No harm.

But let them mess around.

"There must be a reason for this, so why should the ghosts trouble you? Have you sinned against her? Zhang Tianlong said and looked at the courtyard in front of him.

He opened his heavenly eyes and was able to see the ghosts of the world.


When I looked at the courtyard, I didn't find anything unusual.

"Cousin, we have never sinned against that ghost..." Liu Jianchun told Zhang Tianlong everything that happened before, such as the Cheng family occupying this place.

For example, when they drove Chen Nan away, the other party said: I hope you will never encounter unclean things here.

Zhang Tianlong couldn't help but frown after hearing this: "Chen Nan? This name is somewhat familiar.

Zhang Tianlong's disciple couldn't help but ask, "Master, could this Chen Nan be the one who defeated King Kong?"

Zhang Tianlong frowned.

The news of Chen Nan's defeat of King Kong has spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

Everyone knows that there is an amazing rising star in the rivers and lakes.

After all, King Kong's strength in the rivers and lakes is extremely terrifying.

It's just that.

No one expected it.

Chen Nan can not only defeat King Kong, but even have the means to ward off ghosts.

To know.

Today, among the eight great masters.

Only he and Huang Sanxiong have the ability to deal with ghosts.

"Even if it's him?" Zhang Tianlong's face flashed with a sneer: "As long as the Liu family doesn't offend that powerful ghost, Wei Shi can directly destroy it!" "

Although he is a ghost exorcist.


You can't just kill a powerful ghost.

Let's use an analogy.

If that powerful ghost has a causal relationship with the Liu family.

Even he can't forcibly encroach on the grudge between the two sides.

You can only be a peacemaker to reconcile the relationship between the two parties.

And now.

Knowing that the Liu family was not guilty, the other party had the same thing as last night.

A burst of anger also rose in his heart.

"Wait a little longer, when the sun sets completely, I'll strike to wipe out that powerful ghost!" Zhang Tianlong held the sword behind him with one hand, and his eyes revealed a hint of pride.

"When I'm done solving that powerful ghost, I'm going to meet that junior named Chen Nan for a while!"

"If he hurts people from ghosts, is he not afraid of damaging Yin virtue and going to hell after death?"

"Could it be that he thought that if he defeated King Kong, he would be able to do whatever he wanted in the rivers and lakes?"

As soon as he heard that Zhang Tianlong was going to find Chen Nan's trouble.

The Liu family was full of ecstasy.

In their eyes.

That ghost really deserves to die.

But Chen Nan is even more damned.

If it weren't for him.

Would they have done that kind of lewd thing last night?

Liu Qiang seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but say: "Uncle Zhang, once you wait for the night, the strength of that powerful ghost will definitely improve." In my opinion, it is better to kill it directly while the sun has not yet set!

Zhang Tianlong sneered: "Taking advantage of people's dangers is definitely not a gentleman's doing."

"Not bad, even if that powerful ghost's strength is very strong, can it be stronger than your Uncle Zhang?" Liu Jianchun grinned: "Even if that powerful ghost is powerful, you Uncle Zhang can suppress it."

Zhang Tianlong showed a proud look.

Right at this moment.

A gloomy laughter sounded from the courtyard: "Is he really so powerful?" I don't believe it! "

The next moment.

Wearing a red tunic, Zhao Feiyan was full of charm, and her fingers were wrapped around her hair and slowly walked out.

Lu Xi appeared strangely on the wall.

She sat on the wall, dangling her legs and putting an intriguing smile on her face.

Without exception.

Both of them exuded a terrifying ghost aura.

"There are actually two powerful ghosts?" Liu Qiang gasped, obviously he didn't expect that there were two powerful ghosts.

"Lang Lang Qiankun, you dare to show up?" One of Zhang Tianlong's apprentices was taken aback, although it was evening, the sun had not set.

Ghosts dare to appear in broad daylight.

How are they not afraid?

Zhang Tianlong's eyes also flashed a trace of jealousy, as if he did not expect that these two powerful ghosts would dare to appear in the daylight.


As the first person in the exorcism world.

He naturally would not be frightened by Zhao Feiyan and Lu He, and he snorted coldly: "You have lost your conscience, and you have done all the bad things, and today the old age has surpassed you." As soon as the words fell, a yellow talisman paper appeared in his hand.


He waved his hand casually.

That talisman paper was like a yellow light, which instantly hit Zhao Feiyan's forehead.


He typed out a piece of talisman paper again.

And this talisman paper fell directly on Lu He's forehead.

The whole process is lightning fast.

It's hard to guard against.

Looking at the two powerful ghosts who were fixed there, Liu Jianchun laughed: "You two are not crazy now? You know how awesome my cousin is, right?

Under everyone's incredulous eyes, Zhao Feiyan reached out and tore off the talisman paper on her forehead, and said with a look of disgust: "What is this paper for?" "

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