Chen Nan's heart beat faster, and he couldn't help but ask, "What is the opportunity that Brother Chi Jian said?" Chi

Jian spread out his right hand.

A piece of red fluff appears in the hand.

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown.

He felt a trace of the law of fire on this piece of fluff.

"The Phoenix Tribe has a powerful magic weapon called the Five Bird Fan."

"It's made from the feathers of five powerful birds."

"The power is extremely terrifying!"

"Back then, in order to defeat the leader of the Phoenix Tribe, we lost more than a hundred thousand brothers of the Divine Venerable Realm."

"This piece of fluff was shed from the five-bird fan."

"I've been working on this for years."

"It didn't come to an understanding until some time ago, and it could feel the whereabouts of the remnants of the Phoenix Tribe."

"If there are still people alive in the Phoenix Tribe, they will definitely be found."

"And find the key to open the formation."

"Just imagine, if you find the key to open the formation, why can't you get the trust of the commander and entrust you with a heavy task?"

Chen Nan was overjoyed.

I never expected that this piece of fluff had such a big origin.

Chi Jian revealed an intriguing gaze: "If you make this miracle, won't we be in charge?" Speaking of this, it stuck out its tongue and licked the corners of its mouth.

Chen Nan was very excited, and quickly said, "If I can make such a miraculous achievement, I will definitely not forget the cultivation of Brother Chi Blade."

Chi Jian nodded gratifyingly, beckoned to a strange demon named Zhiwu in the distance, and said before and after the other party: "I have a task given to Daddy, you accompany him to carry it out!"

"If the task is completed, you can be credited."

Send a big noon: "Brother Chi Jian rest assured, we will definitely complete the task and live up to your expectations of us." "

Sending lunch is like Spiegel.

Their outing this time is actually like gilding.

It was Chi Jian who deliberately promoted Chen Nan and wanted him to assist on the side.

Although there was an extra alien creature around him, Chen Nan was not panicked at all, because he could take the lunch away.

Chi Jian said: "You guys go southwest, I followed the remnants of those Phoenix tribes back then, I originally wanted to kill them all, but after chasing them out for two hundred miles, they evaporated in the world!"

"I suspect that there is an invisible formation in the southwest, or a small world."

"It's very likely that they got into it."

"Okay." Chen Nan said, "Then we will leave first and strive to find the clansmen of the Phoenix Tribe." Saying that, he took off into the air and flew to the southwest with his noon.

Zhi Wu followed behind him, with a flattering smile on his face: "Daddy, if you fly in the future, don't forget the little brother!"

"I'm not very capable."

"But the biggest advantage is obedience."

"I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I promise that there is no dissent."

"My own brother, it's too outrageous to say so much!" Chen Nan said with a smile.

After flying out two hundred miles.

Chen Nan landed on a bare, endless mountain below.

According to Chi Jian, this is where the Phoenix Tribe disappeared.


It was bare, except for a few raised boulders on the mountain.

And some strangely shaped stones.

There is nothing else at all.

"Daddy, I've been to this place many times, and I've moved all these stones, but I haven't found anything." Send lunch opening.

This is where the Phoenix Tribe disappeared.

Because it is only two hundred miles away from Phoenix Ridge.

So many alien demons have come here to look for it.

Ji Wu gave his opinion: "I feel that the Phoenix Tribe has long left this place through the secret method, after all, this is under our noses, and it still belongs to our territory, do they dare to live in our territory?"

"Not necessarily, the Terrans have a saying called black under the lamp." Chen Nan looked around and said, "Have you ever destroyed the landscape of this place?"

"No, no, no!" Zhi Wu said: "Although we have all moved the strange stones here, but in the end we all returned to their original positions, according to the commander, there is a very high probability that there is a formation here, and if we move the strange stones rashly, it is very likely that we will completely cut off the connection with the Phoenix Tribe."

After a pause, it asked puzzled: "Daddy, what do you mean by black under the lamp just now?"

Chen Nan: "The lamp emits light and can illuminate the darkness, but under the lamp there is a dark area." Send

noon: "I don't understand!"

Chen Nan: "You can understand that the most dangerous place is the safest place." Because no one can imagine that the enemy lives in our territory. Ji

Wu gasped: "Do they have this guts?"

Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh: "When living becomes a luxury, they will take risks and even deal with death!" Send

noon: "This statement is slightly contradictory!"

Chen Nan shrugged undeniably.

Oh, yes!

Very contradictory.

But if they are not caught in this desperate situation, how many people can understand the hardships?

Seeing Chen Nan looking at those stones seriously, Zhi Wu asked curiously: "Daddy, is there really an answer we want on these stones?"

Chen Nan: "Look at these strange rocks on the ridge, some of them look like humans, some are like birds and beasts, and they look lifelike."

"Although there are no wonders in the world, the Creator is also amazing."

"But these strange stones are clearly carved in the later stage."

"Being is reasonable."

"I believe they definitely have their value."

He immediately sent a horse fart at noon, and his face was full of adoration: "Daddy is really a man who is favored by Brother Chi Jian, and he knows so many human principles!"

"It seems that the little brother will have to learn more with you in the future!"

Chen Nan laughed.

I'm human.

How can you not understand what human beings should know?

His gaze swept over the stones on the ridge.

He knows.

The descendants of the Phoenix Tribe must live here.

Because the feather on the five-bird fan in his hand came here as if it came to life, as if summoning something.

And the lifelike stones around are the passwords to find the Phoenix tribe.

It's just how this password is arranged, combined.

He didn't have the slightest clue.

He walked up to the ridge and looked closely at the shape of the stones.

In addition to birds and beasts.

There are also some stone statues of humans.

Chen Nan counted carefully.

There are as many as seven hundred and twenty stone statues of humans.

The statues have old people, middle-aged people, and some children.

There seem to be many age groups.

"What do these seven hundred and twenty figure stone statues represent?"

"What do these birds and beasts around me represent?"

"How can I crack the formation here?" Chen Nan was helpless, and he didn't know what the meaning of the existence of these stone statues was.

This made him anxious.

Because he knows.

Just figure out the meaning of these stone statues.

You can crack the formation here and find the descendants of the Phoenix Tribe.

But the problem is, he has no clue.

Just when he was sitting casually on the ridge, he suddenly felt that his butt was a little panicked, and he stretched out his hand, and a fist-sized stone came into view.

Seeing that this was a stone statue, Chen Nan's pupils trembled violently, and then the corners of his mouth rose, and a charming smile appeared: "I finally know how to crack the formation here!" "

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