Send noon ecstasy: "Daddy, do you really know the way to crack the formation here?"

Chen Nan stood up holding the stone statue in his hand, and then the soul power roared out.

In a flash.

In the distance, stone statues of some animals are arranged in order.

There are twelve stone statues in total.

At the top of the list is the rat.

Twelve stone statues form a large circle.

Like numbers from one to twelve on the dial.

The rat comes first.

Pork chops are in twelve.

"Daddy, shouldn't you say that arranging these twelve animals together can crack the formation here?" Zhi Wu looked embarrassed: "Everyone knows the existence of the twelve zodiac signs, and we used to think that we could crack the formation here, but it was useless at all." "

They're alien demons.

It does not mean that you do not know the pattern of the three realms.

I also have some understanding of the twelve beast gods.

Chen Nan didn't expect them to know about the twelve zodiac signs, but he still said, "Of course, it is not so simple to crack the formation here.

"See these stone carvings of these figures around?"

"Do you know why they are old and young?"

"Do you know why there are seven hundred and twenty stone sculptures?"

Ji Wu shook his head.

This problem is unknown even to Grand Commander Hatu.

Just instruct not to spoil here.

Chen Nan explained: "The Terrans have the theory of reincarnation, and a reincarnation is a jiazi, do you know how long a jiazi is?" "

Ji Wu's head shook like a rattle.

"Sixty!" Chen Nandao: "You divide seven hundred and twenty by sixty, how much do you count?" Zhi

Wu smiled awkwardly: "Daddy, don't ask me this question, my toes are not chopping enough."

Chen Nan shook his head: "Seven hundred and twenty divided by sixty is exactly twelve."

"If nothing else, these stone statues correspond to the Chinese zodiac."

"Daddy, how do you know so much knowledge about the Terrans?" Ji Wu showed a puzzled look.

Chen Nan: "If our clan wants to gain a foothold in the Divine Realm, we must learn the knowledge of some races. Zhi

Wu nodded solemnly: "What you said is reasonable, I will study diligently after I go back, and strive to be as proficient in Terran history as soon as possible."

Chen Nan said: "Go, bring me all those stone sculptures, and then classify them according to the age of the stone statues, you should know the twelve zodiac signs, right?" Ji

Wu laughed: "I know this is lost."

"It's just..."

"Many of the people on these stone statues seem to be relatively close in age, and there is no way to distinguish them in detail!"

"Look at their color, and how weathered they are. Forget it, I'll do it myself! Chen Nan's soul power roared out, wrapped in twelve stone statues and fell in front of the stone statues of the twelve zodiac signs.

This batch of stone statues all have serious weathering lines on their bodies, and some even have some blurred facial features.

However, using the Qiqi Technique, it can still be distinguished that this is the first stone statue.


The first stone statues had twelve stone statues.

It is still somewhat difficult to distinguish the zodiac signs they correspond to.

"Daddy, what if you divide this batch of stone statues? These stone statues can't see their faces clearly, can't distinguish their ages, and can't put them in their corresponding positions! "Although I don't know a lot about it, it's not stupid, and it hits the nail on the head and asks a fatal question.

"That's a good question." Chen Nandao: "Don't ask next time, just see how I do it." Ji

Wu showed an embarrassed smile.

Then, without saying a word, he watched Chen Nan arrange the twelve stone statues together in order.

In fact, the twelve stone statues are completely unrecognizable.

And they all look like old people in their old age.

I want to distinguish the zodiac phase they correspond to through physical characteristics.

It's really hard.

However, Chen Nan is expected to use qi techniques.

It is entirely possible to distinguish the order by the historical atmosphere on them.

This is like a piece of solid wood furniture that has just been created, and compared with the real wood furniture that is one year old, careful people can always find traces of history.

Chen Nan's qi technique happened to be distinguishable.

After that, Chen Nan placed the second batch of stone statues in front of the stone statues of the Chinese zodiac.

Follow the previous steps to make the distinction.

It's a long, meticulous work.

Because once placed wrong.

It is certainly not possible to open the Dharma Formation here.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

At this time, Chen Nan had already placed seven hundred and nineteen stone statues in order.

He came to the pig statue with a stone statue of a young child.

"Whether I can crack the formation here depends on this stone statue in my hand!"

Chen Nan's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated.

This will determine whether the descendants of the Phoenix Tribe can be found.

It will determine whether he can find the key to open the formation and obtain the Phoenix Grass.

It will determine whether Xuan Qingyin can live.


The stone statue in Chen Nan's hand finally fell to the ground.

At the moment when the stone statue landed.


A strange light spread out from the eyes of the twelve beast statues, and those rays penetrated the stone statues in front of them, and finally converged, forming a twisted door of time and space.

"Daddy, you are so powerful, you really found the whereabouts of the Phoenix Tribe, this is really a great achievement!" Zhi Wu's excited voice trembled.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Just cracking this formation, there is no guarantee that the descendants of the Phoenix Tribe will live here, let's go, go in and find out!" Said stepping into it.

Zhi Wu didn't think much about it, and followed Chen Nan into the gate of time and space.

It's just a nameless little minions in Phoenix Ridge.

If you follow Chen Nan this time, you can find the remnants of the Phoenix Tribe.

It will certainly soar in the future, and be appreciated and reused by the leadership.

After entering the Gate of Time and Space.

The two only felt a dazzling light flash in front of their eyes.

The bright light made them subconsciously close their eyes.

After opening it again.

A paradise with beautiful mountains and rivers and singing birds and flowers comes into view.

A large flock of birds flew in the air, colorful and dazzling.

There are countless wildflowers blooming on the ground.

Even the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

"It's a good place, I just don't know if there's anyone!" Ji Wu's eyes flashed with a fierce light: "If the remnants of the Phoenix Tribe are here and kill them all, then we can go back to the errand!" The

words did not fall.

A large group of Terran cultivators took off in the distance with blades in hand.

There were about fifty or sixty people.

There are old people, adults, and some women and children.

"Who are you? How can you break the zodiac reincarnation array? An old man with white hair and fairy wind bones spoke like thunder, and his eyes flashed with monstrous killing intent.

"It doesn't matter how we crack the formation, the important thing is that you all have to die!" Ji Wu's face was full of anger, and just about to make a move, a long knife suddenly pierced its back, and a large cut appeared in its chest.

Zhi Wu looked at Chen Nan incredulously: "Daddy, you... Why kill me? "

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