Chen Nan looked at the girl in rags next to him: "What's your name?" The girl

said obediently: "My name is Wu Yue."

Chen Nan: "Those people forced you to steal other people's things?" Wu

Yue said fearfully: "If I don't do what they say, they will beat me."

Chen Nan: "Why didn't you tell your parents?" Wu

Yue whispered, "My mother is sick and needs me to feed." "

She didn't say anything about her father.

It is not difficult for Chen Nan to guess that her father is very likely to have died.

If there is a man in the family, he will not be bullied to this extent.

This also verifies the saying that hemp rope is specially picked and broken, and bad luck only finds bitter people.

If you don't encounter it, it's just that.

Meet today.

With Chen Nan's character, he would definitely not sit idly by.

It is necessary to help.

A moment later.

Chen Nan followed Wu Yue to a poor area in the west of the city and came to a dilapidated mud house.

This is her home.

Wu Yue's mother, Xia Anruo, was lying on a recliner in the courtyard, skinny and looking very weak.

Although Cheyenne is skinny and sickly face.

But looking at her facial features, it is not difficult to conclude that she was also a beauty before she was sick.

Seeing my daughter return with a stranger.

Cheyenne Ruo looked a little uneasy.

"Mother, this uncle is not a bad person. Wu Yue hurriedly said, "And he is very powerful, he beat away the bad guys who bullied me by the Tiger Gang." "

Listen to this.

Cheyenne's pupils trembled violently, and she pointed to the door and roared angrily: "You hurry up, hurry up, you are not welcome in our family."

"Mother, this uncle is a good person, why are you making such a big fire?" Wu Yue looked a little nervous, she was only ten years old, and she couldn't understand why her mother made such a big fire for no reason.

Cheyenne Ruo said angrily: "If he is really a good person, he will not help you fight off the bad guys of the Tiger Gang." Do you know that the Tigers will put this account on our mother and daughter?"

Wu Yue also realized the seriousness of the matter.


, the Tiger Gang is the three major underworld forces in the East Sang Kingdom, they are strong and domineering, their methods are cruel, and anyone who offends them will pay a heavy price.

When this happened today, how could the Tiger Gang give up,

although Cheyenne Ruo's attitude towards him was very unfriendly.

But this is also human nature.

After all.

What he did today really made the situation of the mother and daughter very dangerous.

He just didn't expect Cheyenne, a seriously ill woman, to be so sane, and instantly thought of the end of offending the Tiger Gang.

Fortunately, he had already thought of a solution.

"This eldest sister, don't worry. Chen Nan took out the previous money bag and said, "I have some money here, enough to treat you and enough for your mother and daughter to spend the rest of their lives without worry."

"In my opinion, you should take Wu Yue out of the East Sang Kingdom and live in a different place!" Wu Yue

whispered: "Mother, this uncle has fifteen valuable divine stones in his money bag, and so much money can completely cure your illness."

Cheyenne Ruo was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that there were so many divine stones in her money bag, which made her attitude towards Chen Nan change.


She didn't take the money bag, her eyes were slightly dull looking up at the sky, and said, "I can feel that you really want to help our mother and daughter, but we won't leave

!" Wu Yue looked anxious: "Mother, we are all bullying us here, why are you not willing to live in another place?" "

You used to say that we had no money, but now this uncle has given us a lot of money!"

We can completely change to a place where no one knows us, so that no one will bully us!"

Cheyenne Ruo glanced at her daughter distressedly, and then said something that made Wu Yue's scalp numb: "Yue'er, in fact, my mother lied, your father is still alive, he is not dead."

Wu Yue was stunned in place.

The pupils trembled violently.

Her mother's words made it difficult for her to accept.

Because she had inquired about her father's whereabouts for as long as she could remember.

But my mother said my father had died of illness.


In her heart, her father was long gone.

He Cheng thought of his mother, but said that his father was still alive.

"No, you're lying, if my father is still alive, why would he abandon us both?" Wu Yue couldn't cry, although she was young, she also understood some truth.

She would rather her father be dead than accept abandonment.

Cheyenne's face was full of unbearability, but still said: "I know you can't accept this, but he is really alive, and he said that he will come back one day."

"So we can't go, we're going to wait for him here."

Wu Yue squatted on the ground and cried with her legs in her arms, she knew that her mother would not lie.

But this incident brought her a powerful impact.

This made her extremely conflicted inside.

She didn't want to see the man who had abandoned them for ten years.

But the longing for her father in her heart made her young heart rise up with a burst of fantasy.

Because she longed to sit on her father's shoulders like her children.

Just think of the Tigers.

A wave of fear and uneasiness rose in her heart.

Fear of the other party coming to the door.

"Since you don't want to leave, let's stay here and live!" Chen Nan sighed secretly, he didn't intend to meddle in the affairs of the Tiger Gang, although they lost their conscience.

But that's what the world is.

Although the place where the sun shines is full of warmth.

But where the sun doesn't shine, there will always be a lot of darkness that can't bear to look at directly.

Because of this, he will give the mother and daughter a sum of money to let them live in another place.

This is a palliative treatment.

And now it seems.

If you can't treat the symptoms, then you can only cure the root cause.

As for how to cure the root cause...


Wouldn't destroying the so-called Tiger Gang cure the symptoms and cure the root cause

?" "Keep this money, find a better doctor to take care of the disease, and you don't want the man you missed to see you so haggard when you come back?" He put the money bag next to Cheyenne, and then rubbed Wu Yue's head: "Take care of your mother."

Wu Yue nodded obediently.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave, Cheyenne's voice sounded: "Why are you helping us?"

At this moment, he thought of his relatives, lovers, daughters, friends.

"Because there are people waiting for me to come home!" he said, stepping out of the dilapidated yard.

He just walked out.

I found that a head at the mouth of the alley in front of me quickly retracted.

It's clear.

This is someone watching him.

He strode over and saw a sneaky figure around the corner.

When the man saw Chen Nan appear, his face turned pale with fright.

Chen Nan asked, "Are you from the Tiger Gang?" The

other party shook his head again and again in fright: "I'm not, I'm not."

Chen Nan: "Don't care if it's not, can you take me to the Tiger Gang?"

We're trying to get you in trouble, but you're going to throw yourself into the net

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