
Can you take me to the Tiger Gang!" Chen Nan gradually lost his patience, and his voice was cold.

"Can you can!" the other party snorted in fright.

Although I don't know why Chen Nan died.

But he still chose to take Chen Nan back to the Tiger Gang.

"Blame me, it's too merciful!"

"If you face some evil people, you are as ruthless as killing demons."

"What's going on?"

Chen Nan sighed secretly.

If he had killed those three members of the Tiger Gang before, the situation of Cheyenne Ruo's mother and daughter would definitely not be the same as it is now.


Is he really too kind?

Because he killed too many alien demons, the more he faced his compatriots, the more he could not get his hands off.

The base camp of the ------

Tiger Gang is located in the Nancheng District.

On the bright side is a large restaurant.

In fact, it is a gathering place for the Tiger Gang.

At the moment when Chen Nan entered the restaurant.

The wooden door behind him closed instantly.

A group of strong men armed with knives, guns and clubs all focused their eyes on him with sinister smiles.

There are hundreds of people as far as the eye can see.

These people are fierce and vicious, and at a glance you can know that they are not good.

"I heard that you hurt my brother?" sat at the long table a middle-aged man with clear eyebrows, dan phoenix eyes, and a feminine face.

Next to him were two women dressed in flowery branches, rubbing his shoulders.

Chen Nan pulled away the chair in front of the bench, sat there casually, and put his legs on the long table, and said lightly: "Yes, it's me, I don't know what your gang is going to do with me?"

There was no stage fright at all because he came to the territory of the Tiger Gang.

This boldness makes many people feel ashamed of themselves.

A strong man of five big and three thick pointed at Chen Nan: "Rabbit cub, this is the base camp of my Tiger Gang, so you can't let go wild." My boss hasn't given you a seat yet, so stand up quickly, otherwise Laozi will cut off

your head!" Chen Nan turned his head and looked: "Is it okay to shut your mouth? "

Just an indifferent look.

But it made the strong man tremble and shudder.

For some reason.

He saw the picture of corpses in Chen Nan's eyes.

I saw countless powerful alien demons.

and terrifying monsters.

Song Dahu, the leader of the Tiger Gang, showed a playful smile: "You hurt my three brothers on the street, but now you are swaggering to my Tiger Gang, do you really think that my Tiger Gang is a soft persimmon, can I let you humiliate

?" "If I release you today, how will my Tiger Gang gain a foothold in Dongsang Country?" Chen

Nan asked: "So, what do you want to do with me?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "What if I refuse?" Song

Dahu was overjoyed in his heart.

He only knew that Chen Nan had fifteen divine stones on his body.

But he doesn't know exactly how much.

That's why he opened his mouth to ask for a hundred divine stones.

The purpose was to test how many divine stones Chen Nan had.

Now it seems.

The number of divine stones on his body should be a lot.

After all.

If he didn't have so many divine stones, he would definitely say no.

And he directly refused.

The answer is obvious.

This made him smile joyfully: "Of course you can refuse!" "

However, you have to ask my brothers if they agree!" A

middle-aged man spoke: "Young man, I advise you to hand over the divine stone and break your wealth to avoid disaster." Otherwise, I will unload you today and let you know the fate of offending my Tiger Gang.

"What are you doing with him talking so much nonsense and just chopping him off!"

Several strong men rushed towards Chen Nan.

Because they had heard that Chen Nan was very capable of fighting, they did not attack with their bare hands.

Each holds a sharp weapon.

However, Chen Nan still had a light and breezy appearance, a group of ordinary people, how could it be his opponent?

But the flesh is still invincible.

With a dull sound, the dozen or so strong men who attacked Chen Nan all fell to the ground.

Clutching his chest, he let out a groan of pain.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

Chen Nan's speed when he shot was too fast, so fast that people couldn't guard against it.

Even if they knew that Chen Nan's strength was very strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

You must know that the people who shot just now are all strong masters in the Tiger Gang!

So many people did not get the slightest bargain at the same time, I have to say that it is too outrageous.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so able to fight.

"But what if you can fight?"

Song Dahu showed a sneer: "In front of the absolute number of people, you are just an ant." With a wave of his right hand, the members of the Tiger Gang killed Chen Nan in all directions.

Not only that.

A maid next to Song Dahu even took out a jade flute and played it in public.

The sound is pleasant and soothing.

It's very comfortable.

The next second.

However, the sound revealed a golden iron horse-like killing intent.

This made Chen Nan feel distraught.


He was surprised by the woman who played the.

Because he could feel that the jade flute in her hand was extraordinary.

Otherwise, it will not trigger a change in his inner mood.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Members of the surrounding Tiger Gang have come again.

He grabbed a long stick and smashed it fiercely around.

The sound of the stick is like thunder, and everywhere it passes, a blood mist will splash, causing a burst of screams.

He was like a killing god, which made the members of the Tiger Gang feel panic and uneasiness like never before.

Even Song Dahu, who had been sitting there, showed a solemn look.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to be able to ignore the impact of the whistle.

Over time.

There are not many figures left in the lobby that can stand.

Those who fell to the ground were all seriously injured, unable to stand up at all, and some were still spitting blood, looking like they were seriously injured.

"Young man, don't you put my Tiger Gang in your eyes too much?" Song Dahu's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Chen Nan asked calmly, "What if I don't put you in my eyes?"

A strong killing intent rose in Song Dahu's heart, but he also realized Chen Nan's terribleness, and forced himself to endure his anger: "Say, what do you want?"

Chen Nan: "It's very simple, don't go to the trouble of Cheyenne Ruo's mother and daughter." Song

Dahu just wanted to speak.

A little brother ran in panting.

Seeing him, Song Dahu grinned: "Are you begging me?" "

You are looking for death!" Chen

Nan didn't want to kill, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't kill.

Song Dahu grabbed the thing in the little brother's hand with a frantic face, raised it above his head, and said angrily: "Yanima, look at the things in my hand, do you really dare to kill me?"

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