Hearing that the Chiyang Daoist came to the door, He Shanshan's eyes suddenly showed panic and uneasiness that could not be concealed!

Including Jian Ning too!

As a member of the Jeju family, she knew that Yeeyongmun entered Jeju and became the guest of all the wealthy families in Jeju!

I also know the strength of the other party!

It's just that!

She didn't expect the other party to kill the door!

Chen Nan poured the red wine into the decanter and said with a smile: "Let the red wine wake up for a while, I'll go back!" He said and walked outside.

At this moment, he is quite concerned about the momentum of the second master's warm wine and cutting Huaxiong!

Come outside.

Chen Nan couldn't help frowning, and said with a look of disgust: "Just a dozen of you came?" You look down on people too much, don't you? Can't you just come more? "

Three hundred talents in exchange for a chance to kill the Immortal Vine, if this is the case, I don't know that I will get the Year of the Monkey!"

Tu Yang said angrily: "Chen Nan, if you don't want anyone to see anyone, my father will definitely cut off your head to avenge me!"

The Chiyang Daoist was dressed in a fiery robe, and his eyes were full of anger: "The surname Chen, you are really bold, not only hurt my beloved son, but even snatched my son's woman, today, I will kill you to avenge my son!"

When the words fell, he made a gesture to the disciples behind him: "Go together, don't kill him first, just break your limbs."

"I will cut him by a thousand cuts, only in this way can I vent the killing intent in my heart!"

His tone was flat, as if he was saying something trivial that didn't matter!


The dozen or so disciples of the Foundation Building Period realm of the Lieyang Gate simultaneously sacrificed their long swords and killed towards Chen Nan!

"You should go together!"

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly, more than ten cultivators in the early stage of foundation building, he had not yet put it in his eyes!

Don't talk about them!

Even if the so-called Chiyang Daoist went together, it would be difficult to hurt him in the slightest!


He blasted out with one palm!

True Qi conjured up a huge palm print, blasting those people out under the shocked eyes of the Chiyang Daoists!


The Chiyang Daoist frowned: "I underestimated you!" However, even if you can defeat my disciples of the Lieyang Gate, you are definitely not the old man's opponent!" The

words fell, he squeezed his hands!

In a flash!

Swaying flames appeared in the night!

The flames are suspended in the night, looking like ghost fire, very strange!

Immediately, the flames turned into a fire sword!

Densely suspended in the air, it illuminates the villa!

"Give me death!"

The Chiyang Daoist roared angrily, and those fire swords slashed towards Chen Nan!

Chen Nan stood majestically and stood there quietly!

Let these fire swords come at you!

When those fire swords were less than three meters away from him, they all stopped strangely in mid-air!

Chiyang Daoist's eyes flashed with surprise, I don't know why this happened!

Don't think about it!

He squeezed his hands again!

Those fire swords trembled, but they couldn't get close at all!

It was as if there was an invisible barrier blocking the way!

"You... Are you a powerhouse in the five-layer realm of the Foundation Building Period? The Chiyang Daoist exclaimed, except for this possibility, he couldn't think of the reason why his spell failed!

"Do you look down on people so much?" Chen Nan turned his fingers into swords, and a true qi slashed towards the Chiyang Daoist!

"Not good!"

Chiyang Daoist pupil earthquake!

He wants to hide!

But it's simply too late!

was hit by Chen Nan's true qi and flew out more than ten meters away!

"Father, are you all right?" Tu Yang's face was sallow, he never expected that Chen Nan's strength was terrifying to such a point.

After all, my father was a strong man in the middle of the fourth layer of the foundation building period!

The Chiyang Daoist came to the villa for the first time, and he looked jealous: "The younger generation has eyes that do not recognize Mount Tai, and also ask the senior's subordinates to show mercy and let our father and son have a way of life!" "

The strong in the cultivation world are respected!

Even if the Chiyang Daoist has lived for more than two hundred years, but his cultivation is not as good as Chen Nan, it is natural to call the other party's senior!

"Admit defeat if you are not as good as others?" Chen Nan's face was full of disdain: "If it is me who is inferior today, will your father and son let me live?"

"Hurt Guan Qing on your day!"

"From the moment your son hits my woman's idea!"

"We're already at odds with each other!"

"Not to mention, you guys came to kill me!"

"If that's the case, how can I keep you?"

Words fall!

The Shadowless Sword pierced the eyebrows of the Chiyang Daoist!

"Horcrux? You actually have a horcrux? Tu Yang screamed.

I already knew that Chen Nan's strength was so terrifying!

If you knew he had a horcrux!

How dare you offend him?

Chen Nan looked in the direction of the backyard: "The rest is left to you, three hundred away, and now there are still 284 left!" Tu

Yang didn't know what Chen Nan meant!

Before he could react, he was shocked to see a green vine appear under his father!

That green vine directly entangled the corpse of the Chiyang Daoist and dragged him underground!

Not only the Chiyang Daoists, but even those disciples of the Flaming Yang Gate were dragged underground by the vines!

"Damn, what the hell is going on here?" Tu Yang's scalp is numb!

The picture in front of him made him creepy, he had never seen such an absurd and bizarre picture!

Don't wait for him to understand what's going on!

A vine wrapped around his right leg!

"No, don't..."

Tu Yang screamed!

It's just that before the words were finished, another vine broke through the ground!

Inserted into Tu Yang's mouth in a fierce and brutal way!

In an instant!

Those people in the Flaming Sun Gate all disappeared to the ground!

Only Tu Yang's wheelchair was left to prove that they had been here!


Thinking that there were still 284 people who could exchange for a chance to kill Immortal Vine, Chen Nan felt a sense of anticipation in his heart!

Of course!

More or with Jian Ning and He Shanshan playing fighting the landlord together!

His satisfaction with He Shanshan's slightly perverted idea!

Without much thought, he closed the door and turned back to the villa!

"What are you talking about?" Looking at the appearance of the two talking happily, Chen Nan asked with a smile!

The two women's faces turned red!

Jian Ning pretended to be calm and said: "It's nothing, it's just talking about whether some people belong to donkeys in their previous lives!" "

This analogy, Chen Nan still likes it!

Even if they compare themselves to donkeys!

Can't you also prove your capital?

"Come on, come on, everyone get a little drunk tonight!" Chen Nan poured red wine for the two, and then chatted about what he saw and heard in Kunlun Mountain while eating.

I also talked about some things in the cultivation world!

The two were mesmerized!

I am also fascinated by the cultivation world!

Before you know it, two bottles of red wine have bottomed out!

He Shanshan and Jian Ning's faces also flushed a slight red, looking delicate, like a ripe peach!

It's as if a gentle pinch will bring out delicious juice!

"Almost finished eating, right? Go, go upstairs, and add a meal to both of you! Chen Nan smiled wickedly, hugged the two of them left and right, and went to the bedroom on the second floor.

Sleeping together, this is his dream all along!

Moreover, having been adrift outside for so long, is it not allowed for him to be merry and happy?

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