
When confused!

Chen Nan was woken up!

Opening his weak eyes, he saw He Shanshan and Jian Ning kneeling on his left and right sides, with malicious smiles on their faces!

"Lying in the groove, can't you let me rest for a while?"

Chen Nan's face was full of fear!

He thought he was awesome!

But he overestimated his strength!

Either of these two alone is gentle with him!

But last night I treated him like a cattle!

The two took turns in battle, ignoring his feelings!

He Cheng thought, just after falling asleep for less than two hours, they became lively again!

This is really not a bad field, only tired cattle!

What a crime!


the two of them still have a conscience!

At noon, I made a hearty meal for Chen Nan!

There is a stewed turtle!

Fried sea cucumber with green onions!

Braised abalone!

Charcoal-grilled oysters!

Black chicken ginseng soup!

"I'm going to Kyoto in the afternoon, do you want to go together?" Chen Nan was going to go to the Qingyu Tea House to see if there were spirit stones there.

After all, he needed to arrange the Gathering Spirit Array!

In addition, I also have to go to Xu's house!

Although he and Xu Qianxin are not married, they are just boyfriend and girlfriend relationships!

But since I have already visited my parents, now that the Spring Festival is approaching, I have to visit it!

In any case, the gift cannot be lost!

He Shanshan shook her head and said she would not go.

Jian Ning also said: "Our family is going to leave relatives these days, and I won't go either."

"In other words, you are all like this, go to Kyoto, and come back with your life?" Speaking of which, it gives him a look you know.

Chen Nan looked puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"You must have gone to find Xu Qianxin, right?" Jian Ning looked at him with a smile, and when Xu Qing was willing to help the dragon drink speak for free, she knew that there was an ulterior relationship between the two.

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "I don't have to get rain and dew!"

Jian Ning slapped the table and said loudly: "Sister Shanshan, get him, let his legs tremble when he sees a woman!" "

Don't do that, huh?"

The tonic that Chen Nan had just eaten almost didn't spew out!

Fortunately, they were just joking and did not continue to abuse Chen Nan!

Otherwise, you have to spray water...

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Nan arrived at Kyoto Airport!

After getting off the plane, I called a commercial car and went straight to the quiet tea house!

"Good afternoon, Mr. Chen!" The staff greeted with a smile and said, "You wait a little first, I'll call Miss!" "Say and go to the second floor.

"Congratulations to Mr. Chen for becoming the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, which is gratifying!" Zhongqiu wore a dark blue cheongsam short skirt and walked down elegantly.

Chen Nan was not surprised that the other party knew about this, and after a few pleasantries, he said, "Miss Zhong, may I ask if we have spirit stones for sale here?"

Zhongqiu said: "Yes, but the quantity is not much, only more than ten pieces, but the price is not cheap, even if you buy it, one piece will cost one billion!"

"I want it!"

Although more than ten pieces are not much, they can also arrange a simple spirit gathering array!

Spent 16 billion to buy sixteen spirit stones!

Chen Nan also gave Xu Qianxin, Xu, He Shanshan, Jian Ning, and Xie Churan's mother and daughter each selected an ornament, which was counted as a New Year's gift.

Of course.

He also bought an extra red jade bracelet, which he prepared for Nangong Wan!

Even if she is still sleeping, she will have what others have!

After leaving the Qingyu Tea House, Chen Nan dialed Xu Qianxin's phone and learned that he was at home, so he rushed over as soon as possible!

He didn't prepare any gifts either!

With a Spirit Pill in hand, the weight of this gift should be enough, right?


After coming to Xu's house, Chen Nan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable!

Everyone in the Xu family is here!

In addition to that, there was a family of three who he had never met!

The man was wearing a black suit, and the whole person exuded an air of not anger and majesty from the inside out.

The woman is dressed in luxury, and she is rich.

As for that young man, it surprised Chen Nan!

The other party turned out to be a cultivator on the first floor of the foundation building period!

"Uncle Lin, this is my boyfriend Chen Nan!"

Xu Qianxin enthusiastically put his arm around Chen Nan.

"Let go!"

Mother Huang Rui said with a straight face: "Isn't the eldest girl's family afraid of being laughed at like this?"

"Why be afraid of jokes?" Xu Qianxin's face was full of strangeness: "He is my boyfriend, isn't it natural for me to put my arm around him?"

Huang Rui's face was cold, "Have we agreed to associate you two together?"

Xu Qianxin looked stunned: "It's not... What do you mean? You didn't have this attitude when Chen Nan came last time! Are you going to object to us being together?

Huang Rui looked at Chen Nan and said lukewarmly: "Chen Nan, you are not worthy of my family's affection, I advise you not to harass her if you are a little wise." If not, don't blame us for turning our faces and not recognizing people!

"Yes, we have helped find a better Junjie."

"Let them have a wedding when spring begins next year!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone in the Xu family showed shocked eyes!

No one expected Huang Rui to say this!

This is simply slapping Chen Nan in the face in public!

Of course, why is this not a slap in the face of Xu's family?

"Mom, are you going too far? Why are you breaking up me and Chen Nan? Why would you let me marry someone I don't like without my consent? Xu Qianxin had tears in his eyes.

She didn't know why her mother was like this!

Obviously he accepted Chen Nan last time!

And now, they want to break them up in public!

Chen Nan, it should be very bad in his heart, right?

Xu Xingguo is an honest man, he doesn't have much temper on weekdays, but now his face is full of anger: "Have you made enough trouble?" Do you know that the faces of my Xu family have been lost by you? "

The Xu family and the Lin family have been friends for generations, and Xu Xingguo has received help from Lin Kangwei before he retires.

Today they brought their son to visit, and Xu Xingguo was happy in his heart!

I even went to buy fresh ingredients early in the morning and planned to cook it myself!

Although he also knows that Lin Chen likes his daughter, for him, feelings can't be forced!

Lin Chen failed to meet the right person at the right time, which means that the two have no fate!


He didn't think about breaking up his daughter and Chen Nan at all!

But I never expected my wife to say such a thing!

Huang Rui was frightened, but still said, "What are you roaring?" Isn't this also for my daughter's sake and our Xu family? "

If you really think about the Xu family, you won't beat the Mandarin Duck and ignore the face of my Xu family!" Xu Xingguo said in a low voice.

Huang Rui snorted: "I admit that Chen Nan is excellent, but in front of Lin Chen, he is nothing." Even if he is worth hundreds of billions, what is it compared to the people in the Immortal Gate?

"If our daughter marries Lin Chen, we can get a panacea, live a long life, and even get immortal yuan!"

"Isn't that better than marrying him, a guy who only has money?"

"You guys touched my heart and told me, what else does he have besides money?"

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