"Since no one objects, then I announce that from today onwards, Chen Nan will become the deputy leader of the hepatitis B research and development team!"

Li Muya directly announced the appointment!

Even though Ye Wanzhi had a lot of unhappiness in his heart!

But I also know that I can't change Li Muya's appointment!

Of course!

When Chen Nan proposed the idea of fighting poison with poison, it still opened up her pattern!

Let her have a feeling of brightness!

But she was not a woman who easily accepted defeat, she looked at Chen Nan: "Team leader Chen, I want to know, are your statements just now on paper, or do you already have a research direction?"

Chen Nan shook his head slightly: "I thought about finding substances that strangle the hepatitis B virus on Chinese herbal medicine, but so far, none of the medicinal herbs I have come into contact with have this ingredient!"

"Even if multiple medicinal herbs are fused, they do not have the effect of killing the hepatitis B virus!"

No one doubts this!

After all, there are eighty-one smoking cessation pills developed by this guy!

Ye Wanzhi suddenly said: "As we all know, hepatitis B virus originated in poultry and animals, is there such a possibility, poultry and animals have a radical cure for hepatitis B?" Speaking of this, a fiery light bloomed in her cold eyes!

Engaging in scientific research is like this, when the flash of inspiration can always bring them endless joy and excitement!

"Boss, I'm going out, going to the zoo!" Ye Wanzhi said and took off the white coat on his body, inside was a short skirt with a slip and broken flowers, with white flat shoes, it looked fresh and beautiful!

Li Muya knew that Ye Wanzhi was a man of action, and she was not surprised by her performance at this time!

"Okay, let Chen Nan accompany you!"

Li Muya has a very conscience!

Knowing that Chen Nan likes beautiful women, this will arrange for him to accompany Ye Wanyi to go out!

Give them a chance to be alone!

Ye Wanzhi hesitated, but still nodded!

"Let's go!" Li Muya gave Chen Nan a smile!

Chen Nan secretly gave Li Muya a thumbs up!

He would like to call it the opponent's strongest wingman!


Chen Nan got into Ye Wanzhi's Mercedes coupe, drove out of the campus, and went straight to Kyoto's largest zoo!

"What specialty were you escorted for?" Ye Wanzhi was driving a Mercedes-Benz car, and glanced at Chen Nan out of the corner of his eye!

If you forget that Chen Nan developed smoking cessation pills, it will ruin their hard work and dedication for more than a year.

This guy is still very good!

Whether it's the ability!

Or looks!

Looking at Tsinghua, it is also a top-level Tianjiao!

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Is handsome a specialty?"

Ye Wanzhi gave him a roll of his eyes: "I can't see it, you are very narcissistic!"

Chen Nan said cheerfully: "Who can come to Tsinghua with low self-esteem?"

It was originally a joke, but Ye Wanzhi was impressed by Chen Nan: "Have you always looked at the problem from such a sharp angle?"

Chen Nan: "I can't say this, mainly in front of beautiful women, who doesn't want to be better?" Make a good impression?

Ye Wanzhi's face turned red, she could hear Chen Nan praising her beautiful!

Thousands of clothes don't wear, especially a cold beauty like Ye Wanzhi!

She heard very few compliments!

Just because she has a cold temperament, plus the identity of a top student!

So much so that no boy will approach her!

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the zoo!

Taking advantage of the time when Ye Wanzhi went to buy tickets, Chen Nan bought two cups of milk tea, after all, it is very hot, milk tea can dispel the heat and make people feel cool!

In addition to that, he also bought a parasol!

Very gentlemanly with umbrella!

Although the two are not next to each other, the distance is also getting closer!

There are few zoo visitors in summer!

On the one hand, it's because of the hot weather!

On the other hand, because the zoo is filled with the pungent smell of feces and urine, as well as the smell of animals!

So much so that it made Ye Wanzhi gag in bursts!

But for the sake of scientific research, she did not show the slightest retreat!

It took a day, plus the help of zoo staff, and the two were given hairs from thirty animals!

And the blood of thirty different animals!

Ordinary people definitely can't get these, but after all, they are from Tsinghua, plus Li Muya also called the leaders of the zoo and asked them to give some help!

This little thing must be happy for the other party!

After returning to school, Ye Wanzhi drove to Chen Nan's dormitory building: "You first go to the dormitory to take a shower, change your clothes, I will pick you up in half an hour, let's go to eat together!" "

After a day together, her impression of Chen Nan is still very good!

Although this guy is a genius, he is not proud, on the contrary, he is very low-key, gentleman!

And it's humorous!

"Okay, then I'll wait for Senior Sister here!"

Chen Nan watched her drive away, and then turned upstairs!

"Brother Nan, you're too perverted, right? You actually asked Senior Sister Ye to drive you back? Sun Er saw the picture of Ye Wanzhi sending Chen Nan back on the balcony, and suddenly felt very unpleasant!

Just the second day after I came, I hooked up with the doctoral student sister in Li Muya's laboratory, and I envy the dead!

"Your Senior Sister Ye not only sent me back, but also invited me to dinner later!" Chen Nan smiled and took a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom, and at the end of the day, his whole person was relaxed and satisfied!

This kind of life away from the realm of cultivation is getting more and more wonderful!

And he gradually accepted his identity as an ordinary person!

After taking a bath and changing into clean clothes, Chen Nan came downstairs!

A moment later, Ye Wanzhi drove in, a black tight T-shirt with dark blue jeans, outlining a bumpy figure!

Especially she also painted light makeup, it can be seen that she is looking forward to today's dinner!

"Senior sister, please get off the bus!"

Chen Nan came to the cab and opened the door!

Ye Wanzhi was puzzled, "Why?"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly and said, "This is a boys' dormitory, if people see Senior Sister driving me out, I estimate that I will become a public enemy in the department!" "

Well, after all, Senior Sister, you are a recognized beauty in the department, the kind of talent and beauty!"

"If only I let them know that I was appreciated by Senior Sister when I first arrived..." They're going to chop me off, right?

"The little mouth is quite sweet, is it smeared with honey?" Ye Wanzhi smiled and unfastened his seat belt: "Since you said so, then you will be my driver tonight!"

"It's my honor to be a senior sister's driver!" Chen Nan smiled and went around to the co-pilot and helped Ye Wanzhi open the door!

Just as Ye Wanzhi was about to get on the bus, a man in his thirties came out of the dormitory building, wearing a vest, big pants, and a masculine face!

His name is Tang He and he is a doctoral student!

Tang He's eyes were full of surprise: "Wanzhi, why are you here?" Didn't you say there was an appointment in the evening?

Ye Wanzhi said, "Yes, I have an appointment with Chen Nan in the evening and am preparing to have dinner together!" "

That's it!

Chen Nan suddenly felt a strong anger erupt in Tang He's eyes!

He had a hunch!

If nothing else, this guy should be Ye Wanzhi's suitor, right?

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