But it doesn't matter to Chen Nan!

It's only suitable for Ye Wanyi to eat, and it's not a big deal!

Even if Tang He was dissatisfied with him, what could he do to him?

Subsequently, Chen Nan drove and left under Tang He's poisonous eyes!

Chen Nan didn't ask Ye Wanzhi what she wanted to eat, and took her directly to a high-end western restaurant!

After all, this kind of girl with a cold personality likes to be quiet, and it is definitely not appropriate to go to a food stall!

At ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Nan returned to school!

Just arrived at the Arch Bridge!

A chill hit your face!

Miao Qin's mother and son appeared in front of him!

It's different from before!

This time, Miao Qin's eyes were full of coldness: "You said you wanted to help me take revenge, but why didn't you make Han Jinghui pay?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Don't worry, Han Jinghui will pay a heavy price tomorrow night!"

Miao Qin said coldly: "No, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"No!" Chen Nandao: "Although your mother and son have become powerful ghosts, they have always stayed here, and they have been nourished by culture, and they will definitely be able to vote for a good family in the next life!"

"If you kill Han Jinghui, it will naturally affect the temperament on your body, and then your mother and son will go to hell!"

Miao Qin said in a low voice: "Even if I go to hell, I am not afraid!"

Chen Nan frowned: "Even so, what about the son in your arms?" Have you ever thought about him?

"He hasn't really seen the world yet, are you willing to let him go to hell for your obsession?"

Miao Qin was speechless!

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "I said that I will not break my word when I say justice to you, so you can wait patiently for a day!" With that, he crossed the arch bridge and returned to the dormitory!

"Brother Nan, you're finally back." Sun Er was wearing big pants, shirtless, and his eyes were full of gossip: "Is it okay to ask you something?" Are you in love with Senior Sister Ye?

"What do you want?" Chen Nan said with a smile: "The two of us are simple colleagues, isn't it normal to have a meal together after finishing work and talk about some things at work?" In

fact, Chen Nan could also feel that Ye Wanzhi appreciated himself!

But that's all!

As for Chen Nan...

Although I like Ye Wanzhi's kind of cold, scientist who is dedicated to scientific research!

But be a scumbag!

He must not take the initiative!

No refusal!

Not responsible for following through!

Therefore, he knew that it was impossible for him and Ye Wanzhi to go further!

"Even if you are ordinary colleagues, Tang He doesn't think so!" Sun Er said, "Everyone in the entire department knows that Tang He has always liked Senior Sister Ye, and he has wanted to date him more than once!"

"Now that you two are like this, he will definitely be very upset, and even secretly target you!"

"You think we're afraid of him?"

Chen Nan showed a disdainful smile!

Looking at the entire cultivation world, he had never been afraid of others!

Not to mention a little Tang He!

Sun Er said, "Tang He's strength is very strong!"

"It is said that he used to be the vice president of Sanda Club, and he was invincible in their session!"

"Although he is older now, if he troubles you, you will definitely suffer!"

"Not only that, especially his background, but he is a wealthy disciple of Kyoto!"

"Don't make trouble, you really think I don't know about the Kyoto giants?" Chen Nan was amused.

There are many wealthy families in Kyoto, and even he has leveled two families!

But I have never heard of the so-called Tang family!

"Chen Nan, come out, I want to talk to you!"


Downstairs came Tang He's high-flying voice!


Chen Nan's face was full of surprise!

This guy actually came to the door?

"Ask for your own blessings!" Sun Er gloated!

Chen Nan walked to the balcony, looked down condescendingly at Tang He downstairs, and asked politely, "Is Senior Tang looking for me?"

Tang He snorted coldly, not hiding his anger in his heart: "Didn't you hear what I just said? I'll let you out! "

Tang He's voice is very loud!

So much so that all the boys in the entire Department of Chinese Medicine heard his roar!

Thinking of Ye Wanzhi driving him up in the afternoon, he also knew why Tang He wanted to find trouble with Chen Nan!

Even the so-called high-quality students can't pass the pass!


They also came to the balcony with the mentality of watching the excitement!

Chen Nan this guy has too much limelight, so that he is jealous of many boys!

Now everyone wants to see him taught a lesson by Tang He!

Chen Nan looked disdainful: "If you let me go downstairs, will I go downstairs?" If that's the case, how faceless am I?

Tang He laughed: "I really didn't expect that you are still a cowardly shrunken-headed turtle, which is very surprising!"

"I thought you were an opponent, but I didn't expect you to be a shrunken turtle!"

"I just don't know how the girls in the department feel when they know that you are a shrunken turtle!"

Chen Nan was furious: "Who do you say is the shrunken-headed turtle?" Seeing

that his agitation method worked, Tang He chased after him with victory: "Say that others are worthy of you?"

"If you're not a shrunken-headed turtle, why don't you even have the courage to go downstairs?"

Chen Nan huffed and said, "Hey, go downstairs, you think I'm afraid of you?" "

I'm afraid this guy is not a retard, right?

The boys upstairs all shook their heads secretly!

They didn't know why Chen Nan would fall for Tang He's radical method!

In their opinion, it was irrational for him to go downstairs at this time!

If Tang He made a move, Chen Nantie would definitely suffer a loss!

"Use my mobile phone to send a message to Senior Sister Ye, just say that Tang He wants to find me trouble, let her come and save me quickly!" Chen Nan said to Sun Er, and then put on slippers and left the dormitory leisurely!

Sun Er looked confused!

I once suspected that I had auditory hallucinations!

"Lying groove, do you still want to face!"

"It's just that you are jealous for a woman, and you actually ask a woman for help and let her save you?"

Although I don't know why Chen Nan had this thought, he still opened Chen Nan's mobile phone and found Ye Wanzhi's WeChat in the WeChat chat bar!

He brewed his emotions and clicked on his voice: "Senior Sister Ye, something happened, Senior Tang He wants to beat Chen Nan, you hurry up and save him!" If it's late... Chen Nan's hometown is about to open a banquet for the whole village..."


women's apartment!

Ye Wanzhi was wearing a mask, leaning on the bedside and looking at the book!

Roommate Jia Lanlan ate the fruit and said with a smile: "Wanzhi, if you feel that I am redundant, just tell me directly, we sisters, I can't delay your lifelong event!"

"Well, yes!"

"I don't mind moving out and fulfilling you and that little puppy!"

Ye Wanzhi was embarrassed and angry: "Dead girl, what do you say?" Chen Nan and I are just superiors and subordinates, not what you think, if you talk nonsense, be careful that I will break off friendship with you!

Jia Lanlan's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously: "The relationship between superiors and subordinates?" Which of you is on top and who is below? Ye

Wanzhi just wanted to speak, and she received a WeChat!

After seeing that it was sent by Chen Nan, he subconsciously pressed play!

When he heard Sun Er's cry for help, he tore off the mask and ran out of the dormitory without even caring about putting on his shoes!

She would never allow Tang He to hurt Chen Nan!

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