Shen Cong was watching the demon girls dancing inside the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Just as I was watching, I suddenly heard a fight nearby!

As the commander of the city defense battalion!

He shouldered the safety of the entire White Emperor City!

Now someone is fighting under his nose, isn't this a slap in the face?

So he came with the sword at the first time!

After that, he saw a figure flying towards him!

Before changing to it, he would definitely slash it with a sword!

However, he inexplicably felt that this figure was a little familiar!

It seems that the two have an unknown past!

He subconsciously held it in his arms!

The moment he looked down at him, Shen Cong suddenly felt like he had been struck by lightning, and his scalp was numb!

"Isn't this the man who the former Heavenly Father King ordered to besiege and suppress?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Why do we both look so alike?"

Shen Cong's face was sluggish!

There are no wonders in the world!

It's no surprise that two people who look alike!

But the question is, what's that familiar feeling?

"Meet His Royal Highness Shizi!"

You Jin flew over and saluted respectfully!

"You Jin, what the hell is going on? Why did you kill this person? Shen Cong's face was expressionless, and a strong anger rose in his heart, if the old man in his arms was still alive, it might be able to explain the relationship between them!

But now!

He's dead!

died tragically at the hands of You Jin!

You Jin said, "Back to Your Highness, this person suddenly launched an attack on Old Immortal, and Old Immortal had no choice but to fight back!" Speaking of this, he paused: "Old Immortal didn't kill him, is he really dead?"

"Are you questioning Ben Ruler's words?" Shen Cong was furious!

"Don't you dare!"

You Jin quickly lowered his head!

Although he was the elder of the Xuanji Gate, he was far inferior to Shen Cong, the commander of the city defense battalion!

"You come with me!"

Shen Cong's face was expressionless!

Turned around and returned to his own ruling mansion with You Jin!

After that, he laid out an enchantment!

Not only that, but he also took out the tiger talisman in his hand!

"Your Highness, what do you mean by this?" A trace of nervousness flashed on You Jin's face, as a strong man in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, he was naturally not afraid of Shen Cong, a master of the early stage of Jindan!

But the tiger talisman in his hand was a rare magic weapon!

But around this magic weapon, even the strong people in the Yuan Infancy period will lose their cultivation!

This is a magic weapon specifically for the strong in the meta-infancy period!

Shen Cong ruffled the hair on Lu Zheng's face and whispered, "Say, who is he?" "


You Jin gasped!

He naturally knew Lu Zheng!

This is the military master of the remnants of the previous dynasty, and the powerhouse of the Yuan Infancy Realm!

It's just...

How could he be killed by his own slap?

"You Jin, I count three times, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I will kill you now!" Shen Cong burst out with monstrous killing intent!

He knew that You Jin was an elder of the Xuanji Gate and knew a lot of things!

You Jin said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness Hui Shizi, this person's name is Lu Zheng, and he is the military master of the remnants of the previous dynasty!"

"What about me? Who am I? Shen Cong gritted his teeth and asked!

You Jin said reasonably: "Your Highness Shizi, you are the eldest son of King Wu, the commander of the city defense battalion!" "


Shen Cong slapped him out, as if a ghost appeared in front of him, and his right foot stepped on You Jin's chest, without hiding the killing intent in his heart: "You Jin, are you a fool?" In

fact, Shen Cong had long doubted whether he was biological!

After all, as the eldest son of King Wu's mansion, he will become the existence of the new King of Wu in the future!


But he was not cultivated as a Martial King!

He has endured a lot of beatings, abuses since he can remember!

The purpose of that is just to motivate him and make him a strong man!

Then, he slowly became a cultivator!

Finally became the commander of the city defense battalion!

If it weren't for his surname Shen, he wouldn't have remembered that he was the eldest son of King Wu's Mansion!

Especially after Shen Lang was born, he felt like he had picked it up!

This idea itself existed, but he did not investigate it in depth!

Because once this matter is investigated, it is equivalent to suspecting the father!

Even though he had a great prejudice against King Wu, in his heart, King Wu was a father worthy of awe!

Until I saw Lu Zheng!

He seemed to understand something!

"His Royal Highness Shizi spare your life, I really didn't lie, you are indeed the eldest son of King Wu!" You Jin's face turned red, and he said, "Moreover, I didn't kill Lu Zheng!"

"I just slapped him, and with his cultivation, it is impossible to be killed by me!"

"Today this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to separate you from King Wu, and to get rid of me by your hand!"

You Jinguo is worthy of being an elder of the Xuanji Gate, even if he can analyze the cause and effect of this matter as an outsider now!

Shen Cong stomped on You Jin's chest, causing him to spew out a mouthful of blood: "If I am my father's biological son, how can I leave the enemy with a handle to separate us?"

"If you don't say it, I'll kill you right now!"

This moment!

You Jin was really afraid, and he had no doubt that Shen Cong would really kill himself: "Talk about it, I said, your name is Lu Cong, not the eldest son of King Wu!"

"You are Lu Cong's son, and you were stolen back by Lu Cong by King Wu eighty-three years ago!"

After learning the truth, King Wu's image in Shen Cong's heart collapsed!

This moment!

He can't wait to unload King Wu in eight pieces!

You Jin said weakly, "His purpose in doing this is to train you into a master, and when the remnants of the previous dynasty attack White Emperor City, see your father and son meet each other!"

Shen Cong did not doubt You Jin's words, because he knew that King Wu's methods were despicable and extremely insidious!

What he is best at is the art of scheming!

"Is the third man the same as me?" Shen Cong asked in a low voice!

You Jin said, "I don't know about the Third Highness..."

"Still hard-mouthed?" Shen Cong was furious, and the strength under his feet increased a little, making You Jin vomit blood and minced meat!

"Talk about it, I say!" You Jin was horrified: "His Royal Highness Shen Feng is the son of King Ning, and Princess Ning gave birth to a unicorn child eighty years ago, but she died just after birth!"

"After that, King Ning asked people to bury his son in the imperial tomb, and many people know about this!"

"But what the world doesn't know is that Princess Ning actually gave birth to a pair of twins!"

"The child who died in infancy did not die naturally, but was killed by the matchmaker herself!"

"Her purpose in doing this is to hide from the sky and steal His Royal Highness Shen Feng!"

"And all this is because of the will of King Wu!"

"Because King Wu's enemies are not only the remnants of the previous dynasty, but also King Ning, who has been staring at him!"

"Therefore, he must have the means to resist King Ning!"

"His Highness Shen Feng is a sharp knife for him to fight against King Ning!"

Shen Cong only felt cold all over his body!

He didn't expect that the father he had always admired turned out to be an all-consuming demon!

Although I figured out my own background!

But a big question appeared in his mind!

If what happened today is a conspiracy, someone is driving a wedge between him and King Wu!

So who is the mastermind behind it?

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