"Have you offended anyone?"

Shen Cong knows!

The other party let him know his identity is not the main purpose!

There is another reason, borrow your own hands to get rid of You Jin!

Because when he tells the truth of the matter, it is impossible for him to let him go!

Kill two birds with one stone!

Good means!

You Jin looked dazed, and then snorted, "I know who it is, Chen Nan, Chen Nan, the counselor of Shizi Mansion!"

Shen Cong's face was full of doubts: "How do you say this?"

You Jin gritted his teeth and said, "Your Highness should know that Old Immortal went to the world some time ago, and I met a Chosen Person there, this person has the cultivation of the early Golden Pill Period, but he can kill the powerhouse of the Yuan Infant Period!"

Shen Cong frowned: "What do you want to say?"

"Chen Nan came to the small world!" You Jin said, "Although I don't know why he was able to enter the small world, I can be sure that Chen Nan, the strategist of Shizi Mansion, is the guy I met in the world!"

"Even if the two look different, there are transfiguration spells in the world!"

"Moreover, the backs of the two are exactly the same!"

"He should be afraid that I will recognize his origin before framing me!"

Shen Cong: "Why did he come to the small world as an outsider?"

You Jin said, "As far as I know, Chen Nan's parents and little sister were taken to live in the small world by Jia Xiu before hell collapsed!"

"Chen Xia to Chen Hanlu is his half-sister!"

"And now, the Jia family is imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison and is about to be beheaded after the autumn, and he should be looking for a way to rescue his relatives when he blends into the Fourth Highness's mansion!"

Shen Cong shook his head: "Chen Nan has been staying with me, what you said cannot be established at all!"

You Jin's face was full of anxiety: "Your Highness, you must beware of Chen Nan, if I guessed correctly, he is the murderer of your biological father!"

"What to do, I don't need you to teach me!"

Shen Cong turned his fingers into a sword, split You Jin's head in two, and even killed his soul directly!

Subsequently, he destroyed You Jin's corpse!

After doing this, his face was gloomy to the extreme!

Although this matter perfectly avoided Chen Nan, it seemed to have nothing to do with him!

But for him, there is no perfect crime in the world itself!

This just proves why Chen Nan wanted to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave with him, he wanted to use himself to deal with You Jin!

"Shen Duantian, I, Lu Cong, are incompatible with you!"

Thinking of King Wu letting people steal himself in front of his biological father, Shen Cong's heart rose with monstrous hatred!

Right now!

A guard ran over and said in a low voice: "Boss, our brother caught a woman with a suspicious shape, and looking at the portrait, it seems to be the former princess Yuye!"

A cold light flashed in Shen Cong's eyes, and he immediately said, "Bring her here!" "


A moment later!

Yu Ye was bound and sent to Shen Cong's eyes!

"Go down, today this leader will personally judge the remnants of the former dynasty!" Shen Cong turned his back to those guards, and after they left, he pinched the trick with his right hand and cut out the flying sword!

Kill those guards in the night!

He knew that there were people arranged by King Wu around him, so today's events could not leak a word!

The moment Shen Cong turned around, Yu Ye gasped: "Master?

"No, no, no!"

"You are not Master!"

Yuye was shocked, she wanted to take advantage of the night to go out to buy some daily necessities, but she never thought of meeting the people of the city defense camp!

I didn't expect to see a man who looked the same as Master here!

"Is he your master?"

Shen Cong waved his right hand, and Lu Zheng's body appeared in front of Yu Ye!

"How can you have Master's Buddha-figure?" Yuye's face was shocked!

Shen Cong frowned: "What do you mean?" Could it be that my father is not dead yet?

"You... Are you really Master's son? Yu Ye's eyes were full of horror, she knew that Master had a son, but she never dreamed that Master's son was the eldest son of King Wu, the leader of the city defense battalion!

Shen Cong's face was full of complexity: "Although I don't want to do this, this is the case!" You Jin has already acknowledged my identity! My name is Lu Cong, not Shen Cong!

Yu Ye swallowed: "Master said that you have plum blossom marks on your butt!"

"There is indeed a plum blossom imprint on my ass!" Shen Cong sighed, and his tone was a little more easygoing: "Your Royal Highness, is my father alive or dead now?"

Yu Ye said, "Master is still alive!"

A big question arose in Shen Cong's heart: "But, his physical body..."

Yu Ye explained: "We were besieged by two Yuan Infancy powerhouses the day before, and Master fought to the death to rescue me, but I was also seriously injured. We thought we would definitely die, but a guy named Chen Nan found us!

"Said to join forces with us against King Wu and rescue the Jia family, because his parents and little sister are also in the Heavenly Prison!"

"So, Master took away Chen Nan's body!"

"Now he has joined the Shizi Mansion as Chen Nan and has become a counselor in Shen Lang's Mansion!"

"Find a way to find the Danshu Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal, only in this way can we rescue the Jia family and compete with King Wu!"

Shen Cong was relieved!

This can also explain why Chen Nan borrowed his own hand to get rid of You Jin!

If You Jin recognized him, he would definitely ruin his plan!

"Do you know the whereabouts of the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal?" Yu Ye looked at Shen Cong, if he knew the whereabouts of the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal, he could completely save the Jia family!

Master doesn't have to work so hard to be a counselor in the Shizi Mansion!

Shen Cong shook his head slightly, his eyes full of bitterness: "Although I am the eldest son of King Wu's Mansion in people's eyes, King Wu doesn't tell us this core thing at all!"

"If you want to find the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal, the fourth is a good entry point!"

Shen Cong really wants to turn his face with King Wu!

But he knew that doing so was tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble!

Even if he is a master of the realm of the Golden Pill Period, he controls the 100,000 iron horses of the city defense camp!

But in front of King Wu, he couldn't turn over any waves at all!

If you want to defeat King Wu, there are only two candidates!

Jia family!

And King Ning!

The Jia family has an unshakable influence in the dynasty, as long as the Jia family waves, it can completely allow the ministers to impeach King Wu and cut off his foundation!

Although King Ning is not in Kyoto, he has a transcendent influence in the rivers and lakes!

If these two join forces, they can completely take down King Wu!

After a moment of silence, Shen Cong said: "Dan Shu iron coupon, and death-free gold medal, let my father slowly find it, I will find an opportunity to meet the third and break his identity!"

"If you can, there's nothing wrong with letting him and King Ning's father and son recognize each other!"

"At that time, the Jia family and King Ning should cooperate inside and outside, and there will be no difficulty in killing King Wu!"

Yu Ye nodded excitedly: "Over the years, King Wu has killed thousands of people of my clan, and he must be cut by a thousand cuts, only in this way can he be worthy of my compatriots!"

After a pause, Yu Ye said, "Have you seen Master?" Your father and son probably haven't known each other yet, right? The

corners of Shen Cong's mouth twitched wildly!

Naturally, I have met my father!

Not only that, but I also arranged two banshees for my father...

Arrange two banshees for his father, is this wave of operations okay?

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