Shen Cong had a father!

That was Martial King Shen Duantian!

It's just that the relationship between their father and son is not good!

After learning that he was not King Wu's biological son, he had a moment of anger!

But more than that, it's joy!

Because he has always longed to have a father who loves him, loves him, and spoils him!

It's a pity...

Even if he met his biological father, he was not happy!

Because, he arranged his father into the Ten Thousand Demon Cave...

He even found a rabbit demon and served him with the fox demon...

Is he filial or unfilial?

Thinking of this, he looked at Yuye nervously: "Where is my mother now?"

Yu Ye said sadly: "When you were snatched away, Master Mother was overwhelmed with grief, her liver was broken, and she left this world not long after!" A

killing intent rose in Shen Cong's heart!

All this is because of King Wu!

If it weren't for King Wu letting people snatch him away, his mother wouldn't have ended up depressed!

I will not be separated from my parents!

"Didn't father find another one during this time?" Shen Cong's mood is complicated!

Yu Ye shook his head: "Master has a deep affection for Master and Lady, although I have also advised him to find another person, but Master always avoids this topic!"

Shen Cong took a deep breath and said, "From now on, you will live in my mansion, which can also ensure your safety!"

"As for my father's side, I will give him some help so that he can gain Shen Lang's trust as soon as possible!"

Shen Cong didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes before!

But knowing that he was his own father, his attitude changed!

He must cooperate with Chen Nan's work!

Shen Lang, who won step by step, thus finding the Danshu iron coupon, and the death-free gold medal!

Subsequently, he returned to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

At this time, Chen Nan had just finished!

Seeing Chen Nan's complicated eyes, Shen Cong almost knelt down and called his father!

But eventually gave up the idea!

He didn't want to ruin his father's plans!

"Thank you for the arrangement of Your Highness, this place is really heaven and earth, lingering!" Chen Nan sighed!

In fact, he has been following Shen Cong!

It's just that the appearance of Ha Ye affected his plans!

Unexpectedly, because Yuye was arrested, it made Shen Cong firm his idea that he was his father!

Shen Cong said with a smile: "If Mr. likes it, you can come often in the future, and all consumption will be recorded on my account!" Shen

Cong felt sorry for his mother who he had never met!

After all, as a son, you shouldn't help your father arrange these things!

It's really filial piety!

Chen Nan shook his head: "The wind and snow are certainly intoxicating, but the plaything is lost, my dream is to become a strategist!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Shen Cong diverted the topic: "I'll let you send Mr. back!" Speaking of this, he made a look at Vice Admiral Xunyang: "Send Mr. Chen back to Shizi Mansion!" "

Mr. Chen's side, please!" Xunyang respectfully made an invitation gesture, and then escorted Chen Nan back to Shizi Mansion!


Just when Chen Nan was eating breakfast!

Shen Lang came to the backyard, and he smiled: "I heard that Mr. went to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave last night?" How about playing there?

Chen Nan made a straight face and said solemnly: "This matter will be mentioned again in the future, if I don't complete the hegemony of His Highness Shizi, how can I promise His Highness to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave with him?"

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment, and then bowed deeply to Chen Nan: "Mr. Jean has been wronged!"

Chen Nan said, "I had some chats with Xunyang last night.

Shen Lang said indignantly: "That guy is an old stubborn, oil and salt do not enter!" "

He once let people contact Xunyang, after all, this is the deputy general beside Shen Cong, and the strength of the Qinglongwei under him is terrifying, and it is a sharp knife to defend the White Emperor City!

If he could be brought over, it would definitely weaken Shen Cong's influence in the city defense camp!

Chen Nandao: "This person has an illegitimate son, and now he has reached the peak of the foundation building period, but because of his stupid talent, I am afraid that he will not be able to break through the shackles in this life!"

Shen Lang's eyes lit up: "Sir means to take Xunyang's son as the starting point?"

Chen Nan: "Not bad, if you can give Xunyang's son a nine-turn golden pill and a spirit weapon, Xunyang will definitely be grateful to Dade after helping him survive the Heavenly Tribulation!"

Shen Lang: "These things, the eldest brother can also give him!"

Chen Nan shook his head: "Xunyang has indeed sought out His Royal Highness, and wants to ask for a spirit weapon and a nine-turn golden pill!" However, this guy went at an untimely time and was scolded by His Highness!

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "Could it be that the eldest brother and sister-in-law went when they quarreled three days ago?"

Chen Nan frowned: "No, he said that it was five days ago!"

Shen Lang laughed: "Sir doesn't know something, the relationship between my eldest brother and sister-in-law is not good, almost three days a small quarrel, five days a big quarrel!"

"However, this news provided by Mr. is very important, I will let people contact Xunyang and give him everything he wants!"

"If this person can help me at a critical moment, he can completely cut off the minions of the eldest brother!"

He himself still doubted Chen Nan, but now, Chen Nan's words dispelled the worries in his heart!


the other side!

Shen Cong went to Shen Feng's house!

Shen Cong and Shen Feng have a deep brotherhood, this is a good story in the White Emperor City!

Even if the two of them meet, they will not attract the attention of others!

It's just a very ordinary meeting!

"Why is the eldest brother visiting today?"

Shen Fei asked with a smile!

Shen Cong said, "I came here to ask the third brother, what do you think of the adviser in the old fourth mansion?"

Shen Fei shook his head!

Obviously, he was not optimistic about Chen Nan!

Shen Cong said seriously: "I was not optimistic about this person at first, but after contacting it yesterday, I found that this person is far more scheming than we thought!"

Shen Fei chuckled: "Big brother Hugh wants to lift him, if he had a plan, he wouldn't have followed you to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave yesterday!"

Shen Cong said disapprovingly: "The soldier is also tricky, but I think that this sub-city is extremely deep!"

Shen Fei frowned: "Big brother, what does this mean?"

Shen Cong hesitated, and then sighed: "I had a dream last night, that dream made me very scared, this time I came here to tell the third brother about my heart!"

Shen Fei's face was full of curiosity: "What dream can make the eldest brother so afraid?"

Shen Cong took out a magic weapon, activated it, and isolated the surroundings to prevent others from hearing today's words: "I dream that I am not the son of my father!"

Shen Fei gasped: "Big brother, if this kind of words are to be said, if it reaches his father's ears, he will definitely be furious!"

Shen Cong said in a low voice: "Actually, I also know that this is a dream, but if it were only me, it would be enough!"

"The problem is, there is still something about you in this dream!"

Shen Fei frowned slightly: "Why is there still me?"

Shen Cong's face was gloomy: "Not only is my biological father not my father, but even your biological father has someone else!"

Shen Fei stood up suddenly, his eyes full of horror: "Who is my biological father?" "

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