The third floor of Xianfu!


Chen Nan listened to the Golden Boy's explanation and said, "In other words, if you want to open the third layer of space, you need to have the strength of the Yuan Infancy Stage?" "

He is only on the first floor of the Golden Pill Stage now, and he is 108,000 li away from the Yuan Infancy Stage!

Golden Boy: "In theory, yes!"

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows: "Actually? Golden

Boy: "As long as you have a strength comparable to the Yuan Infancy Period!" "

Chen Nan is relieved!

Then he sank his dantian, and the power of the golden pill gathered on his arms, and then exerted his power towards the stone gate!


At the same time that Chen Nan exerted his strength, the entire Immortal Mansion seemed to have a huge earthquake!


Chen Nan's forehead and arms also bulged with hideous green tendons!

It looks like a dragon entrenched!

His face turned red and he was very struggling!

As time passed, the stone gate slowly revealed a gap!

"Open it for me!"

With Chen Nan's roar, the stone gate on the third floor of the Immortal Mansion was pushed open by him with brute force!

The golden boy and jade girl on the side showed shock!

Although the second door was also pushed open by Chen Nan with brute force!

But at the beginning, he had a late foundation building cultivation!

And now!

The first floor of the Golden Pill Period pushed open the stone door!

This flesh is truly invincible!

After the stone door was pushed open, a wave of spiritual energy rushed to the face!

The density of Aura here is several times that of the second layer!

Time also passes much faster than the outside world!

One year here, one day outside!

"What's the treasure here?"

Chen Nan's heart was excited!

The golden boy said, "On the third layer, there are seventy-two medium-grade spirit weapons and twelve magic weapons!"

"There are also some physical exercises, as well as a variety of pills!"

"And the way to crack the beast ring!"

"And the most important point!"

"Sword Immortal Puppet!"

Chen Nan looked at the tall female puppet with beautiful facial features in the corner!

Standard goose egg face, big eyes, straight nose, cherry small mouth!

Wearing a long cyan dress!

This is more beautiful than all the women Chen Nan has seen in this world!

Including that bunny demon, as well as the fox demon!

But she is a puppet after all!

The golden boy said, "This puppet can exert the strength of a strong person in the Essence Period, the difference is that this requires a top-grade spirit stone to activate!"

Chen Nan asked, "What if I don't have a top-grade spirit stone?" Golden

Boy: "10,000 Lower Grade Spirit Stones can be worth one Upper Grade Spirit Stone!" Chen

Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood, he now has fifty thousand lower grade spirit stones in his hand, that is to say, even if he gives everything he has, he can only let this puppet exert the strength of the fifth layer of the Essence Period!

"This out-of-body Sword Immortal puppet should not be used lightly..."

Then Chen Nan found the inheritance knowledge about the beast ring and absorbed it!

There are many demon beasts controlled by people in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

If he can rescue the demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, it will be a big help for him!

The next evening!

Shen Lang found him and his face was full of admiration: "Sir, Xunyang has promised me that if I have a conflict with my eldest brother, he will lead his subordinate Qinglongwei to join me!"

"By the way, sir, the eldest brother and the third brother will ask me to hunt in the hunting grounds outside the city in ten days!"

Chen Nan frowned, and couldn't help but say, "Your Highness means that Your Highness and the Third Highness want to attack you?"

Shen Lang's expression was slightly solemn: "Although my relationship with my eldest brother and third brother seems to be good, there is no intersection in private, and they asked me to hunt in the hunting ground this time, which is very unusual!" "

Everyone can see that King Wu's influence in the dynasty has reached an unmatched level, and even the current emperor has to act according to his face!

To put it bluntly, King Wu will replace the emperor at any time and become the new emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty!

When the new emperor ascends the throne, he is bound to be crowned crown prince!

Instead of waiting until King Wu canonized Shen Lang as a prince, it was better to kill Shen Lang directly!

At that time, the prince is bound to fall on Shen Cong and Shen Fei's head!

"Since His Royal Highness and the Third Highness are shining their swords towards His Highness, we naturally don't need to be afraid, and when the time comes, I will accompany His Highness to the hunting ground!"

Chen Nan said lightly!

He knows!

All this must be something that Shen Cong's cheap son did to cooperate with him!

He likes this filial son!

"Sir, there is nothing to do tonight, or shall we go to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave to play tricks?" An intriguing smile appeared on Shen Lang's face!

Chen Nan: "His Highness also wants to play demon?"

Shen Lang cleared his throat and said, "His Royal Highness naturally doesn't want to play demon, but in the eyes of the world, I am a young man who does not learn and has no skills, and spends all day drinking!"

"Before my husband followed my eldest brother to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, if he didn't take me with him to meet the world, I am afraid that people would doubt my current personality!"

Chen Nan was unable to complain!


He and Shen Lang are both the same kind of people!

They are doing whatever it takes for the sake of the end, they are disguising themselves!

"In that case, then I'll take His Highness to play!" Chen Nan did not refuse, because he had already obtained a way to crack the beast ring, and this time he had to find out who the owner of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave was!

Nine o'clock in the evening!

Chen Nan and Shen Lang came to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Chen Nan directly ordered the rabbit demon and fox demon who served him the day before yesterday!

Shen Lang said that he came here to maintain the playboy character before, but when he saw the monsters here, his eyes almost didn't pop out!

Perhaps, he played enough people!

If you want to try the demon!

The rabbit demon is named Xinran, and the fox demon is named Shizuka!

This time, Chen Nan did not use the doppelganger, but the Buddha-figure personally went into battle!

However, there is no demon!

Instead, a spell was cast on them!

This can control the beast ring in their bodies!

At the moment when Chen Nan cast the spell, Xinran and Shizuka's eyes suddenly revealed fear that could not be concealed!

They had the illusion that the man in front of them could control their lives!

"You don't need to be nervous!"

Chen Nan's voice echoed in the depths of their minds: "Tell me, who is the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave?"

"Hui Gongzi, the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is my mother-in-law!" Shizuka forced herself to endure the fear in her heart and said, "She is a three-tailed white fox at the peak of the Yuan Infancy stage!"

Chen Nan frowned!

The three-tailed fox itself is very rare and belongs to exotic beasts!

What he didn't expect was that the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave turned out to be a strange beast at the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage!

"Go, let your mother-in-law come to me!" Chen Nan spoke!

The alien beasts are all arrogant, not to mention the alien beasts at the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage!

He was sure that the three-tailed white fox did not fall here voluntarily!

A moment later, a woman who looked to be in her twenties, wearing a long white dress and a charming face with a fan in her hand, walked in with a smile.

Her name is Wu Mei, and she is the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave: "I heard that Young Master Chen is not satisfied with the service of my girl? Need a little girl to serve you? The

moment he saw her, Chen Nan suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and he actually felt that he was losing his mind!

Next moment!

Wu Mei's divine soul actually entered his sea of knowledge!

Watch his memory!

Chen Nan was furious: "Wicked beast, I originally wanted to save you from the sea of suffering, but you wanted to spy on my memory, really think that I dare not kill you?" "

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