Wu Mei was trying to watch Chen Nan's memory!

Hearing Chen Nan's voice, it was like a thunder exploding in the depths of her soul!

Let her let out a heart-rending scream!

Next moment!

An unparalleled devouring force sucked her divine soul into the Immortal Mansion!

"Which is it?"

Wu Mei's face was full of trepidation!

"This is my Immortal Mansion!"

Chen Nan appeared in the Immortal Mansion!

"Who are you?"

At this moment, Wu Mei's eyes were full of fear!

Chen Nan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can save your life!" "


Wu Mei knelt directly on the ground, her eyes full of nervousness: "If the senior can save the little girl, the little girl is willing to saddle the front horse by the senior's side and serve your living!"

"I'm not going to play demon yet!" Chen Nan snorted angrily!

Wu Mei was speechless!

But in my heart, I am complaining that you seem to have forgotten that you played rabbit demon and fox demon!

"Who imprisoned you?" Chen Nan is straight to the point!

Wu Mei said, "It's Martial King Shen Duantian!"

"King Wu again?" Chen Nan didn't expect King Wu to be the big boss behind the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

In Wu Mei's narration, Chen Nan also knew the meaning of the existence of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

A hundred years ago!

King Wu captured Wu Mei, who was only in the early stage of the Yuan Infant at that time, and put a beast ring on her!

Let her do things for herself!

He also gave Wu Mei a task, to catch several demon beasts that transformed into adults every month!

The purpose of this is to hide in Kyoto for those who practice to enjoy!

To say that it is to enjoy, in fact, is to let Wu Mei control those cultivators!

Wu Mei is a rare three-tailed white fox, her charms have been cultivated to the pinnacle, and she alone has controlled more than ten powerhouses in the Yuan Infancy Realm!

Although these people will not be affected on weekdays, they can be manipulated by her at critical moments!

This is an unknown hole card in the hands of King Wu!

Except for King Wu himself, no one knows that he is the big boss behind the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Chen Nan: "In other words, except for you being controlled by King Wu, the other demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave are all controlled by you?"

Wu Mei nodded: "Not only the demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, but even those Yuan Infancy powerhouses are under my control!" If it weren't for the great creation of my predecessors, I would have controlled you! "

Her face was full of nervousness!

Chen Nan said, "Did King Wu let you control me?"

Wu Mei: "Yes!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly, it was obvious that King Wu was not at ease with him!

This is what makes Wu Mei control herself!

Only in this way can Shen Lang's safety be guaranteed!

Chen Nan squeezed his hands with both hands, and a blood-colored rune did not enlist in the army!

"This rune can suppress the beast ring in your body and prevent it from being erased by King Wu's intention!"

"You go back and tell King Wu!"

"Let's just say that I just want to be a powerful counselor!"

"As for when to help you remove the beast ring in your body, the time has not yet come!"

"Yes!" Wu Mei did not dare to disobey Chen Nan's order, because she could feel Chen Nan's horror!

The mark he left in his body alone could instantly make her soul scatter!


King Wu's Mansion!

Shen Duantian is cultivating!

After feeling the breath outside, he slowly opened his eyes: "How are things going?"

Wu Mei did not enter the room, and said lightly outside: "I have controlled Chen Nan's soul, watched this person's memory, his dream is only to become a powerful minister who covers the sky with one hand!"

A smile appeared on Shen Duantian Gujing Wubo's face: "I like ambitious people!" "

At first, he didn't think about investigating Chen Nan!

But when Chen Nan and Shen Cong got too close, he felt that something was wrong!

As a counselor in the old four mansions, he shouldn't be so close to the boss!

Wu Mei asked in a low voice, "Shen Duantian, when will you give me freedom?"

Shen Duantian: "This world will be mine immediately, and when I take charge of the world, this king will keep his promise to give you freedom!"

"I hope you do what you say!" Wu Mei said and disappeared into King Wu's Mansion!

A cold light flashed in Shen Duantian's eyes: "Wicked beast, today, only you dare to call King Ben's name, and the moment King Ben takes charge of the world, it will be your time of death!"

He looked outside: "Where is the butler?"

"Sir, what are your orders?" A gray-robed old man walked into the room!

His name is Xuan Yi, not only is he the butler of King Wu's Mansion, but he is even a strong man in the early Yuan Infant period!

Shen Duantian said, "Do the eldest and the third really want to turn their faces with Lang'er?"

"Xuan Yi: "His Royal Highness did invite His Royal Highness to hunt in the hunting ground ten days later, as for whether he is competing for the position of future prince, it is unknown at present!"

Shen Duantian said, "Order down, no matter what, you must protect the safety of Lang'er!"

"Of course, it's best not to meddle in this matter on the City Lord's Mansion!"

"I'd rather see how Chen Nan performs!"

"Can you help Lang'er defeat the boss and the third!"

Xuan Yi asked, "What if this Chen Nan really helped His Fourth Highness defeat His Great Highness and His Third Highness?"

Shen Duantian: "If he is really a unicorn, King Ben wants to see him!"

"Also, even if the eldest and third lose, they can't hurt their lives!"

Genichi: "Yes!" "

Ten days ------

are fleeting!

In the blink of an eye, it's hunting day!

After breakfast, Chen Nan followed Shen Lang to leave the White Emperor City on a jade whisk!

The hunting ground is located on the outskirts of the western part of White Emperor City!

Although it is a suburb, it has long been guarded by the royal family!

Because hundreds of beasts live here!

Of course, they are all some beasts below the Golden Pill Period!

The purpose of their existence is to please those royal children!

Shen Lang didn't bring too many servants when he traveled!

In addition to Chen Nan and Mei Lanzhuju, there is also a butler!

It looks like a sightseeing tour!

But Chen Nan knew that the butler had reached the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Golden Pill!

His strength is not very strong, but don't forget that Shen Cong and Shen Fei only have the strength of the early stage of Jindan!

If only to fight!

They are not opponents at all!

After coming to the hunting ground, Shen Cong and Shen Fei had been waiting for a long time!

The two were wearing cyan and black armor, looking like they were waiting for each other!

Seeing this, Shen Lang smiled and said, "Why is the eldest brother and third brother wearing armor?" I don't know, I thought our brother turned against him! "

A joke though!

But Shen Cong and Shen Fei's eyes flashed with a flash of surprise, as if they didn't expect Shen Lang to say such words!

Shen Cong said with a smile: "Since it is hunting, it is natural to prepare properly, in case a Golden Pill Stage demon beast appears in the hunting ground, unnecessary casualties will occur!"

Said and looked at the big tent behind him: "Come, prepare a set of armor for the fourth old!" "


With a gentle voice, a woman with a graceful figure appeared in front of Shen Lang holding a set of armor!

See the woman in front of you!

A trace of anger flashed in Shen Lang's eyes!

This turned out to be his good friend Jiang Qiu in the Piaoxiang Courtyard!

Shen Fei was surprised: "Big brother, this is actually the former flower leader Jiang Qiu girl of Piaoxiang Courtyard, could it be that you ransomed her body?"

Shen Cong said with a smile: "I hate to see Miss Jiang Qiu late, she said that I am the only man who can fill her body and mind, that is, I can't help her redeem her?"

Shen Fei forced a smile and said, "But she was a good friend of the fourth before, could it be that the fourth had never been able to feed her before?" "

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