After watching Xuanyuan Yue's memory, Chen Nan gave this opinion

! Although he reached the seventh-layer cultivation of the Yuan Infancy stage at a young age

, his cultivation was accumulated through pills, medicinal herbs, and spirit stones

! In addition, Xuanyuan Yue has not even killed a demon beast alone!

Of course, the root of all this is because he has a good master, Ye Hongyi, who

is the existence of the head of the eight elders of the Dao Sect! With her support, no one in the entire Dao Sect dares to disrespect Xuanyuan Yue at all! Similarly, although Xuanyuan Yue is one of the five great Tianjiao of the Dao Sect, his popularity and reputation are very poor

! And most of the Dao Sect disciples are not convinced by him!


Nan is a little painful!

Unexpectedly, even if he impersonated Xuanyuan Yue, a Daoist Tianjiao, it was not as high and mighty as he imagined, and a word could decide his life and death

! Fortunately, it was enough to impersonate

him! At least he didn't let Yan Wushuang marry a mediocre talent like him

! "Die with peace of mind!"

Chen Nan erased Xuanyuan Yue with one thought!

Then Chen Nan stayed on the third floor

of the Immortal Mansion for ten days and ten nights, completely fusing Xuanyuan Yue's memories, and only then appeared in the room of Fengming Lou! Although he stayed in the Immortal Mansion for ten days and ten nights, it was only a few breaths in the outside world

! No one found out that he had replaced Xuanyuan

Yue! ------

the next day!

Just after dawn, Shu Yue came to the door and said respectfully: "Young Master Xuanyuan, the time to receive relatives has come, we should leave!"

"En!" Because

of the fusion of Xuanyuan Yue's memory, his demeanor and walking posture are the same as Xuanyuan Yue, and he can't see any abnormalities at all

! Not to mention Shugen, even if Xuanyuan Yue's master Ye Hongyi sees it, it is difficult to distinguish

! Then Chen Nan followed Shugeng and others to the Yan family!

Chen Nan imitated Xuanyuan Yue's demeanor and walked into the car

! Everyone in the Yan family who was waiting here immediately saluted!

Yan Wushuang's father, Yan Kang, had a sycophantic smile on his face: "Don't be anxious son-in-law, the little girl is already waiting in the boudoir, I'll take you over!"

No one expected him to make such a move

! Yan Kang looked at Chen Nan sluggishly, and a fishy sweetness came from his mouth

! "Virtuous son-in-law, what do you mean by this?" Yan Kang was inexplicably uneasy

! Chen

Nan backhanded on his left cheek

! At this moment

! Yan Kang's face was swollen high, looking like a pig's head!

Especially the bright red palm prints on the left and right faces, it seems that it is difficult to fade without three or five days

! Chen Nan said with a smile: "Today is the day of my son-in-law's wedding, and it is inevitable that I am nervous, and I want to slap twice to vent my mood!" Yan

Kang almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood

! You want to vent your mood and hit others!

I am your husband, is it appropriate to hit me?


expected Chen Nan to say, "Okay!"

Chen Nan raised his hand and pumped wildly

! He didn't stop until Yan Kang's flesh and blood oozed out!

But after watching Xuanyuan Yue's memory, he knew that everything today was because Yan Kang was secretly ghosting

! He hoped that the Yan family could join hands with the Dao Sect and thus obtain various resources!


is precisely because of this that Chen Nan will beat Yan Kang bitterly, and it can be regarded as a bad breath for

Yan Wushuang! ------

in front of the copper mirror

! Yan Wushuang sits there quietly

! She wears a phoenix crown on her head and wears a veil! Her

delicate facial features are smeared with a faint rouge, giving people a feeling of beauty and incomprehensibility!

Her appearance itself is outstanding, especially those bright eyes

, as if she can speak! but at the moment it looks very empty

! She didn't even think about getting married! Even when she was with Chen Nan, she didn't think about getting married

! because she didn't like to be bound by marriage

! And now, she wants to marry someone she doesn't like! Even

if the other party comes from an amazing background, known as Daozong Tianjiao!

But to her, it was far from Chen Nan's position in her heart

! However

, she had no choice! If she didn't marry Xuanyuan Yue, the other party would destroy the Yan

family! Even if she had only returned to the family for a year, the clansmen treated her very well

! She couldn't watch the clansmen suffer a catastrophe because of herself!

The last time I met him was in the courtyard in Kyoto

! It was a very ordinary parting

! But she didn't expect it to become a farewell

in this life! At this time, she deeply realized what it means that no one knows which comes first tomorrow or accident

! They obviously love each other deeply,

but they don't even have a serious farewell!

This has become a regret in her life!

At this moment

, mother Xu Jingxiang walked in, her face was full of red light: "Girl, the team to receive relatives is coming, how are you preparing?"

Yan Wushuang: "

Ready!" As he spoke, there was a noisy sound of footsteps

outside! "Let's go, mother will send you out!" Xu Jingxiang personally put down the red hood on Yan Wushuang's head and helped her outside the house!

After handing her over to

Chen Nan, Xu Jingxiang reluctantly said: "Aunt, we have this one daughter, he is our heart, and I hope you can treat her well!" Chen Nan said: "My mother-in-law's face is a little pale today, did you not rest well last night?" Xu

Jingxiang felt that Chen Nan was a little inexplicable, but still said: "The little girl is married, when the parents' affirmation is reluctant, my father-in-law and I have not slept all night, and it is normal to look haggard

!" Chen Nan said with a straight face: "You don't look very festive like this, it's not lucky

!" Xu Jingxiang said embarrassed: "How about I go back and apply some rouge?" Chen

Nan smiled and said: "This little thing won't bother the mother-in-law, you stretch your face over, I have a way to make your face more rosy!" Xu

Jingxiang almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

The son-in-law made the mother-in-law's face red?


Nan slapped his face and pumped it more than a dozen times!

and then grinned like a demon: "Look, isn't it rosy now?"

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