
the wedding day, beating the old man in public was a big disobedience in itself

! Not to mention, he was openly beating his mother-in-law at this time

! Although Xu Jingxiang's skin and flesh that were not beaten were unrecognizable, this behavior was also extremely impolite!


many people can see that the relationship between the Daozong and the Yan family is not as harmonious as imagined!

Chen Nan openly beat Yan Kang, Xu Jingxiang and his wife, this is a hint

! It is implied that whoever gets too close to the Yan family will be the enemy of the Daoist Sect

! "Lady, let's go back to the mountain

!" Chen Nan took Yan Wushuang's hand, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face! Yan Wushuang

broke free from Chen Nan's hand, and then bowed to his parents: "Thank you for the second elder's fertility grace, and I hope that your second elder can take care of your body in the future!"

She herself is a woman with unparalleled intelligence, how can she not know that their kindness to herself is to make herself willing to marry Xuanyuan Yue?

Of course

, it doesn't matter

! Because after today, there will be nothing to do with them!

"Let's go!" After

bowing, Yan Wushuang turned away and got into the car outside Yan's house!


the same time, those masters of the Daoist Sect also flew into the air to protect the safety

of the cart! On the cart, Chen Nan took off the red hood on Yan Wushuang's face, looked at her delicate face, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva!

Chen Nan smiled and touched his nose: "Believe it or not, I can let you throw yourself in a hug with a word, and beg me?" Yan

Wushuang didn't pay attention to him at all

! Turn your head and look

outside the car! The car is a spiritual treasure, where you can isolate all the sounds of the outside world

! This experience is like taking a plane!

But it's much quieter than flying

! "Don't you want to know, why did I beat your parents?" Chen Nan asked with a smile

! "They are not my parents anymore!" Yan Wushuang's eyes were calm, if she could, she hoped that her parents would never appear in front of her eyes!


Nan: "Although you don't have parents, but... Yan

Wushuang suddenly looked at Chen Nan, his eyes revealing an incredible gaze: "What did you just say?" Chen

Nan smiled badly: "I am the inner father!" A

simple remark made tears appear in Yan Wushuang's eyes! Everyone

has their own bad taste

! Although Chen Nan is very good, he also has a man's common disease!

Especially when doing that kind of thing

, he will let the other party call his husband, and even sometimes let the other party call his father! Sometimes he also feels very perverted, but the atmosphere is so that he can't control himself

! But Yan Wushuang is also very perverted

! Always let Chen Nan call her Little Ancestor!


! When she heard Xuanyuan Yue say the four words that I am my inner father

! She understood why this guy beat his parents

! He was avenging himself

! She cried with joy, threw herself directly into Chen Nan's arms, and sobbed: "Are you really Chen Nan?"

Chen Nan recovered his appearance

! This made Yan Wushuang directly send a fragrant kiss, and only after a long time did he reluctantly separate! !

However, there was a situation of wire drawing...

How did you become Xuanyuan Yue?" Yan Wushuang endured the excitement in his heart and asked! Chen Nan said, "It must be to save you, otherwise I wouldn't have come to this ghost place

!" "It's just that the Dao Sect is powerful, and I can't afford to provoke it now!" "I can

only kill Xuanyuan Yue, fake him, and protect you in this way!"

Yan Wushuang's heart rose full of emotion!

She didn't expect Chen Nan to take such a big risk for her

! After all, Xuanyuan Yue is Daozong Tianjiao

! If Chen Nan shows flaws, he is very likely to step into the land of irreparable disaster

!" "You treat me like this, I don't know how to repay you!" Although Yan Wushuang was moved, he also felt heavy love! Chen Nan smiled badly: "Aren't you

without a father anymore, just treat me as your father in the future!"

Yan Wushuang grinned: "Do you believe that I bite you to death?" "

Okay, okay, don't make trouble!" Chen Nanzheng said: "Let's talk about my plan first!"

"I mean to blend into the Dao Sect as Xuanyuan Yue and inquire about

the dragon's nest!" "The dragon's nest is a very mysterious place! Don't see that Xuanyuan Yue is a Daoist Tianjiao

! But he has never entered the dragon's nest!

The Dragon's Nest opens once every thousand years! The

next opening is a month later!


Nan has a hunch that the Dragon's Nest is most likely related to runes

!" "Although we can leave the Taoist Sect and return to the secular world after we get married

!" "But if we return to the mundane world and don't come back, it will inevitably attract the attention of the Daoist Sect!"

If a Daoist Sect expert enters the world, I don't need to say more about how serious the consequences are

!" Yan Wushuang put his arm around him and snuggled into his shoulder: "Listen to you, no matter what you do, I will listen to you!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Do you want to call dad first?"


Half an hour later

! Chen Nan appeared in the sky above the Dao Sect!

There must be hundreds of large and small peaks combined

! Without exception, all the peaks are connected by black chains, giving people a sense of déjà vu that if they are not connected by chains, they will fly into the air

! The largest mountain is about 10,000 feet tall, standing tall into the clouds

! There are a group of buildings on the mountain, which looks magnificent and vast, and the scale is not comparable even to the ordinary Bianjing City!

You can clearly see that there are countless spirit birds flying in the air


and you can also see countless Golden Pill period powerhouses walking with their swords

! "It's really a hole in heaven and earth!" Although

he also saw the Dao Sect in Xuanyuan Yue's memory, he was still deeply shocked to see Chen Nan with his own eyes!

It's not that the Qiqi Technique is a chicken rib, but the Dao Sect is shrouded in a powerful formation

! Because Xuanyuan Yue is one of the five Tianjiao existences, he has an independent mountain, right next to the main peak

! Chen Nan took a deep breath, and then endured the tension in his heart and walked down

! Xuanyuan Yue's master Ye Hongyi is a super master, who reached the peak of the Yuan Infancy stage decades ago!

Even if he disguises himself well, he is afraid of being distinguished by Ye Hongyi!

Isn't it just Barbie Q?

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