The Dragon Clan has many medicinal herb shops!

Ruyi Herb Shop is definitely a top five existence among many herb stores!

This pharmacy is not only large!

And there's a full range of variety!

The most important thing is that the price is also low!

Of course!

Ruyi Medicinal Herb Shop has a total of thirty-six stores in the Dragon Clan!

Ruyi Medicinal Materials Main Store!

As soon as he entered the door, Ao Ding said angrily: "Qu Dalin, give Xiao Ye death!" "

Qu Dalin!

The dispenser of Ruyi Herb Store!

Previously, Ao Ding's two 100,000-year-old elixirs were personally traded with Qu Dalin!

"Yo, Young Master Ao, which gust of wind blew you here?" Qu Dalin is over sixty years old, but he is in high spirits, wearing a black brocade robe and a sycophantic smile on his face!


Ao Ding kicked him out and said angrily: "Old Pifu, you dare to sell Xiao Ye's fake medicine? Tired of living, right? "

The sudden scene shocked the customers of the herb shop!

They all showed nervousness and puzzlement!

Ruyi herb store sells counterfeit medicine?

Qu Dalin spat out blood foam after being kicked, endured the pain and got up, and said in horror: "Young Master Ao, don't say this, don't say this!" The reputation of our Ruyi medicinal herb store is known to the world, and it is impossible for us to sell counterfeit medicines!

Ao Ding said angrily, "You mean that Xiao Ye deliberately found your stubble?"

Qu Dalin hurriedly said: "No, no, no, the villain doesn't mean this, I mean, is there some misunderstanding here?"

Ao Ding snorted heavily: "Let me ask you, if a cultivator at the peak of the Mahayana period wears a 100,000-year-old ginseng plant, will he break through the shackles and become a powerhouse in the Earth Immortal Realm?"

Qu Dalin said directly: "It will definitely be!"

Ao Ding asked again: "Then what if it is a hundred thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum?"

Qu Dalin said, "Young Master Ao, 100,000-year elixirs are relatively rare, and at critical moments, they can even help the powerhouses of the Heavenly Immortal Realm break through the bottleneck. Therefore, it is normal to help the Mahayana monks break through the bottleneck! Ao

Ding: "Then let me ask you, my brother took that 100,000-year-old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, but did not break through the bottleneck, what do you say is going on?"

"No, no, no... It can't be! Qu Dalin subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "It is impossible for a cultivator to take two 100,000-year-old medicinal herbs at the same time that cannot break through!"

Ao Ding said coldly: "Meiniang Barbecue, you can feel the breath of Treasurer Chen Nan, see if he has taken those two hundred thousand year elixirs, and see if he is still the peak of the Mahayana period!"

"No problem, you can use your spiritual power to probe his breath!"

"Something happened, I'll help you bear the consequences!"

The dragon clan has a rule that you can't use mental power to spy on others!

But Ao Ding is a related household!

With him as a guarantee, Qu Dalin didn't say anything, and the power of his soul spread out and found Meiniang Barbecue Restaurant!

Locked Chen Nan!

Be sure that he has 100,000 years of ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum remaining on his body!

It is also certain that he is currently at the peak of the Mahayana period!

"Do you still dare to say that you don't sell counterfeit medicine?" Ao Ding's eyes were indifferent, like a cold femme fatale, staring at Qu Dalin!

Qu Dalin's face was full of cold sweat!

Although before trading with Ao Ding, he had identified those two 100,000-year-old medicinal herbs!

But at this time there is nothing to say!

Because when a mortal in the Mahayana period took two 100,000-year elixirs without breaking through, this point had already proved the authenticity of those two medicinal herbs!

Don't think about it, Qu Dalin said: "Young Master Ao, misunderstanding, this matter is really a misunderstanding!"

"Those two elixirs will definitely not be fake, that is, the medicinal effect may have been lost!"

"Then what, we will compensate you for two hundred thousand year elixirs, can you see?"

Two 100,000-year-old elixirs are not cheap!

But he didn't want to make a big deal out of it!

It can only be calmed in this way!

Who expected Ao Ding not to buy it, he glared at him and said, "What about sending Hanako?" Have you forgotten what happens to selling counterfeit drugs?

Qu Dalin's face was bloodless: "Young Master Ao, those two medicinal herbs are not fake medicines, but some medicinal effects have been lost, so what, can I pay you an additional 100,000-year-old elixir?" "

The Dragon Clan has rules!

If you buy a fake!

You can find a merchant to apply for a refund of one and three compensations!

Other words!

Ao Ding spent 400,000 pinxian stones to buy medicinal materials before, they not only had to return the principal, but also compensated an additional 1.2 million pinxianshi!

Ao Ding said, "Don't give Xiao Ye so much trouble, I won't apply for a refund of one and three compensations, and you don't pay me an extra medicinal herb!"

"Two plants, you pay me two additional medicinal herbs, this matter will be over!"

"If you are not convinced, I am not afraid of making a big deal!"

"But once it makes a big deal, aren't you afraid that the person behind you will be angry?"

Qu Dalin's face was full of cold sweat!

He is not a dragon, but a Terran!

Entered the Dragon Clan a thousand years ago, because of the good management, this opened thirty-six branches in the Dragon Clan!

Of course!

The reason why he can have this scale is naturally indispensable for the help of the noble people behind him!

If you know what is going on today...

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth: "Since that's the case, then I'll give Young Master Ao a face!" Saying that, he turned around and took four hundred thousand year elixirs!

"Qu Treasurer, earn less ill-gotten gains in the future!" Ao Ding, who got cheap, left a word and left the pharmacy with Mei Niang!

"Mei Niang, you take these four medicinal herbs!" Ao Ding waved his big hand and gave the four elixirs to Mei Niang: "Two plants for you, two plants for Chen Nan, this time I have to let him break through no matter what!" Mei

Niang was touched and kissed it on tiptoe!

This kiss almost didn't melt Ao Ding!

He suddenly felt that no matter what he did, as long as he could get Mei Niang's heart, it was worth it!


after going back in the evening!

Meiniang gave Chen Nan two elixirs and left two of them herself!

He looked at Chen Nan sourly: "I really envy you for having a mount like me, Xiao Ye almost sold all the leather eyes for you, you are good, you don't do anything to get two hundred thousand years of medicinal herbs!"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "If you don't have this touching skin bag, you can't get Ao Ding's favor, right?"

Mei Niang whispered: "It's best not to be too heavy when you sleep, I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to control myself and then you!" The

corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "Do you believe it or not, I will cut your whip now?" "

Mei Niang decisively provoked!

Sit cross-kneeled and take a 100,000-year-old elixir!

The elixir could not improve Chen Nan's realm!

But for the mei girl it's different!

Let her transform from the first layer of the Golden Immortal to the realm of the third layer of the Golden Immortal!

Chen Nan also took two elixirs!

It may be because he has taken half a million years of elixir!

He actually felt that the taste of the elixir with a hundred thousand years of medicinal effect was okay!

Not particularly rich!

However, it can also improve his strength!

"When I was in the Bird Clan before, I had the strength of the early Golden Immortal Stage!"

"And now, after taking so many elixirs!"

"My current strength should reach the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, right?"


Normal business!

Business is good in the shop!

Just when Chen Nan was busy, Ao Ding walked in with a smile on his face!

He wants to help Meiniang redeem herself today and save her from Chen Nan's sea of suffering!


See the leisurely sitting at the counter!

Ao Ding almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood!


Haven't broken through yet?

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