He's here in high spirits!

Thinking that Chen Nan took two elixirs, he would definitely be able to break through the shackles!

Step into the wonderland of the earth!

But the result was difficult for him to accept!

Looking at Mei Niang, she has stepped into the middle of the Golden Immortal!

"Brother Ao Ding is here, want to eat something?"

Chen Nan stood up to greet him!

For Ao Ding!

He was grateful!

In any case, people gave themselves four elixirs!

You can't be ungrateful!

Ao Ding forced a smile: "As long as it is baked by Brother Chen Nan, anything will do!" I'm not a picky eater!

Chen Nan rolled up his sleeves and said, "Okay, you wait, I'll personally cook you a barbecue!" Saying that, he got up and walked to the backyard, leaving Ao Ding and Meiniang alone time!

"Mei Niang, what the hell is going on with this guy? Why is there still no breakthrough after taking the elixir? Ao Ding's brows furrowed, he couldn't understand what was going on!

Mei Niang was also at a loss: "I don't know, but last night I watched him take those two elixirs, but..."

Speaking of this, she sighed and asked, "Brother Ao, did you say that the two elixirs he took lost their efficacy?"

"If those two elixirs are full of medicinal effects, it is impossible for him not to break through!"

A fierce light flashed in Ao Ding's eyes, and he entered the backyard directly and said to Chen Nan: "Brother Chen Nan, don't bake it first, follow me to the Ruyi Medicinal Materials Store!" "


He was furious!

Qu Dalin fooled him once!

Now fool him twice!

This is unbearable for him, and he must ask for an explanation!


come to the herb store!

Ao Ding directly called Qu Dalin, with an indifferent expression: "Qu Treasurer, take a look, my brother took the two elixirs you compensated for last night, but there is still no breakthrough!"

"On the contrary, the two plants of my brother and sister helped her improve her cultivation!"

"Let's just say, do you have to give me a satisfactory statement on this matter?"

Qu Dalin was dumbfounded!

This is unreasonable!

Particularly unreasonable!

It is impossible for a Mahayana cultivator to withstand the medicinal effects of two 100,000-year elixirs!

Could it be that there are problems with those elixir-level medicinal materials in the pharmacy?

Think of this!

Qu Dalin panicked!

After sending Ao Ding away yesterday, he investigated the supplier!

It was found that the other party had indeed sold medicinal herbs that had weakened their efficacy!

If this is true, the loss for pharmacies is immeasurable!

And not just because of money!

And reputation!

Without thinking too much, Qu Dalin hurriedly said, "Young Master Ao, do you want me to refund your money?"

Ao Ding asked rhetorically: "Do you think Ben is short of money?"

Qu Dalin panicked: "Then what do you want to do?"

Ao Ding said, "It's not difficult for me for you, after all, I have to give the person behind you a face!" However, my brother must step into the Wonderland! Chen

Nan was overjoyed!


Shouldn't you want me to take drugs on the spot here?

Brother Ao, you are such a good person!

No, no, no!

After thinking about it, Chen Nan instantly vetoed the previous idea!

He didn't know how many elixirs there were in this herb store, in case he had taken so many elixirs and didn't break through!

This is sure to cause concern!

If you let them know that they are the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble!

Qu Dalin hesitated and said, "Young Master Ao, I still have five elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old here, or else, I will give all these five medicinal herbs to this little brother, how about we write off this matter in one lump sum?"

"Just give the old man a thin face, if in the future, Young Master Ao can use the place where I can curve someone to open his mouth at any time!"

Chen Nan said, "Brother Ao Ding, or just follow the Qu Treasurer!"

"Since my brothers have spoken, then I will give you a face!" Ao Ding didn't deceive people too much, he was afraid of the one behind Qu Dalin!

Second, I can exchange Qu Dalin's favor!

This is still very good!

After all, medicinal herb merchants have a wide range of channels and contacts, and sometimes they can get medicinal materials that cannot be encountered on the market!

That's it!

Chen Nan had five more 100,000-year-old elixirs!

The three returned the same way!

At this time, Chen Nan can't pretend to be a fool, but any normal person can feel that Ao Ding has an interest in Meiniang, not to mention that Ao Ding wants him to step into the Earth Immortal Realm!

"Brother Ao, I made an agreement with Meiniang that as long as she can let me step into the Earth Immortal Realm, she will be fulfilled!"

"I will do what I say!"

"You guys, you don't have to go on a private date behind my back!"

When Chen Nan said this, Ao Ding suddenly felt hot on his face, he didn't expect Chen Nan to see through all his thoughts!

"Brother Chen, I'm serious about Meiniang, if you can really fulfill us after the Immortal Realm, I will definitely be grateful!" Ao Ding said with a red face!

Chen Nan secretly shook his head!

What a big licking dog!

Lick it hard!

As long as the Mei Niang does not manifest her essence, all your efforts will be rewarded!

If she manifests the Essence...

I guess you're going to be!!

After returning to the barbecue restaurant, Chen Nan swallowed five elixirs in front of Ao Ding!

After taking the elixir, the immortal power in the cultivator's body will boil!

But Chen Nan's body was very quiet!

This made Ao Ding's eyebrows lock!

Could it be that the efficacy of these elixirs has all weakened?

Thinking of this, a burst of anger rose in his heart!

No wonder Qu Dalin's old thing is so generous!

Feelings are because of this!

However, thinking of the agreement with Qu Dalin, this matter can only be left at that!

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I know that there is a place where a hundred thousand years old elixir has lived, so I will go out and collect it for you!" Ao Ding spoke!

Chen Nandu had punctured his relationship with Meiniang, and he didn't have to hide anything!

It seems urgent!

"Okay, that's it, I'll withdraw first!" Ao Ding is a man of action, immediately get up and leave!

"Are we playing too big?" Mei Niang is a little panicked!

She knew that Chen Nan would not break through the realm no matter how much medicine he took!

But if Ao Ding personally collected a hundred thousand year elixir for him, he still couldn't break through!

Ao Ding would definitely doubt Chen Nan's identity!

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Take it one step at a time, even if he collects the elixir, it's not a big deal if I don't break through if I take it!" "

The Desolate Ancient Body belongs to the legendary physique!

The average person really doesn't know!

And what he has to do now is to establish his own power and network of contacts in the dragon clan before Ao Ding leaves!

If Ao Ding comes back, it can also be confronted!

Mei Niang's eyes were complicated: "This calamity is caused by me, no matter what, I can't drag you down!" Don't worry, I will definitely be able to level Ao Ding!

"Can't say that, you're also thinking about me!" Chen Nan has a clear distinction between right and wrong, although the situation is somewhat out of control, he is the biggest beneficiary!

He didn't blame the Lightning Leopard at all!

The corners of Mei Niang's mouth rose: "You don't have too much psychological burden, really, I have already thought of countermeasures, and I promise to get Ao Ding to death!"

Chen Nan was curious: "Could it be that you are ready to dedicate yourself to him?"

Meiniang showed a shy smile: "I heard that Ao Ding's mother died for many years, and his father lived alone!"

Chen Nan was creepy: "Lying groove, he treats you as a wife, you actually want to be his stepmother?" "

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