Chen Nan was stunned!

He didn't think about it!

Yan Guang smiled and said, "Isn't Brother Chen Nan the Lord of the Demon Realm?" Ao

Xiaoyu's eyes also showed an unconcealable excitement!

The demon world has not been unified since ancient times!

Now the four demon emperors all recognize Lord Chen Nan!

The Bird Clan and Nirvana Mountain, and even the fifth season are friendly with it!

To put it bluntly!

There is no one in the entire immortal world who can be an enemy of it!

"I'm a little weak and need to rest for a long time!" The green dragon cub said weakly, and then turned into a cyan light and submerged into Chen Nan's body!

Chen Nan felt a tingling pain in his left shoulder!

Peel off your clothes and take a look!


The green dragon was actually attached to his shoulder!

It looks like a tattoo, giving people a sense of déjà vu of gangsters!


Chen Nan still felt that he was very empty!

"I forcibly broke the shell and injured Long Yuan before, I need to rely on you to help me improve my cultivation!" Qinglong's weak voice echoed in Chen Nan's mind!


Chen Nan felt very strange!

Before you stole Lao Tzu's elixir!

Now it's good, it's hiding inside me...

I really cut Xiaoye as a leek!


What can be done about this?

After all, Qinglong saved his life just now!

Just let it cut itself like a leek!

Anyway, there will be 4,000 elixirs of more than 100,000 years immediately in hand!

The four big demons are coming back quickly!

They all prepared a thousand elixirs, and fairy stones!

These things are completely enough for Chen Nan to consume for a long time!

Chen Nan originally wanted to give Yan Guang some elixir, but he refused!

Because he knew that Chen Nan needed these things even more!

Yan Guang suddenly said, "Brother Chen Nan, don't you want to know why the daughter of the human emperor snatched the body of her younger brother and sister?"

"You can ask Ao Lie to inquire about this!"

"After all, there are clansmen of the Dragon Clan who stay with the Human Emperor!"

"Don't tell me about those two traitors!" Ao Lie's face was gloomy: "The two of them are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they are not worthy of being members of my dragon clan at all!"

Yan Guang sneered: "This is said, as if you are not greedy for life and afraid of death!" "

I..." Old Ao Lie's face turned red: "Can this be the same?" Although I am loyal to my master, this is to obey the orders of my ancestors! "

Yan Guang didn't pay attention to him at all!

Chen Nandao: "I'll investigate that matter myself!" "

Although there are people from the Dragon Clan staying with the Human Emperor, he doesn't want to fight the grass and scare the snakes!

Yan Guang didn't say anything more: "Do you need me to send you to the human world?"

"No need!" Chen Nan said, "There has just been a big war here in the demon world, and it is very likely that the human side will sense that if someone sees you sending me out, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble!"

"I will go to the human realm with my master!" Lightning Leopard spoke: "I'm going to taste people!"

"I really want to kill you!" Ao Lie did not hide his killing intent towards the Lightning Leopard!

It was it that single-handedly harmed the entire dragon clan!

As a woman, she has been on the dragon clan for more than a hundred strong people!

It leaves behind those strong people a shame and shadow that is difficult to heal even time!

Upon hearing this, the lightning leopard transformed into the appearance of Mr. Bodo, and said shyly: "People are really afraid!" "

The Dragon King almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood!

Her delicate appearance is really heartwarming!

Chen Nan hugged his fists: "Everyone, I want to go to the human world, I don't know what year or month this trip, I hope we don't meet in the human world as much as possible!"

Ao Lie said, "If the master really needs us, the soul messenger us!" Mo

Qilin: "Yes, we will rush to the human world as soon as possible on the Golden-winged Roc!"

The White Tiger Demon Emperor grinned and said, "I really didn't expect that I couldn't ride the Golden-winged Roc when I was in a hostile relationship, but now that I have become friends, I can ride the Golden-winged Dapeng!" The

spider emperor also grinned, looking forward to riding the Golden-winged Dapeng!

The corners of Yan Guang's mouth twitched!

I really want to beat them up!

However, he still showed his attitude: "If there really is a day, I will take them to the human world as soon as possible!" "

He knows!

It is very likely that there will be a vicious battle between Chen Nan and the Human Emperor!

That battle was no more intense than the battle between them!


Chen Nan surrendered his hand, rode on the back of the lightning leopard, and headed towards the west!

They are a long way from the human world!

Even at the speed of a lightning leopard, it would take two years to arrive!


Chen Nan is not in a hurry!

You can take advantage of this time to improve your cultivation!

Then grasp the pattern of the human world clearly!

The human world is big!

But it can be divided into eight major forces!

Obviously, behind the eight major forces, there is a ninth-level immortal emperor dominating!

Of course, the territory ruled by every ninth-level immortal emperor has tens of millions of square kilometers!

This alone can believe how vast the immortal world is!

Among the eight ninth-level immortal emperors, the strongest is the Human Emperor!

The Human Emperor was born 30,000 years ago!

It only took a thousand years to cultivate to the ninth-level Immortal Emperor!

The speed of cultivation is ancient and shining!


Some suspect that it is the reincarnation of a saint!

The most shocking thing was that after he stepped into the ninth-level immortal emperor, he single-handedly fought against the other seven ninth-level immortal emperors!

And defeat them all!

Therefore, he is called the human emperor!

It means that the Terrans are the strongest!

The Human Emperor resides in the most central area of the Human Realm!

There is an Immortal Palace there, called the Central Immortal Palace!

In addition, there are eight ninth-level immortal emperors under the Human Emperor!

Whether it's personal strength!

Or comprehensive strength, they are the strongest of the eight forces!

Not one!

Chen Nan didn't know much about the Human Emperor!


With this information alone, he felt a strong sense of oppression!

After cultivating to the ninth-level Immortal Emperor in a thousand years, this terrifying speed is not something that ordinary people dare to imagine!

Not to mention that there were eight ninth-level Immortal Emperors under him!

The reputation of the emperor is not just talk!

"If I have a conflict with the Human Emperor, with the strength of those strong people in the demon world, can I defeat the Human Emperor?" Chen Nan had no answer in his heart!

People who are not far away will have near worries!

He has to think of the worst!

Because he had a hunch that even if he went to the Central Immortal Palace, the Human Emperor would not hand over Nangong Wan's physical body to himself!

Between them... There is destined for a war!

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye!

There was no breakthrough in Chen Nan's realm!

It is still the peak of the Mahayana period!

But the strength is comparable to the supreme!

After all, one hundred thousand year elixir a day is not a joke!

"Master, the front is the territory of the Wu Kingdom, have you figured out what kind of identity you want to use to blend into the Wu Kingdom?" The voice of the lightning leopard sounded!

Like the demon race, the Terrans have a strong sense of territory!

If you want to gain a foothold in the Terrans, you must have the identity plate of the cashier of the official office!

Similar to an ID card on Earth!

Of course!

It's just to live here!

If you want to go to the territory of other Immortal Emperors, you need to get a pass!

Otherwise, you won't be able to ride the teleportation array at all!

Chen Nan took out a jade tablet in the storage space, and a shallow smile appeared on his face: "With this token, why is it difficult to enter the territory of the Wu Kingdom?!" "

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