Lightning Leopard's face was full of doubts: "What is this token?"

Chen Nan: "The token of Xuan Yumen!" "

Xuan Yumen? It feels like a certain force! The lightning leopard immediately said, "No, didn't you say that you haven't been to the human realm?" "

How could you have the token of the Xuan Yu Gate?"

"Of course someone else gave it to me!"

A shallow smile appeared on Chen Nan's face!

This token was given to him by Concubine Yu before he and Concubine Yu separated!

According to what Concubine Yu said, the Xuan Yu Gate was a powerful sect in the territory of the Wu Kingdom!

In the Immortal Realm, the dynasty wants to be above the sect!

As for how many sects there are in the Wu Kingdom, Concubine Yu doesn't know!

But she said it to the old man!

There must be at least a thousand sects in the Wu Kingdom!

Xuan Yumen's strength can only rank in the top fifty!

Ranking fifty may not seem strong, but it can get the attention of the government!

It is not difficult to blend into the Wu Kingdom at all!

After all, the city in front of you is called East Wilderness City, and it is the easternmost city in the human world!

Concubine Yu gave him the token in the hope of helping Chen Nan!

"After leaving for more than three years, I don't know how Concubine Yu is doing!"

Thinking of that woman who had lived in the poultry tribe and herself for so long, the corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly!

He had promised Concubine Yu that he would go to her as long as he was detoxified!

It's also time for him to keep his promise!


"This is the Eastern Wilderness City, who are you?"

Coming to the city tower, Chen Nan was stopped outside the city by the soldiers defending the city!

Chen Nan was not surprised by this, and took out the token of the Xuan Yu Gate that Concubine Yu gave him!

"It turned out to be a master of the Xuan Yu Gate!" The attitude of the defenders of the city has changed dramatically!

Immediately open the city gate and let Chen Nan and Lightning Leopard enter the Eastern Wilderness City!

Humans accept monster beasts as mounts!

The soldiers defending the city did not make a fuss!

Chen Nan took out a storage bag with more than a thousand medium-grade fairy stones inside!

He slipped it to the soldier who opened the door: "This brother, there is something I want to inquire about!" The

eyes of the guards of the city lit up: "Immortal master, please say!"

Chen Nan said, "That's right, I had an accident when riding the teleportation array before, and I almost reached the demon realm!"

"I want to ask, does our Eastern Wilderness City have a teleportation array?"

"How often does the teleportation array open?"

The human world is more prosperous than the demon world!

Especially in terms of transportation, almost all major cities have established teleportation arrays!

It's easy to travel by teleportation array!

The soldier guarding the city said, "We also have a teleportation array in the Eastern Wilderness City, but it is opened every three months!" "

After all, the Eastern Wilderness City is the easternmost part of the human realm!

Very few people come here!

Therefore, the frequency of use of the teleportation array is not high!

Lightning Leopard said displeased: "Three months? It's been too long, right?

The soldier guarding the city said with a smile: "The teleportation array of our Eastern Wilderness City is indeed opened once every three months, but tomorrow afternoon is when it opens!" "

Chen Nan and Lightning Leopard are overjoyed!

Luck is not bad!

Unexpectedly, he arrived in the Eastern Wilderness City the day before the teleportation array opened!

"I'm not familiar with this side, I wonder if the little brother can introduce which city will be teleported to in the Eastern Wilderness City?" Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "Forget it, or you give me a map, I'll take a look at it myself!"


The other party directly took out a map of Wu Guo and said, "Immortal Master can go to the Wangyue Tower in the city to stay for one night, it is the best restaurant in the Eastern Wilderness City, and I will call you when the teleportation array opens tomorrow!" "

Chen Nan's cultivation is not high!

But he made a big deal!

Plus there is also a demon beast of the Golden Immortal Realm with him!

This kind of person is the Tianjiao of Xuan Yumen at a glance!

"There is work!"

Chen Nan said politely, then took the map and headed towards the Moon Tower under the guidance of the other party!

The lightning leopard looked at the sides of the street, and the soul transmitted: "Is this the Terrans?

"That's too poor, isn't it?"

"I feel that the slums of the dragon clan are richer than here!"

There was a hint of disgust in its tone!

The Terrans are not as prosperous and attractive as they think!

Chen Nan said disapprovingly: "The dragon clan loves money and likes to enjoy, so the dragon clan is very prosperous!"

"As for the human world..."

"It cannot be generalized, there will be wealth if there is poverty!"

"Moreover, the Eastern Wilderness City is not far from the demon realm, and ordinary people really don't want to live here!"

"Not to mention building the city!"

Lightning Leopard: "I hope to go to a truly prosperous city one day!" "

A moment later, one person and one leopard came to the Mochizuki Tower, and spent ten lower grade fairy stones to open a good room, and there were three meals a day!

This shocked the Lightning Leopard!

You must know that ten spirit stones can't even eat a full meal in the dragon clan!

The prices here are really low!

After entering the room, Chen Nan spread out the map of Wu Kingdom obtained on the table!

Wu Guo is big!

It is not possible to mark all the city and sect forces in detail!

Only twelve continents and seventy-eight counties are marked on it!

As well as the top ten superpowers!

"We are now in the easternmost part of the Eastern Continent of the Twelve Continents!"

"Xuan Yumen is in Zhongzhou!"

"It seems that the Eastern Wilderness City does not have a teleportation array directly to the Middle Continent!"

"If you want to reach Zhongzhou, you have to change at least five teleportation arrays!"

The lightning leopard transformed into the appearance of a mei niang, lying sideways on the bed, holding his cheek with one hand, exhaling like a lan: "Although it will be more troublesome to ride the teleportation array, I would rather wait longer!"

Speaking of this, his eyes became resentful: "You have no conscience, you don't know how to feel sorry for people in the past two years!"

"Do you know how tired people have been in the past two years?"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Or, you go out and wander around?" How many people to play with? "

Don't go!" Mei Niang looked disgusted: "I thought that the Terran man was very handsome, but today I was disappointed when I saw it, and many people are uglier than I thought!"

"Let me play with them?" Bah!

"If you really feel sorry for me, then let's play?"

Chen Nan silently took off the black long stick: "Here, repeat what you just said?" "

Mei Niang suddenly provoked!

Afraid of getting beaten!

That's it!

Chen Nan and Meiniang stayed temporarily!

Wait until noon the next day!

That defender came to the Wangyue Tower and informed Chen Nan that the two teleportation arrays were about to open in an hour!

Knowing this, the two followed to the teleportation array!

The teleportation array is located in the center of the Eastern Wilderness City!

It's like a football field!

There are many energy pillars around!

Each person who rides the teleportation array will pay a thousand Lower Grade Immortal Stones!

After handing over two thousand lower grade fairy stones, Chen Nan and Meiniang waited patiently!

There aren't many people riding the teleportation array!

After all, a thousand lower grade fairy stones at a time is unbearable for ordinary people!

In addition to Chen Nan and Meiniang!

There were also four middle-aged people who looked like merchants, all of them waiting for the teleportation array to open!

It's time for the teleportation array to open!

A staff member stepped forward and told the teleportation array to open immediately!

Get them ready to teleport!

Chen Nan and Meiniang immediately walked to the formation and waited expectantly for the teleportation array to open!

The first time I sat in the teleportation array, I was more or less nervous!

Just as the teleportation array was about to open, a group of soldiers guarding the city rushed from afar, and the man led by him shouted: "Stop teleporting, catch those two young men!"

"They are the remnants of the Xuan Yu Gate, and they must not be allowed to run!"

Mei Niang gasped: "Are they talking about the two of us?" "

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