
Concubine Yu took the healing pill.

But with little effect.


Chen Nan took out a 100,000-year-old elixir for her to take.

He has a lot more of this stuff.

It is used as a meal.

"I said, I'm just going out to visit the temple fair, relax alone, don't follow me, okay?"

came a breathy voice outside the door.

Listening to the voice is a young girl.

Yu Fei, who was recovering from her injuries, opened her eyes sharply, revealing an incredible look in her eyes: "Yingying's voice

?" "Is that the girl with a cyan birthmark on her butt?" Chen Nan also thought of Yingying among the seven girls in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, and was quite impressed by her.

"It's her voice. Concubine Yu walked to the door excitedly and opened the door for a moment.

A girl in a sky-blue dress was standing in the doorway of the opposite room, instructing several servants.

"Yingying, is it really you?"

I never expected to meet friends who have suffered together here.

Yingying's eyes also bloomed with shock, joy: "Sister Yufei, why are you here..." Hey, Brother Chen, are you there too?" Chen

Nan greeted with a smile: "Long time no see."

Yingying's face showed a hint of redness, and immediately turned to a few servants: "Okay, you guys hurry up, my friend's strength is very strong."

"And this is in the Star Tower, who dares to commit murder here?"

the servant stopped talking.

"Get out!" the warbler lost patience.

"Then let's go and wait outside the Star Tower, and if you have anything, you can summon us." "The next person does not dare to violate Yingying's words and take people away.

"Brother Chen, when did you come back?" Yingying asked with excitement on her face, obviously not expecting Chen Nan to return to the human world, after all, they had gone through thousands of difficulties when they returned.

"Come in and talk. Chen Nan smiled and invited Yingying into the room.

"I just came back not long ago.

"What about

you?" "Are the five sisters who came back with you okay?"

Plus I have also had skin kisses.

Not voluntary.

But also a dewy couple.

It is still necessary to care.

Yingying sighed softly, her eyes full of fear: "We encountered many dangers on the way back, except for me and Sister Nie Yao, everyone else died in the mouth of the demon beast." "

For this situation.

Chen Nan was not surprised.

Not everyone can cross the entire demon realm.

It's a great blessing to have someone back.

"Sister Yufei, how could you be injured so badly?"

A trace of bitterness rose on Concubine Yu's face: "I also feel inexplicable."

Yingying said, "Let the government investigate this matter, oh yes, my uncle has just become the prefect of Zhongzhou City, if we report the official, he will definitely let people investigate this matter."

Chen Nan poured her a glass of water: "It is estimated that it is useless to report officials, the people who killed concubines are from

the Immortal Palace!" Yingying's face changed suddenly, and then let out a light sigh: "Brother Chen is right, the people in the Immortal Palace are all big people, and the newspaper officials are really useless."

"Sister Yufei, although I don't know why the people in the Immortal Palace are targeting you.

"But I don't feel like they're going to give up."

"In my opinion, you'd better leave Zhongzhou City and live somewhere else!" Speaking

of this, she took out a storage bag: "There are five top-grade fairy stones here, although they are not many, they can also allow you to live for a while."

"They are sisters who have suffered.

"I really can't bear to see you suffer this kind of crisis!" he

took out five top-grade fairy stones at once.

It can be seen that Yingying is really thinking about Concubine Yu.

"Yingying, I understand your kindness. A wave of emotion rose in Concubine Yu's heart: "However, Brother Chen has already thought of a way to retreat from the enemy.

"Really fake?" Yingying showed surprise: "That's an enemy from the Immortal Palace, Brother Chen, can you deal with them?"

Yu Fei showed an intriguing smile: "Brother Chen's strength is very strong!"

Yingying's face turned red.

It was like thinking about what happened in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave.

"By the way, why haven't I heard you say before, you also live in Zhongzhou City?"

Yingying smiled bitterly: "In the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, we don't seem to have talked much."

"At that time, I didn't even know what the future would be, so what's the point of talking about where the family is?"

"My name is Willow Yingying, the head of the family, Nancheng.

Concubine Yu gasped: "Are you the Sifang

Chamber of Commerce?" Liu Yingying smiled awkwardly

: "Yes!" "Powerful and powerful!" Yu Fei's face was full of incredulity, and then looked at Chen Nan: "Brother Chen, you are not from Zhongzhou, and you don't know the power of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce."

"This Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the entire Wu Kingdom, and it is rich enough to rival the country!" "Even the plaque of the Four Seas Chamber of

Commerce is inscribed by King Wu himself!"

Chen Nan's face was also full of surprise.

I didn't expect the willow warbler to have such a big origin.


Yingying said: "Actually, these are all rivers and mountains laid down by my father, and they have nothing to do with me."

"Oh, by the way, you consider living in other cities.

"In addition to leaving Wu Country, every city has my Liu family's Chamber of Commerce. "

I'll definitely be able to settle the two of you."

Chen Nan said, "Okay, we will consider this matter carefully."

Liu Yingying snorted, got up and said, "It's not early, so the little sister went back to the room to rest." When Sister Yufei recovers her injuries, let's go to the temple fair together.

She left a sweet smile and got up to leave.

Chen Nan sent her out and closed the door with his hand.

After returning, I saw Concubine Yu blushing and said: "Brother Chen, it's hard to meet the deceased by chance, don't you plan to go to the opposite door and communicate with Yingying's sister in depth?"

Chen Nan directly gave her a roll of her eyes: "It's good to reunite with Yingying, but we are not the kind of people who are happy."

In fact, even he didn't believe it.

But he came to the Immortal Realm only to find Nangong Wan's physical body.

I also don't want to have emotional entanglements with too many women.

After a night of recuperation.

Concubine Yu's injuries have also healed.

After all, the medicinal effect of the 100,000-year elixir was amazing.

Early the next morning.

Willow Yingying knocked on the door, followed by some employees of the Star Picking Tower, holding some hearty breakfasts in their hands.

"Brother Chen, Sister Yufei, I don't know what you two like to eat, so I asked the back kitchen of the Xingxing Building to prepare some special breakfasts here. "

She's proud.

A meal requires at least more than ten top-grade fairy stones.

Although she does not have so many fairy stones on her, it can be completely recorded in the accounts of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce.

After breakfast.

Liu Yingying said, "What are your plans next, visiting the temple fair together, or do you have other plans?" Chen

Nan: "We plan to go to Yandang Mountain." "

Yandang Mountain seems to be outside Zhongzhou City, what are you going to do there, aren't you afraid that the people in the Immortal Palace will chase and kill you?" There was no trace of blood on Liu Yingying's pretty face.

Immediately, she snorted: "I see, are you trying to lure the snake out of the hole?" A

cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "Yes, only in this way can we lure out the secret enemy and kill it all!"

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