"No, no, no, no!" Liu

Yingying shook her head desperately: "The people in the Immortal Palace have a transcendent status and strong strength.

"You're no match for them at all.

"I can't watch you take your own risks.

Concubine Yu said, "Yingying, Big Brother Chen's strength is really strong. Not only can he fight to the powerhouse of the Immortal Realm, he is even proficient in formations.

"And he never does anything he wasn't sure of.

Willow Yingying hesitated and said, "In this way, I will go to Yandang Mountain with you."

Chen Nan said, "Don't follow, even if you are the pearl in the palm of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce, but the other party is from the Immortal Palace, if you really provoke them, they will definitely get rid of you."

Concubine Yu also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, this matter started because of me, how can it affect you?" Liu

Yingying smiled, walked to the window and looked at the Immortal Palace in the air: "Although the people in the Immortal Palace have a great origin, my Sifang Chamber of Commerce is not a soft persimmon."

"Moreover, my father sent me an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse.

"With him, it's not a big problem.

"Okay, let's go to Yandang Mountain to play!"

she looked relaxed.

Even if the other party is from the Immortal Palace, she has enough confidence.

Because she knows that having money can make ghosts push and grind.

Even the strong people in the Immortal Palace like money.

"Then let's go.

Chen Nan didn't say anything, and left the Star Picking Tower with Concubine Yu and Liu Yingying.


A carriage had been waiting for a long time.

The driver was an old man in rags and slovenliness.

He holds a wine gourd in his hand, giving the feeling of being drunk.

The old man looked unpretentious.


But it gave Chen Nan an feeling of extreme danger.

You don't need to think about it to know that he should be the Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse in Liu Yingying's mouth.

"Elder Qu, send us to Yandang Mountain. After getting into the carriage, Willow Yingying said to the old man who was driving: "Also, drink less, there may be trouble later."

Elder Qu grinned: "Don't worry, Miss, this Zhongzhou City is not a trouble that I Qu can't solve." Willow

Yingying: "But the other party is from the Immortal Palace." Elder

Qu sneered: "Coming from the Immortal Palace, but you don't dare to make a move in the city, what does this mean?"


Not a big problem.

His tone was flat.

Although he was just an old servant driving a carriage, as an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, he still had his own arrogance.

Qu Lao's analysis made sense. Liu Yingying looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "Generally speaking, the people in the Immortal Palace are very arrogant, if there are really big people who want to kill Sister Yufei, they will definitely not send a few masters of the Golden Immortal Realm."

"Even less at night.

"If you look at it this way, the other party's origin should not be large."

"If I can draw the other person, I'll see if I know each other." "

Strive to be a peacemaker, and strive to turn the war into a victory."

Speaking of this, she sighed: "Although this is very humiliating, it is difficult to move the people in the Immortal Palace!" "

Even if the other party is a small person, the forces behind it are complicated, and it may be that an ordinary person has a heavy courtier as a backer behind him."

"Even my father told me not to offend the people of Immortal Palace easily. "

It's better to be able to turn things into jade, but even if you can't, it's not a big deal." Chen Nan said lightly, he was not afraid of the other party.

"Brother Chen, can you do me a favor?" said Liu Yingying suddenly, a trace of nervousness and uneasiness flashing in her clear eyes.

Chen Nan casually asked, "What's busy?" Liu

Yingying sighed: "My father wants me to marry the son of Shangshu of the Criminal Department."

"But, I don't like him.

"I thought that when I finished dealing with Sister Yufei, I would take you back to meet him."

"Tell him about things between us.

"Anyway, you're my first man..." Speaking of this, her face rose a crimson and looked delicate.

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Let's take a long-term plan after you go back!"

But this is the fairy world.

This kind of thing is not good.

One hour later.

The carriage came to the foot of Yandang Mountain in the west of the city.

Because it's summer.

The foothills of Yandang Mountain are covered with countless wildflowers.

It's dazzling as far as the eye can see.

Even the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

At this time, they were more than two hundred miles away from Zhongzhou City.

Looking to the east, you can still see the huge city.

"I still have some good things here, let's share them today!" Chen Nan took out a bear paw, which was given to him before Kuiba left.

When she came to the human world, Mei Niang shouted and ate one, and now there is another one.

If it weren't for the deceased.

He really couldn't bear to eat.

A moment later.

Kuiba's bear paw is golden and exudes a refreshing flesh fragrance.

"This thing is extraordinary!" Qu Lao's eyes came over hotly, and he did not hide his liking for bear paws.

Chen Nan divided the cut bear paw among several people, and then took out a pot of wine and drank it while eating.

This is respect for Kuiba...

The taste of the bear's paw is good.

And good for humanity.


Concubine Yu didn't have any appetite.

She was a little nervous.

Because she didn't want the people who wanted to kill her to show up here.

I also hope that the other party will show up.

Then she knew who was trying to kill herself!

A group of black-robed people flashed in the air.

They all wore black Xuan Iron masks.

The whole person melted into the black robe.

There were thirteen people in total.

Except for an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse.

Everyone's strength has reached the peak of the supreme immortal.

Their appearance made Concubine Yu inexplicably nervous.

This battle.

Much stronger than last night.

"People who hide their heads and show their tails, it is not like the style in the Immortal Palace!" Qu Lao drank the wine in the gourd, his eyes full of disdain.

The man in black at the head said in a low voice: "This matter has nothing to do with you, I advise you not to be nosy, if not, even

kill you together!" Liu Yingying stood up angrily: "I am the Qianjin of the

Sifang Chamber of Commerce, you dare to kill me?" The man in black spoke in a cold tone, killing intent Ling Ran: "Whoever is an enemy of us will die

!" "Even if you are a Sifang Chamber of Commerce!"

"Kill my young lady?" You really ate the bear heart leopard gall, Mo said that you are a first-class immortal emperor, even if you are a heavy minister in the dynasty, you don't dare to attack my young lady

!" "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!" When

the words fell, he rushed into the sky with a long sword in his hand and fought fiercely with the other party.


The other twelve powerhouses who had reached the peak of the Immortal Realm also killed Chen Nan.

"You two be careful, I'll deal with these twelve masters!" Chen Nan's expression was solemn, but his fighting spirit was high, and his blood was boiling in his body.

After studying the formation for so long,

it's time to test your achievements in the formation!

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