When Liu Jie did not appear, Liu Sifang's face was full of intoxication and enjoyment

! But when he heard Liu Jie's words, his whole person was as if he had been cast a body-fixing technique

! His expression froze

! Only his pupils were constantly trembling

! Liu Jie's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day to

him! It

was difficult for him to accept!

"You are teasing the uncle!"

You must be teasing the uncle, right?" He

grabbed Liu Jie's shoulders tightly as if he was crazy, his pupils were bloodshot!


Jie forced himself to endure the uneasiness in his heart, and whispered: "Uncle, I know that it is difficult for you to accept this, but this is the case

!" "We were really pitted by Chen Nan!" and

then he said what happened before!

For example, Jiu Ye called Chen Nan his master

, and gave him those 300,000 immortal stones

! Poof

! learned that he had fallen into Chen Nan's trap

! Liu Sifang was in a hurry

! He couldn't help but spew out a mouthful of blood

! He slumped on the recliner

! His face was sallow! His

eyes were blank! The

whole person seemed to age dozens of years in an instant!"

I've been working in all directions for many years to get where I am today

!" "Although I have encountered many enemies!"

"I won in the end!" "

I have been in the business world for so many years, have I ever met a decent opponent?"

"I lost

!" "Lost in the hands of a junior

!" "Lost miserably

!" His face was full of decadence

! It was difficult to accept

this matter! Liu Yingying who heard the news looked angry and blamed himself: "Father, I am to blame for this matter, if I hadn't proposed to mortgage the Liu family's property to borrow money, things would not have turned out like this

!" Liu Sifang sighed lightly: "No, even if you don't propose, I will do it!"

"No one is

to blame for this!" "If you want to blame, blame us for underestimating the enemy

!" Liu Jie said: "Uncle, this time we have indeed fallen into the hands of Chen Nan

!" "However, this loss is not enough to defeat our Liu family

!" "You mortgaged the textile industry before

!" "The two industries of catering, right?"

"We can completely hand over the industries in these two fields!"


and catering may have great profits for ordinary people

, but in fact the profits are very small

!" Liu Sifang said with a gloomy face: "No!" Liu Sifang said when I borrowed money, I will return the 100,000 top-grade fairy stones to them with interest at the latest within seven days!"

If I really mortgage the industries in these two fields to others, where will my face of Liu Sifang be shelved?" Liu

Jie hesitated, and couldn't help but say: "However, we can't raise 100,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones to pay off debts now!"

The Sifang Chamber of Commerce's communication

jade brand is very popular! but the price is very expensive

, so that ordinary people can't afford it at all

!" "Order, the transmission jade brand is discounted by 7%", "

Enjoy unconditional return within three

days!" "In any case, you have to raise 100,000 top-grade immortal stones in the last five days!" Liu

Sifang's eyes regained his fighting spirit!

Although he was very upset by Chen Nan's pit!

But at this moment

, Chen Nan is barely qualified to be his opponent

! Fight with

me? Can you fight me?------

When the Sifang Chamber of Commerce announced the seven-fold discount for the transmission jade brand

, this news instantly spread in the ears of countless immortal cultivators! After


if you usually buy it, you can only buy ten top-grade immortal stones!


! At the gate of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, there was a long queue at the door of several branches

! Everyone lined up waiting to buy

! Of course

, there were also a small number of people with the attitude of trying

it! Anyway, the other party proposed to return it for free within three days

! Even if you don't

like it, you can return it directly! On the contrary, if you like it, you can just stay!

After all, there is no such shop in this village

! ------

Pick the Star Tower!

Concubine Yu snuggled into Chen Nan's arms and said softly: "Brother Chen, you are really

great!" Chen Nan smiled and said: "What do you mean

is great?" "Everything is great!" Yu Fei's face turned red: "But I heard that the price has not changed since the Sifang Chamber of Commerce developed the transmission jade card!"

But today, they are a seven-fold discount

!" "Obviously, this belongs to the dog jumping off the wall

!" "If it weren't for the fact that the Sifang Chamber of Commerce hadn't been cornered, they wouldn't have made such a discount!"

This is also a kind of marketing, Liu Sifang's purpose is to let people feel the convenience of the transmission jade brand first, as long as they like it, even if they spend a little more money, they will buy

it!" "So it is!" Yu Fei suddenly realized: "It's just that this point is destined to hurt him

!" "Obviously, he will soon know the end of offending us!" Chen Nan showed a sinister smile on his face!


the morning of the third day,

Chen Nan contacted Ao Jiu with the transmission jade card: "You can sell those transmission jade cards I refined!" He

has not been idle in the past few days

! He has refined those 200,000 jade cards into a transmission jade card

! But he has never found a suitable opportunity to promote it to the public

! But now!

Isn't this a godsend opportunity to take advantage

of the Liu family's sale of the transmission jade card openly? The other party priced seven top-grade immortal stones

! He priced two

! And there is a transmission jade card, you can contact others

! It is very convenient

! This is Chen Nan's fatal blow to

the Liu family! This will be the last straw that crushes the Liu family!"

Ao Jiu had been preparing for this for a long time, and after hearing this, he directly summoned his subordinates

! ------

the gate of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce

! The seven-discount discount continues

! Every day there is a long queue at the gate!

At this moment, a loud voice came from a distance: "Are you still lining up here to buy the transmission jade card?


other party

continued: "Listen to my advice, go to the seafood merchant Jiu Ye to buy the message jade card!" "Yes, the seafood merchant Jiu Ye has also launched

the message jade card!" "The difference is

!" "People's communication jade card can contact many people!" "

As long as you know the number of the other person's message jade card,

you can call!"

"And the most important point, people's transmission jade cards only sell two top-grade immortal stones!" Upon

hearing this

, those people waiting in line to buy jade cards were not calm!

If what the other party said was true,

why buy the transmission jade cards of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce?

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