Jiu Ye is a seafood merchant! His industry is very single

, but he monopolizes the transportation and sale of seafood in the entire Wu Kingdom! In

terms of influence and wealth, it is second only to the Sifang Chamber of Commerce! However, Jiu Ye is righteous and loose his wealth

! He often helps ordinary people, and his reputation is far better than that of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce

! So much so that there is a saying in the mouth of immortal cultivators: It

is difficult to find Jiu Ye


Ao Jiu didn't like the title of seafood merchant! So he called himself a treasurer seller

! ------


! Jiu Ye also sells the Summons Jade Card

! Those immortal cultivators also want to support Jiu Ye's business

! At the door of the seafood shop!

Ao Jiu

smiled and looked at the more and more immortal cultivators: " Thank you for coming to the venue, whether it

is the money field, or the human field, this is to give me face!" "I have already told the guys in the store, I will give two pounds of seafood when I enter the store, and remember to go to the counter to collect it when the big guy leaves

!" "Okay, don't talk nonsense!" "I'll

explain to you our communication jade card!" Speaking of this, he took out a communication jade card in his hand!

"How is this transmission jade card in my hand different from the one sold by the Sifang Chamber of Commerce?"

"Yes!" "It does not seem to be too different

!" "But there is a world of difference in function!"

"There are 0 to 9 on

it!" "Don't underestimate these ten numbers, but it has a lot of wonderful uses!" "Let's

put it this way, the number of my communication jade card is 66666, as long as you buy any communication jade card, you can dial 66666, and then I will be able to receive your message!" Speaking of

this, he looked at an immortal cultivator who had already purchased the transmission jade card!

The other party directly dialed 66666

! In the next second

, the transmission jade card in the void buzzed, and it had already received a summons

! Not only that

! Ao Jiu's transmission jade card also clearly displayed the other party's number!

"This is also amazing, isn't it?" "

Much stronger than the transmission jade card sold by the Sifang Chamber of Commerce!"

Those immortal cultivators were very excited!

Ao Jiu continued: "In addition to real-time conversations, you can also leave messages. For example, if you are afraid of being disturbed during the retreat, you can mute the message jade card

!" "But what if others can't find you?" "

You can send a voice message and contact you as soon as the other party sees your message

!" "Of course, you can also send text messages

!" "For example, you confess to the woman you love

!" "But you're embarrassed to say it!"

What should I do in this situation?""

"You can send it to the other party in the form of text!"

Ao Jiu said and demonstrated it again

! People all had a shocking feeling after watching it

! This transmission jade card is even more heaven-defying than they imagined

! This series of functions is simply

dazzling! Most importantly

! It is also very cheap!


do they all buy communication jade cards with a single function at a high price?

After all, their fairy stones are not blown by the wind

!"Jiu Ye, I'll buy a piece!" "I want to buy a piece too!" Many

people said with a smile! Ao Jiu smiled and said: "Don't worry, big guy, I promise to let you all have a message jade card


"Oh, that's right!"

"You can choose a good number if you buy

first!" "For example, 123456

!" "At that time, others will be able to remember your number clearly

!" "And this is the first time to sell the message jade card, and after a while, the number will become seven digits, or even eight digits, or even nine digits!"

Imagine that if you can have a six-digit Geely number, or a scarce number, how is this not a status symbol?" As

soon as these words came out


the surroundings became lively: "Jiu Ye, I want to 123456, no one can rob me!" "I

also want, no matter how much money you have!" Looking

at the lively scene in front of him

! Ao Jiu's admiration for Chen Nan was like gushing rivers!

This kind of marketing method is really not what ordinary people can imagine

! Of course

! This is not what Chen Nan thinks

! It is a copy of the marketing method of Shenzhen Penguin Horse

! Sure enough

! No matter what world

! As long as there is a good marketing method

! It will definitely be a hit!



Yingying came over with a smile: "Father, after these three days of sales, we have 80,000 more Shangpin Immortal Stones in our account

!" "According to this momentum, we can raise 100,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones before sunset tonight!"

Even if he loses the wealth accumulated by the Liu family for three hundred years

, what is it?" "Chen Nan wants to destroy my Liu family, but I didn't expect that our Liu family can get through the current difficulties, right

?" "Hmph

!" "An ant is just trying to fight with our

Liu family?" "What is he?"

Liu Yingying said with a smile: "What my father said is that Chen Nan is a small person after all, and he is

not my Liu family's opponent at all!"

At this time

, the Liu family ran over with a sallow face!

Liu Sifang looked displeased: "The age is not young, can't you become more stable?" Liu

Jie gasped: "Uncle, Jiu Ye's seafood shop has also launched a message jade brand, and it is now on sale!" "

What?" Liu Sifang suddenly stood up, his eyes full of shock: "They are also selling message jade cards?" No, how can they make this kind of thing

?" Liu Jie said in a low voice: "This should be Chen Nan's means, and I have a hunch that Chen Nan bought the jade card some time ago, it should be to make the transmission jade card!" Liu

Sifang's face was gloomy: "How are their prices?"

Liu Jie: "Two top-grade fairy stones!"

"Father, don't be angry first!" Liu Yingying hurriedly said: "Even if Chen Nan can make a transmission jade card, can the transmission effect be as good as our Liu family's

?" "The transmission effect is the key to measuring the quality of the jade brand!"

"Even if their transmission jade brand is very


"But cheap and not good, who knows this truth?"

Even if Chen Nan also developed the communication jade card, it is impossible to defeat them! Liu Jie looked solemn: "I asked people to buy a communication jade card made by Chen Nan, and the jade

card he made..." Lots of features, especially fun!"

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