Liu Sifang was embarrassed and angry: "Which group are you, why are you helping Chen Nan speak?"

Liu Jie hurriedly said: "Uncle, what I said is true

!" "Mum, this is the transmission jade card made by Chen Nan, take a look for yourself!" Saying that, he took out a communication jade card and nervously gave it to Liu Sifang!

He could see that this

was the jade medal they sold to Chen Nan before

! At that time, 200,000 jade medals, the packing price was 1,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones and sold them to him! And now! He sold two Shangpin Immortal

Stones for one transmission jade card...

This profit is really high

!" "The number of this communication jade card is 123666!" Liu Jie patiently introduced: "If others know this number, they can use the power of their soul to touch the dial key and dial it directly

!" "Can anyone dial?" Liu

Sifang rose in a cold sweat!

Liu Jie nodded solemnly: "Yes, anyone can dial!"

"I can also send voice and text messages, so that I can receive other messages when it is inconvenient to answer!"

Liu Sifang looked decadent! The communication jade brand developed by Chen Nan has crushed the kind sold by the Sifang Chamber of Commerce!

Liu Sifang's message jade card received a message from the chamber of commerce: "Sir, something happened, those who purchased the message jade card before have come to apply for a return, what should we do?"

Liu Sifang spewed out a mouthful of blood

! At this moment

! He finally understood why Chen Nan launched the Summons Jade Card at this juncture

! This is to kill

the Liu family! Strong despair enveloped Liu Sifang's heart

! It made him almost suffocate

! Three days ago, Chen Nan punished the Liu family

! After that! Liu

Sifang felt that he was shrouded in endless darkness!


, he thought of selling the message jade at a low price

to get through this crisis

! It turned

out that the idea worked

! He also saw the light of victory in

the darkness! But just when he thought he could get out of the darkness, he was shocked to find out...

Chen Nan extinguished that ray of light

! If he could

, he would rather not see that light!

Because without hope, he would not despair

! And now

! He really doesn't know what to do!

Liu Jie hesitated and said, "Uncle, it's really not possible, just hand over the two industries of textiles and catering to settle the debt!"

In addition, we simply can't raise 100,000 top-grade fairy stones in the last two days!"

Liu Yingying said, "Actually, there is another way to get us through this crisis!"

Liu Sifang and Liu Jie looked at Liu Yingying in unison.

Liu Yingying said, "As long as we don't handle the return, won't that fund help us tide over the current difficulties?"

"Yes, although we still have less than 100,000 immortal stones on our account

!" "However, the gap is not big

!" "All the clansmen take some out, they can completely fill that hole!"

Liu Sifang said angrily: "I Liu Sifang has been in the business world for thousands of years, have I ever done such a backtrack?"

"Even if I hand over the two industries of textiles and catering

!" "I will never do such a treacherous

thing!" "As the richest man in Wu Country!

He can't do this kind of thing

!" "There is another way!" Liu Yingying said: "Delay the speed of refunds

!" "For example, refund ten people a day!" "

In this way, won't this fund help us tide over the current difficulties?"

Liu Jie's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, Xiaomei is right, as long as we refund ten people a day, we can use this money to tide over the current difficulties

!" "And at the speed at which our Sifang Chamber of Commerce makes money, even if we refund all consumers' money, it will not hurt or itch, and there will be no impact!" Seeing

that his father was still hesitant!

Liu Yingying continued: " Father, you don't need to have any psychological burden on this matter, although we promise an unconditional refund within three days, but we didn't say the specific time limit for the money to arrive, right?" "

Let's tell those consumers that there are too many refunds and need to be approved one by one

!" "So, only ten people can be refunded every day

!" "This ensures that those consumers can't fault anything

!" "So far, it can only be like this!" Liu Sifang sighed softly.

He knew that consumers could not find anything wrong with this

! But, this

matter was destined to fall into the tongue

! The reputation of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce was afraid to be affected to a certain extent

! Just

! Did he still have a choice?


the refund rules proposed by the Sifang Chamber of Commerce caused the dissatisfaction of countless cultivators!

"Draft grandma, said that you can refund unconditionally within

three days, but why can you only refund ten people's money every day?" "You have sold more than 100,000 communication jade cards in the past three days, if you can only return ten people a day, then you have to return to the year of the monkey

?" "Before purchasing, treat consumers as ancestors, and after purchase, they will be grandchildren, right?" "

Your mother, return the money!"

Countless people threw eggs and rotten vegetables into the Chamber of Commerce

! After all, seven top-grade immortal stones are not a small amount for any immortal cultivator

! If they can be generous, it is not a big deal to return the money quickly

! However

, they can only refund ten people's money every day, which is very outrageous!

At this time,

someone revealed the truth: Don't you know, the Sifang Chamber of Commerce has a big deal

!" "They have failed to invest, and they urgently need a large amount of funds for turnover

!" "Otherwise, their property will be taken to pay off debts

!" "In desperation, they will sell the transmission jade card at a low price

!" "It's a pity that Jiu Ye has launched a better communication jade card

!" "They are cornered, which will set the rule of refunding ten people a day!"

Otherwise, what will they take to pay off their debts?" "

They are cutting everyone like leeks!" As

soon as these words came out

, it was like adding fuel

to the fire! It made countless people deeply angry

! I can't wait to smash the Sifang Chamber of Commerce directly!

No one's money is blown by the wind, you guys are good, you actually take our money to pay off the debt by such despicable means???

do you want to lose face?


, go to report to the official!" "Yes, the

new prefect has just taken office, and he urgently needs something to prove his ability

!" "As long as we go to report to the official, he will definitely help us get back an explanation!"

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