Min Jingshi Tai's mentality collapsed!

Under normal circumstances!

During the operation of the formation, it is impossible for outsiders to enter it!

It is impossible for those trapped in the formation to come out!

Unless the other party breaks the formation!

But now!

During the operation of the formation, Chen Nan walked directly into it as if he had stepped into no man's land!

This made her completely confused!

I don't know what happened!

"Could it be that this guy also understands formations?" Ling Yanran looked at Emperor Yan, and his eyes revealed an unconcealable essence!

Emperor Yan looked a little embarrassed: "Just treat him as an ordinary person!"

Jing Tiancheng laughed on the side!

What a joke!

The refining instrument is just my senior brother's side business!

Do you understand the side hustle?

Ask people what their main business is!

Formation, of course!

Hello to you!

He even asked Chen Nan to understand the formation???

Ling Yanran read their meaning in the eyes of Emperor Yan and Jing Tiancheng!

Looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of surprise!

Sure enough, he is a man who can conquer his sister!

I really didn't expect that he not only knew how to refine!

Even knows the formation!

I'll just say it!

How can the man my sister fancy be an ordinary man?

It's just...

What benefits did the country of Yan give you!

Why do you spare no effort to help the Yan Kingdom deal with us?

Obviously, we are a family!

Stinky brother-in-law!

Bad brother-in-law!

When warming your bed, I don't stuff a piece of ice into the bed!!

It was less than ten seconds after Chen Nan entered the formation!

The formation in front of everyone's eyes mysteriously disappeared!

"What is this?"

"Has the formation been cracked?"


"That's too fast, isn't it?"

"Could it be that this guy is still a formation master?"

Those people in the Snow Country Mission were all dumbfounded!

Including Mrs. Min Jing!

Her pupils trembled, and her eyes were full of shock!

A huge wave rose in my heart!

She could feel that the formation had been cracked!


To be precise, the formation still exists!

It's just that the control was taken away by Chen Nan!

Someone else's formation!

You take control away without even saying a word???

Are you polite???

Min Jingshi couldn't calm down in his heart for a long time!

She can also be regarded as a generation of grandmasters in the formation world!

Formation attainments can rank in the top ten in the Immortal World!


She had never seen such an absurd and bizarre thing!

In her cognition!

The formation can only be cracked!

There is no control to be forcibly taken away!

What she saw today subverted her perception of formations!


Even if the control of the formation can be forcibly taken away by others, is your speed too fast?


Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Old woman, what else do you have to say now?"

"I'm only 30,000 years old, who do you call an old woman?" Min Jingshi was so embarrassed and angry that he couldn't wait to suppress Chen Nan now!

Chen Nan looked embarrassed!

Thirty thousand years old should be called an old demon!

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "According to the rules of the competition, we have cracked the formation arranged by your country!"

"And then it's up to your country to accept our challenge!"

"In my opinion, don't let the younger generation of disciples of your country play!"

"There's no need for that!"

"With their attainment in formation!"

"Even if you play, you won't win!"

"It's up to you and me to fight on behalf of the two countries, okay?"

Chen Nan's words aroused the anger of those geniuses in the Snow Country Formation Law Realm!

They're here to compete!

With a dream!

I want to fight a battle and become famous all over the world!

But if they are not allowed to participate, then what is the point of them coming to Yanguo?

How do you pretend to be forced after you go back?

Look at the angry eyes of those geniuses in the Snow Country Formation Realm!

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "If that's the case, then I'll give you a chance!"

"You break the formation with this old woman!"

"As long as you can break the formation I laid out within the specified time!"

"Then count me as losing!"

Ling Yanran's eyes lit up: "What if you lose?"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "If I lose, I can promise you a condition!"

"Whether it's the upper nine days, the lower nine ghosts!"

Ling Yanran's heart was surging!

If he defeated Chen Nan, wouldn't he be able to let him follow him back to the Snow Country?

Think of this!

She forcibly endured the excitement in her heart and looked at Emperor Yan: "Your Majesty Emperor Yan, can he represent your Yan Country?"

Emperor Yan: "Yes!" Ling

Yanran was overjoyed and summoned Mrs. Min Jing: "Mrs. Shi, since Mrs. Chen said, then you will break the formation together!"

"I only have one request!"

"Defeat him no matter what!"

"As long as you can defeat him, I will pass on the position of Great Priest to you!"

Min Jingshi gasped!

The status of the Great Priest in the Snow Country is second only to the female emperor!

It is definitely above 10,000 people under one person!

Why does Ling Yanran value winning and losing this time so much?

Even did not hesitate to teach her the position of the Great Priest?

Don't think about it!

Min Jingshi quickly replied: "Don't worry, Great Priest, I will definitely crack the formation arranged by this sub-arrangement!" "

Although Chen Nan cracked the upside-down five-element array she arranged!

But what does this say?

An unknown newcomer in the formation world!

What's so difficult about breaking the formation he arranged?

"Chen Nan Xiaoer, set up the array, I want to see what kind of means you have!" Min Jingshi looked at Chen Nan with disdain in his eyes!

"Okay then!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and he immediately snapped his fingers!

The Upside Down Five Elements Array instantly enveloped Min Jing Shitai, as well as those geniuses in the Snow Country Formation Law Realm!

Min Jingshi was too stunned, and then burst into mockery: "Are you a big wrongdoer?" Unexpectedly used the upside-down five-element array I arranged to trap me and so on?

"Chen Nan, this is the formation I arranged!"

"What do you mean by using it to trap me and wait?"

A monstrous anger rose in Min Jingshi's heart!

She felt that Chen Nan was humiliating her!

Chen Nan said lightly: "Although this is the upside-down five-element array, I have added something else on top of the upside-down five-element array!"

"Damn, why do I feel dizzy?"

"I feel like heaven and earth are turned upside down!"

"Senior, this formation has been arranged by you, so how should we break the formation?"

The geniuses of the Snow Country Formation Realm in the formation all looked at Min Jing's master!

Mrs. Min Jing said, "You sit cross-kneeled, don't do anything, just leave the matter of breaking the formation to me!" "Speaking of this, the power of the soul roars out!

She wanted to merge with the formation and wanted to regain control of the formation!

After all, this upside-down five-element array was arranged by her!


She felt that the formation had disappeared!

It creeps her out!

In her opinion, this is unreasonable!

After all, any formation has a formation base!

"Baseless formation?"

"How did this become a baseless formation?"

Min Jingshi let out a piercing scream!

She was no stranger to the name of the Wuji Formation, she had been to Wu Kingdom in the early years!

I was lucky enough to meet Cao Rufeng!

The name of the Wuji Formation was heard in Cao Rufeng's mouth!


The baseless formation is a theoretical formation after all!

Even if Cao Rufeng proposed a baseless formation, it would not be able to arrange it!

Ling Yanran couldn't help but say, "Mrs. Shi, is this formation tricky?"

Min Jingshi let out a long sigh: "This array, even if Cao Rufeng, the first formation of the Immortal Realm, comes, I am afraid it will be difficult to crack!" "

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