Mrs. Min Jing's words were like a thunderbolt!

Let those who are not familiar with Chen Nan creepy!

The mood cannot be calmed for a long time!

Cao Rufeng is a recognized formation grandmaster in the immortal world!

Can't even he crack this array?

So strong!

Really strong!

Brother-in-law is really a powerful mess!

Ling Yanran almost didn't cheer happily!

This man really looks like a fog!

There is too much confusion and unknowns on the body!

People want to take off his clothes without waiting!

Rip open his chest!

Get a glimpse into his heart!

"Young Master Chen, break this formation!"

"This battle... We throw in the towel! "

At this time!

Min Jingshi's helpless voice sounded!

She doesn't want to throw in the towel either!

Defeat without a fight is the greatest shame!

But she knows!

With your own abilities!

Don't say ten days!

Even if you stay here until the limit is approaching, it is impossible to crack this formation!

Ling Yanran's face was sallow!

Her beautiful eyes flashed with stunned!


And unwilling!

Why this result?

Is this formation really that terrifying?


Chen Nan snapped his fingers!

The formation disappears!

The listless Min Jing Shitai and a few unloveable faces appeared in the eyes of everyone!

Their mentality is broken!

Especially those geniuses in the Snow States Formation Realm!

Living seems quite uninteresting!

It was hard to stand out in the layers of selection in the Snow Country Formation!

In order to come to the Yan Country to pretend!


Who would have thought that things would turn out like this?

They didn't expect to lose!

I didn't expect that Min Jingshi took the initiative to admit defeat!

Ling Yanran was a little unwilling, and summoned Mrs. Min Jing: "Is this formation really so terrifying?"

Mrs. Min Jing: "Does the Great Priest know which words in the world are the most unbelievable?" Ling

Yanran frowned!

Mrs. Min Jing: "Nonsense!

Ling Yanran: "And then?"

Master Min Jing said, "In the early years, I went to Wu Country and was fortunate to meet Cao Rufeng, Master of Wu Country!"

"I once asked him for some knowledge of the formation!"

"He told me that any formation in the world has traces to follow, traces to follow!"

"But there is only one formation that even he can't crack!"

"That's the formation that exists in his theory!"

"He named the Baseless Array!"

"If this formation has no formation base, there is no trace at all!"

"Cao Rufeng's biggest dream is to arrange a foundationless array in his lifetime!"

Ling Yanran's pupils trembled!

Chen Nan actually arranged the formation that Cao Rufeng dreamed of?

Master Min Jing said, "Great Priest, if I'm not mistaken, Chen Nan should be related to Cao Rufeng!"

"This person now possesses the ability of a formation grandmaster!"

Speaking of this, looking at Chen Nan's eyes were full of bitterness!

He reached the ability of a formation grandmaster at a young age!

I really don't deserve to follow him!

Ling Yanran nodded undeniably!

My sister used to say!

The reason why Chen Nan entered the land of creation!

In the final analysis, it was because King Wu gave him the opportunity to enter the land of creation!

Now it seems!

The reason why Chen Nan could get the opportunity to enter the land of creation!

It is very likely that Cao Rufeng is secretly fueling the situation!

Of course!

It is also not denied that King Wu favors him!

After all, this is an extremely good man!

Whether it's alchemy!

Or formations!

It's all shaking the past!

No one can be an enemy of it!

If he wasn't so good, how could her sister fall in love with him?

Looking at the faces of everyone in friendly countries, Jing Tiancheng made a straight face, and said in an old-fashioned manner: "Xiao Chen, no, you!"

"You don't know how to be polite!"

"Say it, talk to each other!"

"Why don't you give people a chance to perform?"

"Is it easy for people to come from far away?"

"We even set up the stage for others!"

"Why don't you let people behave?"

The people of the Snow Country Mission were all dissatisfied and angry!

The stage was indeed set up for us!

But it has been occupied by you!

You guys are pretending!

While performing the three words of no face to the fullest!

The dean of the Sword Forging Academy Palace don't want to be faceless!

Who would have thought that the dean of the Formation Academy Palace would also be so shameless?

Emperor Yan made a straight face and reprimanded in a low voice: "The Yan Country and the Snow Country have been friends for generations, although a friendly match is held every thousand years!"

"But, friendship first!"

"Race 2nd!"

"It's okay if you win in alchemy, after all, you didn't expect that you would refine an artifact!"

"But why do you have to win the other side in formation?"

"Have you ever considered the feelings of a friendly country?"

"If you ruin the friendship between our two countries, I will definitely not spare you!"

He lowered his voice though!

But everyone present was a cultivator, and what Emperor Yan said to Chen Nan still reached their ears clearly!

This made everyone in the Snow Country eager to find a crack to drill into!

It's so embarrassing!

Emperor Yan is too not a thing!

It is said that hitting people does not hit their faces, he is specifically pumping him to death in the face!

Ling Yanran is in a high position, and he is the Great Priest of the Snow Country!

The status is second only to the female emperor!

Pampered for many years!

She can't remember how long she hasn't been angry!

But now!

But a nameless anger rose in his heart!

One is because Chen Nan helped Yan Guo deal with them!

Second, it's because Emperor Yan is too villain!

Taking a deep breath, a shallow smile bloomed on Ling Yanran's face: "Even if it is a competition, there will naturally be wins and losses!"

"Although I lost the battle in the formation!"

"But what I am best at in Snow Country should be alchemy!"

As soon as these words come out!

The eyes of the Snow Country Mission are shining with both eyes!

And Yan Di and the others had bleak eyes!

Although they lost to Snow Country in previous competitions!

But if you lose to them again this time, you will lose a hundred realms in a row!

It's a shame!


Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Alchemy?

"Me too!"

"Can I sign up?"




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Everyone on site!

Without exception!

Whether it is Emperor Yan, or Jing Tiancheng and others!

The expressions on the faces are wonderful!

At one point, I thought I had auditory hallucinations!

What's the situation?

Do you still know alchemy?

This still doesn't let people live?

Formation Grandmaster!

Refinery Grandmaster!

These two titles in themselves made Chen Nan the highest status person in the immortal world!

It can even be on an equal footing with the eight Terran Supremes!

After all!

There had never been such a young formation grandmaster in the immortal world!

There has never been an artifact master!

But who would have thought!

A demon who is proficient in formations and refining weapons!

Can you even refine pills?

Should his attainment in alchemy also reach the point where there is no one before and no one after him?

If so, how can others live?

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