“You can die with peace of mind, I will remember your efforts, your wife and daughter, I will take good care of you for you.”

Lin Ruohai’s figure flashed, away from Niu Dalian, unmoved.

“Nope! Don’t kill me! ”

Looking at Lin Ruohai far away, Niu Dali couldn’t believe that his swollen reliance was Lin Ruohai, who was also a true fairy realm powerhouse with the sect master, but at such a dangerous time, Lin Ruohai actually gave up on himself directly!

Niu Dali looked at the blood light that came to his eyes, and he shouted madly: “Don’t, don’t kill me, Sect Master Lin, save me, save me!”

You promised me, I helped you do things, you protected me, you promised to keep me! ”

On the side, Lin Ruohai’s face was extremely ugly because of Niu’s desperate words, but he still had no idea of making a move.

Blood Li’s face was gloomy, and he deliberately controlled the speed of his attack, wanting to see more of the desperate struggle of the ant in front of him.

“Bloody, stop, today is the day my Southern Saint Sect was founded, anyone here is the future elite of my Southern Saint Sect, don’t kill people at will.”

An invisible force blocked the blood light and saved Niu Dalian.

In the sky, Ye Nan looked calm and his tone was indifferent.

“Yes, Nan Sheng!”

Hearing Ye Nan’s words, Blood Li did not dare to have a trace of opinion, his full killing intent disappeared instantly, he coldly glanced at Lin Ruohai and Niu Dalian, turned and bowed towards Ye Nan and answered.

“Thank you Nan Sheng, thank you Nan Sheng for helping.”

Niu Dali was pleasantly surprised, he thought that he would die, but he didn’t expect Ye Nan to suddenly save him, so he quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Nan madly.

“Well, now have you promised to join my Southern Saint Sect?”

Ye Nan replied lightly and asked.


Niu Dali hesitated and looked at Lin Ruohai next to him.

“Although Lin Ruohai is usually very good to us, when I faced that desperate situation just now, he actually ignored it, which made me chill.

Now, with Nan Sheng, a strong man who is obviously stronger than the Blood Li Sect Master, he should not dare to make a move even if I turn my face with Lin Ruohai now.

In that case, I might as well directly agree to join this Southern Saint Sect, and as the first batch of cultivators to join the Southern Saint Sect, maybe I can still get a lot of benefits and get a better status.

Better than following Lin Ruohai! ”

Niu Dali’s fear just now disappeared, countless thoughts turned in his head, his face turned red, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and immediately ignored Lin Ruohai next to him and looked at Ye Nan.

On the side, Ye Nan watched the hesitant Niu Dali gradually lose patience, his eyes turned cold, his heart moved, and a spiritual power instantly drilled into Niu Dalian’s head, piercing his brain defense.

“I really don’t know how to be evil, I just saved your life, and now I don’t know how to be in awe when I ask you.”

It is useless for people like you to keep their heads, I took them off for you. ”

Avatar! Mind Control!

“I answer…”

After Niu Dali finished thinking about it, he just wanted to say yes.

However, a terrifying spiritual power invaded his mind, and his consciousness was instantly annihilated.

Outside, don’t just see Niu Hercule’s eyes stunned, lose their brilliance, and stand in place dumbly.

Five seconds later, Ye Nan’s mind moved, he withdrew his spiritual power, and lifted the spiritual control.

However, the influence of innate divine powers has been engraved in the depths of Niu Dali’s soul, and he can never get rid of it.

“I promised to join the Southern Saint Sect.”

Niu Dali stayed for about ten seconds, his eyes returned to clarity, and he looked at Ye Nan feverishly.

He knelt down directly and shouted loudly!

At this moment, Niu Dalian, because of the influence of mind control, his subconscious has regarded Ye Nan as his only faith, the only god.

“Please, Nan Sheng, let me join the Southern Saint Sect! Let me join the Southern Saint Sect! ”

While saying, he kowtowed heavily, and the floor of the Blood Demon Sect Square was broken.

It was as if if Ye Nan didn’t agree, he would fall to the ground.

Ye Nan looked at Niu Dali’s movements and said indifferently: “Get up, you will be a disciple of the Southern Saint Sect in the future.” ”

“Yes, Sect Master!”

After Niu Dali heard Ye Nan’s promise, he got up and replied, and his title was directly changed!

Seeing Niu Dali’s sudden change, Lin Ruohai on the side was extremely jealous of Ye Nan.

As a person who has lived in a place like the Blood Demon Sect for tens of thousands of years and climbed to the position of deputy sect master step by step, he can certainly see that Niu Dali is not normal.

“What kind of secret technique is this, it can actually completely change a person’s mind, what kind of existence is this suddenly appeared Southern Saint Sect and this Southern Saint.”

For Ye Nan’s means, Blood Li and the rest of the people next to him who had been controlled by Ye Nan were not a little surprised, and the eyes that looked at Niu Dali also became kind.

“Get up, since the Southern Saint speaks, you will be a member of our Southern Saint Sect in the future.”

Blood Li seemed to have completely forgotten the provocation that Niu Dali had given him just now, and directly beckoned Niu Dali to go to his side.


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