Hearing Blood Li’s words, Niu Dali replied, he was not afraid at all, and walked directly towards Blood Li.

“Vigorously, we will be junior brothers in the future.”

“Senior Brother Blood Li, if you cultivate high, you will take more care of me in the future!”

After Niu Dali walked in front of Blood Li, he said with a sincere face.

“Don’t worry, Junior Brother Strong, if anyone bullies you in the future, tell Senior Brother, I’ll help you out.”

Blood Li also had a sincere face, and held Niu Dalian’s hand instead.

The other disciples of the Blood Demon Sect looked at this scene, their eyes were about to fall, their faces changed, and they didn’t know what expression to leak to express the groove in their hearts!

“What’s the situation? Why is everything that happened today so weird? ”

The heads of the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect present were stunned, the change in various things was too sudden, especially their sect master blood power, how could they listen to the words of that Southern Saint so much, it was simply incredible, this is still their famous ~ Blood Demon Sect Master blood power?

“Fake, this must be a fake sect master, how can our sect master be so gentle and magnanimous! That Niu Dali was so provocative before, why don’t you care at all now?

Moreover, they became so enthusiastic that they didn’t know, they thought they were brothers who grew up together.”

“Yes, I also think that everyone knows what kind of personality the sect master is, and it is absolutely impossible for the true sect master to be so obedient, nor can he completely forget the humiliation and provocation of him because Niu Vigorously joined the Southern Saint Sect!”

“I still remember that a thousand years ago, a true disciple of the Earth Immortal Realm was directly put into the alchemy furnace to practice blood pills after hearing it by the sect master who happened to pass by because he said something about the strange temperament of the sect master outside.”

“I have heard this, the taste of that blood pill was excellent at that time, I went to the top next to the sect master’s room every day to smell it, and now I feel refreshed when I think of that smell, and my cultivation has faint signs of a breakthrough.

I feel that this time when I go back, the foundation building realm that I have not been able to break through for a hundred years of hard practice can finally break through!

Ahem, sorry, I just ran off!

On the surface of all indications, the sect master has either been unpacked, or, or controlled by threats!! ”

The entire sky of the Blood Demon Star was filled with many screens that evolved with secret formations.

On the screen, the scene of Ye Nan’s place was live.

What happened just now, the entire Blood Demon Star, tens of millions of sect disciples could all see clearly.

The Sect Master’s completely different abnormal behavior made them full of doubts and speculation.

What’s more, Niu’s transformation is very strange.

And the source of all this points to Ye Nan.

Their hearts were full of suspicion and jealousy about this sudden appearance and powerful Ye Nan, as well as a trace of fear.

“What kind of divine is this Southern Saint of the Southern Saint Sect in front of you! What will the future of our Blood Demon Sect become…”

For the tens of millions of Blood Demon Sect disciples below, they could hear it clearly.

It’s just that now he doesn’t care at all, and his attention is all on the system prompts.

“Ding, the host gets 10,000 enhancement points!”

“Ding, the host gets 10,000 enhancement points!”

“Ding, the host gets 10,000 enhancement points!”

The system information prompts crazy screen brushing, and the number of reinforcement points brought by tens of millions of disciples of the Blood Demon Sect is terrifying.

Ye Nan looked at the strengthening point that rose wildly, and his eyes couldn’t stop jumping.

In just one minute, his strengthening points had already exceeded a trillion points, reaching a terrifying 10,000 crystals!

However, over time, the growth rate of reinforcement points began to slow down.

···· Ask for flowers·

“The effect is very good, but the stimulation is not enough, do more things, so that these disciples of the Blood Demon Sect have always maintained their emotions towards me in their minds.

Whether it’s fear, fear, adoration, hate!

No matter what the emotion is, in short, they must keep their heads thinking about me and continue to provide me with reinforcement points. ”

Thinking of this, Ye Nan looked at Blood Li and the others with some pity.

These people who were under his mind control, for some reason, were no longer able to provide him with strengthening points.

“But it doesn’t matter.


Anyway, there are thousands of ways to get reinforcement points, these people controlled by me, with a little training, can continue to do things for me, indirectly generate reinforcement points for me! ”

Ye Nan’s head turned, and he looked at Lin Ruohai, who was a little in a trance, and said lightly: “You are the deputy sect master of the Blood Demon Sect before?” ”

“Yes, yes.”

Being watched by Ye Nan, Lin Ruohai subconsciously raised a feeling of fear in his heart.

When he was in a daze in Ye Nan, he carefully looked at Niu Dali and Blood Li and the others, and as a result, the more he looked at him, the more frightened he felt.

Lin Ruohai found that his old rival Blood Li was probably controlled by Ye Nan.

Blood Li’s eyes looking at Ye Nan were exactly the same as Niu Dalian, both full of fanaticism and worship.

Also, the group of elders behind Blood Li, true transmission.

It’s all the same.

As if, brainwashed.

Such a discovery made Lin Ruohai extremely terrified, he now had no idea of competing for the position of sect master, and he just wanted to leave the Blood Demon Star quickly.

Leave this place that makes him feel insecure!

“I don’t seem to really want to join my Southern Saint Sect Yi when I look at you?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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