“You don’t seem to really want to join my Southern Saint Sect?”

Ye Nan asked, his tone flat.

“No, Nan Sheng, you read it wrong, I just couldn’t get used to the bloody person just now, and I definitely didn’t have the idea of not wanting to join the Southern Saint Sect.”

Facing Ye Nan, Lin Ruohai found that the cultivation of True Immortal Realm did not bring a sense of security at all.

Under Ye Nan’s gaze, Lin Ruohai felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if all his thoughts had been completely seen through.

His tone, without knowing it, subconsciously became extremely weak.

“Lick the dog, another lick dog. How come “Nine Six Seven” everyone will automatically become a licking dog as long as they face this Southern Saint? ”

Zhang Yun’er stood in the distance and muttered to this scene.

In his mind, the gourd exuded a faint golden light, rotating slightly, as if refining something.

“Hey, where is Senior Brother Heyun in the clouds? Wasn’t it still here just now, how did it disappear. ”

When a Blood Demon Sect cultivator was peeking at Zhang Yun’er’s beautiful face, he suddenly found that the cloud crane that had been entangled around Zhang Yun’er didn’t know when he had disappeared, and couldn’t help but ask the person next to him.

“I don’t know, it’s better if he’s gone.”

That kind of cold and cruel inner disciple, we still have little contact with him, if we accidentally make him unhappy one day, we may not even find a person who helps us bury the body!” ”

“Yes, you asked Senior Brother Yun what you want to do, you don’t want to turn to him and be his little brother, right?”

The person who said this had a strange look in his eyes.

The monk who peeked at Zhang Yun’er heard this and replied, “No, is it such an exaggeration?” Everyone is also the same disciple, don’t you think too much. ”

“Exaggerated? I’m telling you, it’s not an exaggeration at all! You know, the ninety-nine disciples who used to be the crane in the clouds have all mysteriously disappeared! ”


When that monk heard this, a picture appeared directly in his head, and he couldn’t help but feel a cold breath in his heart.

“Fortunately, fortunately, I have you reminded me that I want to go to the crane in the clouds, and I don’t know anything about him!” Good risk! ”

After that, he looked at only Tsuki Yun’er again, and an evil light flashed in his eyes.

“Originally, I wanted to grab this beauty who just entered the door and offer it to Senior Brother Yun, but now it seems that it is not necessary, it is better for me to enjoy it myself.”

Thinking so, he slowly approached Zhang Yuner…

Zhang Yuner, who had just relied on the gourd in her head to quietly kill the crane in the clouds, had no idea that someone had an idea about her again.

Her attention was all on Ye Nan at the moment, and her eyes were obsessed.

“So handsome, so temperamental, compared to the blood demon sect master blood, this is the real male god.

It’s nice to travel into this world, to let me meet such a perfect man! I, Zhang Yuner, must push you down! ”

In her mind, as the gourd turned, one after another essence energy flowed into her meridians, improving her cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, a golden pill appeared in her body.

Her courage to dare to have such thoughts towards Ye Nan was brought to her by the nine-turn gourd in her consciousness!

“This nine-turn gourd is really powerful, but the cultivation of that crane in the cloud just now is also the key.

Just that little bit of energy has directly elevated my cultivation to the Golden Pill Realm… want

It won’t be long before my cultivation will definitely surpass you, male god, waiting for me! ”

In this world, Ye Nan, who couldn’t even see his own strength clearly, easily caught this strange gaze that fell on him.

He frowned slightly and glanced at Zhang Yun’er lightly.

“Ah, is the male god looking at me? He won’t like me.

How, how so, did I really become the heroine in those TV series and novels before? Goldfinger and the perfect object are there! ”

Being watched by Ye Nan, Zhang Yun’er’s face was blushing, and all kinds of strange thoughts were spinning in her head.

“This woman, her eyes are a little strange…”

Seeing Zhang Yun’er, Ye Nan felt at first glance that she was a little different from the cultivators of this world.

On her, Ye Nan had a strange sense of familiarity, inexplicably a little more favorable.

As the mind fell on Zhang Yun’er, the nine-turn gourd that existed in Zhang Yuner’s consciousness certainly could not escape Ye Nan’s induction.

“Is there a 1.1 meaning, and a child of destiny? It was actually a woman. ”

Ye Nan’s thoughts turned, and a spiritual power fell directly in her mind.

Sensing that there was an invasion of outsiders, the nine-turn gourd ran wildly, and nine colored rays of light appeared, attacking towards Ye Nan’s spiritual power.

“Fuck off.”

Ye Nan’s thoughts moved, and he directly crushed the power of the nine-turn gourd to pieces.

Then, Ye Nan’s spiritual power kept falling, and fell on the nine-turn gourd, which had no resistance at all, as if it had suffered some heavy blow, and instantly lost its brilliance and became like a mortal thing……_

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