Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 630 Subduing Shilong

Thinking of Lin Luo's attitude towards him before, he could still vividly remember, a ball of anger broke out in his heart, his breathing gradually became rapid, and his chest heaved rapidly with the two peaks in front of him.

"Wow, such a big move." Zhuang Yi thought to himself, his attention had already been attracted by the scenery on Chen Yanan's chest.

Only then did Chen Yanan come back to his senses, and found that Zhuang Yi was looking straight at his chest, and his heart was burning with anger.

"What are you looking at!" If Chen Yanan's eyes could kill people, Zhuang Yi would have already shattered them.

Zhuang Yi also realized that he was being too rude, his mind turned sharply, and he said: "No, I'm admiring a beautiful woman..."

Before Zhuang Yi could finish speaking, Chen Yanan raised his fist and walked away with two bottles of water when he was ready for the doctrine.

When I walked back, I was still muttering in my heart: "It's so hot."

"But I like it." Zhuang Yi said with a smile. Looking at the two bottles of water in his hand, one bottle was drunk by Chen Yanan.

Zhuang Yi was secretly enjoying himself as if he had found a treasure.

"Walk so fast, don't you wait for Zhuang Yi?" Chen Du 677 Ling asked when he saw Lin Luo pulling him to walk so fast.

"Wait, I don't want that broom star to see me again." Lin Luo said flatly.

"Brother Shilong, you will be a member of our group from now on. I'll buy you a house to live in first." Lin Luo looked at Shilong behind him, Shilong seemed to be thinking.

"Huh...huh? Oh good." Shi Long was still wondering what method Lin Luo used to identify jade. Is it really luck?

Lin Luo also saw Shi Long's thoughts, and said: "If you think it's my luck, let's go to the Stone King's auction tonight and I will prove it to you again. Although I don't have your kind of Xiangshi skills, but I have a different ability to distinguish." Lin Luo said mysteriously.

"Different abilities?" Shi Long was stunned, the man in front of him seemed to be a puzzle, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see through (aefi).

Lin Luo didn't explain any more, what should be said has already been said, he must not let him know about the system, they believe in metaphysics, and they also know a truth that cannot be revealed. Although Shi Long was still very curious, he didn't ask any more .

Lin Luo brought Shilong to choose a suite, and then called the people in the company to buy furniture, as long as the furniture arrived, they could move in.

The efficiency is extremely high. When Lin Luo took Shilong to visit his company, the furniture and other things were ready and ready to move in at any time.

"Rich people are really different." Shi Long exclaimed.

Lin Luo's plan is to open another business under the name of Shinhwa Group. Regarding jewelry, it doesn't need to make money, but it must be of good quality. Shi Long will be the person in charge of this aspect, and he will be fully responsible.

"What's so great about the hermit family, I, Lin Luo, also have a fortune teller." Lin Luo would never think that his abilities would be lower than those of the hermit family, but Lin Luo didn't want to do such cumbersome things about the family.

That's it for Shilong's matter first, just looking for an office building as a place to work for the jewelry department.

"You go back and rest first, I will come to you tonight when the Stone King is auctioned." Lin Luo patted Shi Long on the shoulder and said.

"Well, I'll contact you when the time comes." Shi Long finished speaking and went back to his home.

Love is not what you want to buy, you can buy it if you want to...

"Hello?" Seeing that it was Zhuang Yi's call, Lin Luo jokingly asked, "Did you get Police Officer Chen?"

"No way! How could it be so easy to succeed." Zhuang Yi complained.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, what's the matter?" Lin Luo returned to normal.

"Uh... I suddenly forgot again, oh my brain." Zhuang Yi patted his head, he was calling to talk about business, but was interrupted when Lin Luo talked about Chen Yanan up.

"Stop!" came a voice from afar.

"Eh? Isn't that the voice of Police Officer Chen?" Zhuang Yi stopped and looked in the direction of the sound when he heard the familiar voice.

I saw a woman in a black vest chasing a man with a women's handbag in his hand. It looked like he might be a thief.

Zhuang Yi thought to himself: "This is the opportunity to express yourself."

Lin Luo saw that Zhuang Yi had stopped talking, so he said, "Hello? Where is he?"

Zhuang Yi completely forgot that he was on the phone with Lin Luo, holding the phone tightly in his hand, he saw the thief's head and smashed it.

The thief's reaction was also very quick, and he ducked away with a bow. On the contrary, Chen Yanan, who was behind, did not have time to dodge because the thief blocked his view [The phone hit Chen Yanan on the forehead.

Chen Yanan had severe head pain on the spot and passed out. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhuang Yi wondered whether he should check on Chen Yanan first or catch the thief first.

The thief was very agile, and when he approached Shiism, he taunted him: "Thank you brother."

"Fuck, who is your brother!" When Zhuang Yi wanted to stop him just now, the thief dodged like a nimble loach, and then quickly went away.

"Damn it."

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