Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 631: An Accident Happened

Zhuang Yi hated him so much, it was a disservice to not be able to catch the thief.

Zhuang Yi came back to his senses and hurried over to look at Chen Yanan, only to see a red mark on Chen Yanan's forehead, which was obviously made by his mobile phone.

Zhuang Yi saw that Chen Yanan didn't know what to do, so he picked up the phone to check, it turned out that it was still working.

Zhuang Yi quickly called Lin Luo.

"Brother Luo, I got into trouble again." Zhuang Yi said a little embarrassedly.

"Huh? Say it." Lin Luo was used to it, and said lightly.

"I'll explain to you slowly later, what should I do if my head is knocked out?" Zhuang Yi looked at Chen Yanan who was lying on the ground, and said anxiously.

"Huh? Who got smashed." Lin Luo asked.

"It's Officer Chen.

When Lin Luo heard this, a bad idea couldn't help appearing in his heart.

"How about this, you send me the address, I'll go over now, you give her artificial respiration." Lin Luo hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"What? Artificial respiration?" Zhuang Yi thought about how he could do these things, so he should hurry up and post the location.

After posting the location, I originally wanted to wait for Lin Luo to come here, but what Lin Luo said just now kept echoing in my ears. Looking at Chen Yanan lying on the ground, I felt as if I was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of animals. Ants biting, very anxious.

"It doesn't matter, let's do it first." Zhuang Yi remembered that he had seen others doing artificial respiration on TV before. They put their hands on their chests and pressed them, and then blow air into their mouths.

Looking at the two towering peaks of Chen Yanan in front of her, if she presses them, she will press those two "things" directly, and they will talk to each other, will she kill herself when she wakes up?

Not knowing where the courage came from, Zhuang Yi said secretly in his heart: "It doesn't matter, saving people is the most important thing."

Zhuang Yi imitated the movements on the TV and began to do it. After pressing thirty times, he pinched Chen Yanan's nose and blew into Chen Yanan's mouth.

Not long after, Lin Luo rushed over, bringing Chen Duling with him.

Seeing a group of people watching not far away, Lin Luo thought it should be here, and pulled Chen Duling over.

Seeing that Zhuang Yi was seriously giving Chen Yanan artificial respiration, Lin Luo couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing Lin Luo coming, Zhuang Yi felt relieved, and said, "Brother Luo, think of a way, I've been doing artificial respiration for so long and it doesn't work, and Officer Chen won't be in danger, right?" Xie asked with a frown .

"Let's give way first." Lin Luo stepped forward, and activated the medical system in his mind, which was downloaded by the system when he rescued the old man who suddenly fell to the ground in Macau last time.

Lin Luo put his hands on Chen Yanan's temples to feel what was going on in Chen Yanan's mind.

"Officer Chen was chasing a thief just now. I wanted to help, so I threw the phone out to hit the thief. Who knew that the thief dodged and hit Officer Chen. Officer Chen passed out on the spot." Zhuang Yi hurriedly explained. road.

Hearing Zhuang Yi's explanation, Lin Luo felt strange. The phone should not have hurt too much when the phone was dropped. Why did Zhuang Yi give her artificial respiration just now and did not respond for so long.

Lin Luo felt strange and suddenly thought of a way.

After my astrological stone system is activated, my eyesight can become very extraordinary, will I be able to see the gloomyness in it?

Without further ado, Lin Luo turned on the Xiangshi system at the same time, and his eyes suddenly became very clear and energetic, but the change was very small, and the onlookers had to be very careful to notice it.

0...ask for flowers

Lin Luo is now looking at Chen Yanan's head, the head is hazy with a layer of cloud, and it is gray cloud.

The medical system reminds: In traditional Chinese medicine, each person has his own color, and each color corresponds to a different state. For example, gray means that he has been sick for a long time, white means a small cold or other illness, black means If it is red, it means that death is not far away; moreover, red represents health and ruddy.

And now a cloud of gray air surrounds Chen Yanan's head, presumably there should be a problem with his head, but the cell phone thrown by Zhuang Yi triggered the problem or made it worse.


"Let's take her to the hospital first." Lin Luo said without hesitation.

Even now that Lin Luo's eyes have become extraordinary, he doesn't have the ability to see through that kind of abnormality, so he still can't see the illness inside, and needs medical equipment to check it.

Zhuang Yi hurriedly called, and an ambulance arrived soon.

Chen Yanan still didn't wake up after being sent to the hospital. Zhuang Yi looked at Lin Luo's serious expression again and felt that he had caused a catastrophe and the situation had become serious.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. It's not all because of you. She should have had problems with her head for a long time. Your smash just caused the problems."

Soon after, the doctor came out and said, "Who is the relative of the patient?"

Lin Luo and others looked at it, Zhuang Yi said: "We are all her friends, what happened to her doctor?"

The doctor took off his mask and said: "The patient's brain originally had a block of blood and needed surgery. Please contact her family."


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