"Is there congestion?" Zhuang Yi covered his mouth.

"Did my mobile phone throw police officer Chen's head out of blood?" Zhuang Yi panicked.

"Yes, there was a blood clot in the patient's brain, and this time it encountered some impacts. The blood clot was originally unstable, and now it has pressed the nerve. If it is not treated in time, it will be life-threatening." The doctor said After leaving, Chen Yanan was immediately pushed to the inpatient department.

"Let's go there." Lin Luo was not as anxious as Zhuang Yi. He felt that his medical system would be able to treat her, so he arranged for Chen Yanan to live in a room by himself.

"You go and prepare some "120" needles for acupuncture." Lin Luo said to Shiism.

"Okay." Zhuang Yi is now waiting for the idol in his heart to save the woman he loves, and when he heard Lin Luo's order, he hurried out to prepare.

Without Lin Luo, Zhuang Yi really doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know Chen Yanan's family, and he has no right to make decisions.

"Are you sure?" Chen Duling put away his usual joking character at this moment, and asked Lin Luo seriously.

Although Chen Duling didn't have a good impression of this Chen Yanan, it was a human life after all.

When Lin Luo was in Macau before, Chen Duling had also seen Lin Luo's methods, and he could always create miracles on Lin Luo.

But now that there is a hospital, Chen Duling always feels that Lin Luo is not a professional doctor after all, if something happens, it is a life.

Lin Luo could see Chen Duling's worry, and put his arms around Chen Duling and said, "I believe in your husband, I have confidence, and you should also have confidence in me. When have I let you down?"

That's right, it seems that since I met Lin Luo, I have never been disappointed.

Not long after, Zhuang Yi came back in a hurry.

"Lingling, help me lift her up. Zhuang Yi went outside to watch out. Someone came and called me." Lin Luo said while holding a needle for disinfection.

Zhuang Yi quickly got up and went to guard the door.

"Looking at his sloppy personality before, it seems that he really likes Police Officer Chen." Lin Luo said to Chen Duling.

"That's right, I've never seen him look so serious." Chen Duling helped Chen Yanan up and said.

"Okay, you hold her steady." Lin Luo said, and picked up a needle.

The medical system is turned on.

Lin Luo swiftly inserted twenty-four needles into Chen Yanan's head, shoulders, chest and other acupoints. According to the instructions of the medical system, Lin Luo's Feng must use some wood to assist Chen Yayong's true energy flow.

True Qi is gathering in Chen Yanan's body, surrounding the blood clot, and nourishing that part.

True qi is the qi and blood in the human body. What Lin Luo is doing now is to help Chen Yanan move the qi and blood in Chen Yanan's body to the designated place to nourish the diseased part.

The blood clot was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, melting into the blood, the blood clot was slowly reducing, and Chen Yanan gradually became conscious.

Of course, Lin Luo couldn't see the phenomenon of blood clot ablation. He didn't have the ability to see through, so he could only wait for Chen Yanan to wake up.

Looking at Chen Yanan's face and expression, he seemed to have relaxed a lot, not as painful as before.

Lin Luo turned on the extraordinary eyesight of the Xiangshi system to observe, and found that the gray cloud covering Chen Yanan's head appeared a little rosy, and this red part seemed to be absorbing the gray part.

After an hour, the cloud on Chen Yanan's head had completely turned into a normal red state, and Lin Luo knew that Chen Yanan's problem had been solved...

"Okay, I'm going to get the needles back." Lin Luo said lightly, followed the prompts on the medical system to retract all the needles in order and quickly clicked on Chen Yanan's body a few times

Chen Yanan seemed to be stuck on the acupuncture points before and couldn't move. Now the acupuncture points were released all of a sudden, his body staggered, and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, Chen Duling was at the side and wiped Chen Yayong away in time. 7006004081480190]

After Chen Yanan woke up, he found that the person in front of him was Lin Luo, whom he hated.

But seeing that Lin Luo didn't speak, he was still handling the needle in his hand seriously, and the one next to him was Lin Luo's girlfriend, Chick, who beat him up on the pedestrian street that day.

After touching his head, he still felt a little dizzy and painful, and then he remembered that he had just passed out.

"Could it be that they saved me?" Chen Yanan thought to himself.

"No way? They're not doctors, but the needles in Lin Luo's hands are the ones used for acupuncture seen on TV." Chen Yanan thought about Chen Kangling and realized that Chen Yanan was awake.

"Are you awake?" Chen Du 1.9 Ling said happily, as if he forgot that he once hated her.

Chen Yanan knew that he had suffered a head injury before, and the doctor told him that he had a blood clot in his brain, but he felt that the blood clot was so small that it would not be a problem, and for the sake of the police force he loved, he did not tell the police force and concealed his condition.

"Zhuang Yi." Seeing that Chen Yanan was awake, Lin Luo glanced at him and called for Shiism to come in.

As soon as Zhuang Yi heard Lin Luo's voice, he hurried in. He was always in a tense state of mind when he was letting the wind outside, and he was so nervous that he would die if there was any trouble.

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