Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 222: Splashing Dirty Water

Chapter 222: Splashing Dirty Water

Li Mubai clearly had a plan in mind and asked Yang Ming, "How did your search for patients go?"

"I found them. Following your instructions, I found two patients with different conditions."

As Yang Ming was about to operate the computer, he inadvertently glanced at Lin Qianqian's eyes.

Li Mubai knew that Yang Ming was worried about the personal relationship between Lin Qianqian and He Liang. He said, "It's okay, I trust my employees and have nothing to hide." He even deliberately said to Lin Qianqian with a playful tone, "Little helper, I believe that with your professional ethics, you won't let emotions cloud your judgment, right?"

"I can avoid it," Lin Qianqian naturally wouldn't do anything unethical. But seeing He Liang being calculated and framed with her own eyes, she was quite conflicted.

"The business world is like a battlefield, full of conspiracies and calculations. You will be working for me long-term, so you can't miss out on such an exciting lesson." Obviously, Li Mubai was determined to put Lin Qianqian in a dilemma. Instead of letting this girl waver indefinitely, it would be better to quickly secure her position.

Seeing this, Yang Ming quickly took out some information and pointed to a photo of a middle-aged man, explaining, "This man has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and is receiving treatment at the City People's Hospital. He comes from a wealthy background. He owns three houses and two cars. Because he is a local resident and has medical insurance, the cost of treatment is not a problem. But upon investigation, this family is very shrewd and cunning."

As he finished speaking, Yang Ming revealed a meaningful smile.

Li Mubai seemed quite satisfied and instructed, "Then you will have our marketing staff impersonate sanitation workers and invite them to launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise medical expenses. Not only will we help them recover the treatment costs, but we will also help them make some extra money! And when the time is right, you will give them some suggestions, the more sensational the better. This is your expertise."

"To make such a good family raise funds... Alright, I understand. This is truly a brilliant scheme!"

Sun Shuyang, who was extremely shrewd, instantly realized it!

This was intentionally digging a hole for Huishengtang!

Imagine, the original purpose of Huishengtang's crowdfunding project was to raise funds for impoverished families who couldn't afford medical treatment. But Li Mubai secretly manipulated a wealthy patient to use this platform to make money. If this matter were to be exposed, the consequences would be severe!

Even Sun Shuyang was convinced that Li Mubai had already prepared a plan to treat the knife wound, waiting for Huishengtang's platform to help raise a large sum of charitable funds for the patient. Then, using the media and other channels, he would fan the flames. This would not only expose the greedy patient's family, but also raise doubts among the public about the Huishengtang platform!

By then, this newly established online medical platform would truly be strangled in its infancy!

"How can I call it a scheme?" If the patient's family still had a bit of conscience, using force to make them raise money would be useless. But, sigh, the human mind is often the most fragile, especially when it comes to greed."

...Flower request...

Li Mubai seemed confident. This not only showed his trust in Yang Ming's abilities, but also his confidence that the patient's family would never refuse such a golden opportunity to make a lot of money. Now everything was ready, they just needed the right opportunity to splash dirty water.

Not only was Lin Qianqian stunned, even Sun Shuyang, who was familiar with plots and calculations, was surprised.

This plan almost completely grasped the weakness of human nature, making it impossible to guard against.

Huishengtang could try to discover and remedy the situation in a timely manner, but the stain had already been cast. Even if they strengthened supervision afterwards, it would be futile!

"Let me guess," Sun said, "After we break the competition, it's time to create momentum for our mutual fund." Sun immediately caught on to the train of thought. "And it must be a positive momentum."

Li Mubai didn't answer and gestured for Yang Ming to continue.

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders, and monthly tickets!!!!

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders, and monthly tickets!!!!

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders, and monthly tickets!!!!

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