Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 223 Positive And Negative Marketing

Chapter 223: Positive and Negative Marketing

"The second patient, as per your request, has been found in Huahai Hospital. She is a little girl suffering from leukemia," Yang Ming pointed out another piece of information. "In contrast to the previous family, the girl's family are migrant workers with no medical insurance and poor economic strength. They have already sold their hometown house to raise funds for the girl's medical expenses.

Regarding this little girl, what I value the most is her potential for publicity. She is very optimistic and strong. She also loves painting. She has drawn several crayon drawings and gave them to the doctors and nurses who take care of her. As a result, the doctors and nurses really like this little girl. They even helped plead with the hospital authorities to extend the deadline for her medical fees. I believe that even if we don't promote her to the fullest, her story will still garner sympathy from countless netizens."

Li Mubai said, "Great, she will be the first client of our mutual aid fund. Once the negative publicity is over, we will launch a large-scale promotion of this positive model. In addition to helping her raise funds, we will also donate in our name to support her education and painting. We will write a wonderful story about the kindness and beauty of mutual assistance between people."

"Mr. Li, please rest assured, this is my specialty!" Yang Ming said proudly.

"Clap clap clap clap clap..."

Sun Shuyang clapped his hands and smiled, "Li Dashao, impressive! You have broadened my horizons. I have witnessed a classic case of business marketing. Now I can't wait to see the next battle on the fishing boat. It must be exciting!"

"It's quite unexpected to receive praise from such a beautiful lady like you," Li Mubai said with his signature cool smile. "But before we enter the big show, Miss Yang, can you make a decision based on today's examination results?"

"Of course, even if Mr. He hesitates, I will definitely invest in the partnership enterprise and do business with smart people. That is our primary goal in the investment industry!" At this point, Sun Shuyang's impression of being a playboy and a fool had completely disappeared. He stood up, extended his hand generously, and smiled, "I wish us a successful cooperation in advance!"

"It's not just about being successful, but about achieving a complete victory!" Li Mubai corrected seriously.

"If I become your opponent, I will be in big trouble," Sun Shuyang smirked, tilting his head mischievously. "That Yun Guotao, luckily he recruited you as his son-in-law. Otherwise, this positive example wouldn't have fallen into his lap. Are you still going to drag him down?"

"That depends on his own choice. In any case, I have already shown my sincerity," Li Mubai said vaguely.

Indeed, the reason for finding a positive example in Huahai Hospital was to send a signal of cooperation to Yun Guotao and make him completely switch sides.

In order to do this, besides having the goal of completing the system's mission, there was another idea, but it was currently difficult to reveal.

The intention to cooperate had been reached, and the two immediately discussed the details of the sharing. Seeing that it was almost noon, Li Mubai suggested having lunch together.

"Unfortunately, I have an appointment with a client at noon." Sun Shuyang picked up her limited edition Kun bag and prepared to leave. But after taking a few steps, she suddenly remembered something and turned back with a smile, "By the way, Yangzi is my nickname. Except for relatives and elders, I usually don't allow others to call me that. But since you made an exception to pick me up today, I'll make an exception too."

"I'm honored..." Li Mubai smiled gracefully.

After her graceful figure disappeared at the door, Li Mubai turned to Lin Qianqian and teased, "If you have something to say, just say it. Don't hold back. Take advantage of the good mood now, and I won't pursue anything you say."

Lin Qianqian had long wanted to scold Li Mubai, but she restrained herself and pouted, muttering, "Can such a thing really be done?"

Li Mubai laughed heartily and said, "What's wrong with it? I exposed a greedy and despicable scum and helped a critically ill child. Have you ever seen such a conscientious villain?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Qianqian rolled her eyes in frustration but suddenly remembered what a teacher had said: Often, overcoming evil is not justice, but a more powerful evil, 1.9!

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PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, reviews, votes for updates, and monthly tickets!!!!

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, reviews, votes for updates, and monthly tickets!!!!

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