Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2892 Statistics

"Tell me, who defrauded them of their points stones?"

"The depth of that person's hiding will only be known when he returns to the academy and counts the integration stones."

"He defrauded twenty teams of Class A Point Stones, which is a thousand Point Stones. This amount is too terrifying."

"In this way, even the entire team's points will be increased, and his personal points will definitely be ranked first."

On the deck of the Tyrannosaurus ship, everyone was chatting away.

Chen Yang looked solemn and thought to himself: "The Dean Lu mentioned by Quan Rui must be Lu Tianhe, the founder of Longwu Academy. "The God of Creation Xiu Gong" belongs to Lu Tianhe, Lu Jianping's grandfather Lu Fei and Lu Tianhe They are exactly the same, and it was he who taught me this skill. In this case, is Lu Fei really Lu Tianhe?"

Chen Yang had this idea from the beginning because Lu Fei and Lu Tianhe looked so similar.

However, he asked Lu Fei at that time, but Lu Fei denied it.

Now related to "The God of Creation Xiugong", Chen Yang felt that either Lu Fei was lying, or Lu Fei had lost some memories.

In other words, Lu Fei is just like Lu Tianhe's spiritual thought like Master Hao Lan.

But since he remembers "The God of Creation Xiu Gong", why doesn't he remember that he is Lu Tianhe?

After much thought, Chen Yang finally made a decision and said to himself: "When the assessment is over, I will go to the Western Continent to confirm."

The Tyrannosaurus boat was very fast and soon arrived at Longwu Academy. After stopping at Shuanglong Square, everyone got off the Tyrannosaurus boat. This huge flying ship stopped in the center of Double Dragon Square and sank into the ground.

The next step is to count the points stones of each team and calculate the individual total points. The order is from the first team to the forty-seventh team.

Each team gets one hundred point stones, and the 47th team gets one hundred and twenty points because they have two more people.

In the entire team assessment, the total number of points stones added up to 4,702.

The total number of point stones between each team is equal to your increase and my decrease, so there will not be a situation where a certain team has too many or too few.

Moreover, even if there are very outstanding individuals in each team, they cannot completely influence the strength of the entire team. The entire team must unite to compete with other teams.

All in all, there are strengths and weaknesses among each team, but the gap is not too big, and the overall situation is relatively balanced.

Therefore, the final results are relatively balanced, and the total amount of point stones for each team will not exceed fifty yuan.

Soon, all the twenty-eight teams in front were registered.

Not only the total team score is registered, but also the number of point stones owned by individuals is registered.

Therefore, the total points of each person in the top twenty-eight teams can be calculated and listed on a floating stone slab.

The slate is controlled by formations and will be automatically ranked based on each disciple's points.

Looking from top to bottom, the current rankings are:

First place: Xu Zhiping, team points 127/100 + individual points 9 = 10.27 points

Second place: Duan Xiaofei, team points 132/100 + individual points 8 = 9.32 points

Third place: Wu Qian, team points 137/100 + personal points 7 = 8.37 points.

Judging from the scores on the slate, the proportion of team points is very low, and it is almost individual points that determine the ranking.

In other words, the top-ranked disciples must be the leaders in each team, otherwise, they would not be able to have so many point stones individually.

It was as if the entire team worked for them. Although everyone shared points, in the end most of the points fell into their pockets.

There is still a slight gap in the rankings at the front, but at the back, because the individual points are very few, almost 1 or 0, the gap is not big, that is, a few tenths, or even a few tenths.

"Team Twenty-Nine."

An elder deacon sat in front of the stone slab showing the points ranking and shouted loudly.

The disciples of Team 29 stepped forward, Chu Yu was the first, and said: "Deacon Qi Chunyue, the total number of points stones for our Team 29 is one hundred and seventeen, and I personally have four."


Deacon Yue nodded and waved his right hand, and Chu Yu's points appeared on the stone slab dozens of widths.

Seventeenth place: Chu Yu, team points 117/100 + personal points 4 = 5.17 points.

This ranking is very good. Among thousands of disciples, it is already at the forefront.

Chu Yu nodded with satisfaction and retreated into the team.

Next is Yu Lin, whose score is one point lower than Chu Yu, ranking in the thirties.

Both of their rankings are considered very high.

In fact, in this team battle, because twenty teams were defrauded of half of their point stones, many people who were originally strong were left behind.

Of course, there are also strong teams among these. The team members voluntarily contribute point stones and give them to others to increase their personal points and thereby improve their ranking.

For example, Wang Luo from Team 9 has a team score of 0.42, but he personally has 7 point stones, with a total score of 7.42, ranking ninth.

There are many such people.

On the surface, the proportion of individual points is too heavy, which seems to go against the meaning of "team".

But in fact, team battles are not about cultivating everyone, but about allowing those who are outstanding to lead others.

During the assessment, individuals need to have absolute leadership in the team, otherwise others may not be willing to hand over the points stones.

Soon, everyone in the 29th team except Chen Yang completed registration.

Yi Jifeng and Dong Yi both scored 2.17, ranking within the top 100.

"There is one more person."

Deacon Yue looked at Chen Yang and shouted.

Hearing this, Chu Yu bowed to Deacon Yue and said with a smile: "Deacon Yue, Junior Brother Chen did not contribute to the team in the team battle, so he did not get points. Please register him as 1.17 points. .”


Deacon Yue nodded and wanted to record Chen Yang's score.

Chen Yang stood up and shouted: "Wait a minute."

Seeing this, Chu Yu said coldly: "Chen Yang, are you dissatisfied with the college's team assessment? You dare to interrupt Deacon Yue's registration of scores!"

This label is too big. If he is held accountable, it can be said that Chen Yang ignored the laws of the academy, which is a heavy responsibility.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Yang, including Deacon Yue, who wanted to see how Chen Yang would explain.

Chen Yang looked calm, glanced at Chu Yu coldly, and said: "I don't want to interrupt Deacon Yue's registration, but I am worried that someone has deceived Deacon Yue and made Deacon Yue register wrong points."

"You lied to Deacon Yue, who are you talking about?"

Chu Yu pointed at Chen Yang and said coldly.

Seeing this situation, everyone immediately understood that Chu Yu, as the leader of Team 29, did not get along with Chen Yang. Otherwise, he would not have given a single point stone to Chen Yang.

Deacon Yue's face darkened and he said in a cold voice: "Why are you arguing? Chen Yang, if you have any objections, please raise them."

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