Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3360 The black mist changes


Seeing the black mist rushing over, Chen Yang immediately used all his spiritual power to shatter the gray mist wrapping around his feet, and retreated sharply.


The black mist roared in the demon language, suddenly accelerated its speed, and struck.

Since divine consciousness can shatter the gray mist, it proves that everything here is indeed formed by divine consciousness.

Seeing the black mist chasing after him, Chen Yang immediately used the trick of enigma.

But what he didn't expect was that after using this move, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any reaction.

And he also sensed that the black mist was very vast, even compared to God Jie Mi, it was not inferior in any way, or even stronger.

"not good."

Seeing that there was no way to confuse the orifice, the black mist came quickly. Chen Yang secretly thought that it was not good, and there was no other way to deal with it.

But what he didn't expect was that the black mist suddenly stopped the moment it reached him.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

The black mist suddenly retreated, retreated to the door of the thatched cottage, rotated and changed, and turned into a young woman wearing a blue gown. There were slightly raised horns on both sides of her forehead, and she was obviously a demon.

The young woman is of average appearance and has the temperament of Xiaojiabiyu, which makes people like her.

Chen Yang was stunned by the sudden change, wondering how this black mist had turned into a woman.

This bronze statue of Molech was full of weirdness. He didn't want to stay any longer and immediately flew back, wanting to leave here.

"Sir, please stay, I really won't hurt you."

The young woman took a few steps forward, as if she was worried about scaring Chen Yang. She stopped again, her eyes full of sadness.

"It doesn't look like she was faking it, and if she really wanted to hurt me, she wouldn't stop just now."

Chen Yang thought to himself, stopped, and said to the woman, "Who are you and why do you live here?"


The woman looked puzzled and continued: "This is my home, I..."

Before the woman could finish her words, with a swish, she transformed into black mist again, but instead of the fierce and gloomy black mist before, she felt sad instead.

However, Chen Yang was still startled when the black mist appeared.

Just as he was about to leave, the black mist changed again and turned into a demon child, about three or four years old. He was holding a piece of food that Chen Yang had never seen before. He stared at Chen Yang curiously and said, "Hey , Big brother, are you a demon? But why don’t you have three heads and six arms like the demon Molech?”

"What's happening here?"

Chen Yang was confused and was about to ask the child. The child changed again and turned into an old man. He said to Chen Yang: "Demon God Molech, have you appeared?"

With a swish, the old man changed again and became an old woman...

Next, within a quarter of an hour, the black mist continued to appear, transforming into a brand new demon each time.

Young women, children, old men, old women, strong men, businessmen, prostitutes...

All kinds of characters have appeared.

Chen Yang looked at it for a while, thoughtfully, and thought to himself: "Could it be that these images are the power of faith that has not been purified and remains in the masterless spirit?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yang immediately asked Lao Li for confirmation.

However, after he asked, Lao Li did not hear back.

"It seems that the surrounding gray fog will block the power of consciousness."

Chen Yang glanced at Heiwu who had turned into a dancer. He wanted to observe more, but found that his soul was already a little unstable.

Logically speaking, with his 250,000-level spiritual consciousness, he should be able to stay out of the body for an hour or two without any problem.

But less than half an hour later, instability appeared, which showed that the spirit in the bronze statue would be eaten away. If it stayed there for a long time, the spirit would disappear.

Chen Yang immediately left the bronze statue and returned to his body.

"How about it?"

Seeing Chen Yang return to the sea of ​​consciousness, Lao Li asked.

Chen Yang told Lao Li what he saw and heard, as well as the situation when using the magic technique.

After listening, Lao Li muttered: "From your description, it can be judged that the soul in the bronze statue should have reached the realm of immortality. But what is strange is why this ownerless soul can integrate so many beliefs. power and preserved it?”

Lao Li fell into thinking. After a while, his eyes brightened and he said, "Could it be that the master of the soul deliberately left those powers of faith to convey certain messages?"

Chen Yang asked in confusion: "Sending a message? What message?"

Lao Li said: "This is just my guess. If you want to confirm whether it is the truth, you must enter the bronze statue, see every demon clan once, and remember the actions and words he said. , the expression he showed and everything else, and then summarize the reasoning.”

Chen Yang frowned and said: "This is too troublesome, and among the images of the power of faith, there is a gloomy and ferocious existence, which is the one I sensed at the beginning. When I enter the bronze statue, if I encounter that guy, I will probably Die inside.”

Lao Li said: "After you go in, you are on the edge and can run for your life at any time. He shouldn't be able to hurt you."

Chen Yang curled his lips and said, "Old Li, you mean that you are determined to let me go in to collect information."

Lao Li said: "I am 90% sure that there is information hidden in the power of faith. It is up to you whether you want to try it or not."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, I believe you."

Next, Chen Yang found a quiet cave in Yinjia Mountain, where he spent every day cultivating his spirit and entering the bronze statue.

Because the energy consumed when leaving the body is extremely high, he needs to rest for an hour or two every time he comes out of the bronze statue.

The time spent in the bronze statue was only a quarter of an hour.

Therefore, it took him three days to meet everyone in the bronze statue.

In order to confirm that the various people transformed by the black mist were not random, Chen Yang continued for three more days, and finally determined that the black mist transformed into various characters in an orderly manner.

During this period, Chen Yang encountered two more times. The gloomy and ferocious black mist did not turn into a human form and attacked him directly.

Fortunately, he was on the inner edge of the bronze statue and reacted quickly enough to escape.

Six full days later, Chen Yang concluded that the total number of people he had seen in the bronze statue was four hundred and sixty-seven.

If you add the vicious black mist itself, then there should be four hundred and sixty-eight.

With his strong memory and recording every time he came out of the bronze statue, Chen Yang had mastered all the movements, expressions, and characteristics of the 467 people, and recorded every word they said.

But the next work is a bit huge. It is not a simple matter to analyze and reason about these complex data.

"Old Li, if you finally find out that the various characters transformed by the black mist have no fucking connection, I won't let you go."

Chen Yang glanced at Lao Li, and then began to sort out the data.

Lao Li smiled and said: "Hey, you did it yourself, it's none of my business."

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